Town role PMs, part one:
QuadrAlien: Dear QuadrAlien,
You are the Caterpillar (Town Doctor).
With decades of experience and wisdom behind you, who cares if you’re not the most agile person in Wonderland. Your healing methods may be unorthodox, but they are surprisingly effective; a bite off one of your carefully grown and tended mushrooms can fix all sorts of ailments. And perhaps the smoke of your trusty hookah plays its part, too. What exactly it is you’re putting in there is one of the greatest secrets of your trade.
You are slow to anger, but the very idea of a group of organised criminals is abhorrent to you. You are determined to do your best to stop the menace once and for all.
-Each night you may send to the moderator the name of one player you want to protect. That player will be protected from the first attempt to kill them that night.
Win condition:
You win when all the other factions are dead.
jesskitten: Dear jesskitten,
You are the Dormouse (Town Macho Cop).
Everyone thinks of you as more of a piece of furniture than an actual living being. But while it’s true you’re not particularly quick and often look like you’re asleep, you have actually always been keeping one eye half open. This way, you have learned a lot over the years, and you could actually claim to be the most informed person in all of Wonderland, if you cared to do so. But in general, you do not like drawing too much attention to yourself.
You are secretive by nature, and often try to back off when you feel you’re too much in the spotlight. You believe it’s a useful trait to have, even though it could possibly turn against you one day.
- Each night you may send to the moderator the name of one player you want to investigate. You will learn what the player’s allegiance is.
- In the current paranoid atmosphere, you don’t trust anyone at all. If a doctor tries to protect you at night, you will choose to hide from them and the protection will be ineffective.
Win condition:
You win when all the other factions are dead.
TwilightBard: Dear TwilightBard,
You are the White King (Town Post Restricted Tracker).
When you heard about the death of your most trusted servant and, yes, in many ways a personal friend Humpty Dumpty, you knew the time has come to deal with this menace. As a king, you find it difficult to get personally involved in the ongoing investigations of every citizen of Wonderland, but you still have the help of your trusted royal messengers you can count on. They are not particularly skilled in spying, but they can at least follow the movements of people at night.
You don’t know where you picked up that habit originally, but you are known for being inexplicably fond of words beginning with the letter H. The messengers have learned to use this as a password of sorts, making sure it really is you who is giving the orders. You thought this precaution was uncharacteristically wise of them, and decided to adopt it officially.
- Each of your posts must include at least one word beginning with the letter “h”. If you fail to do so during the day, you cannot perform your ability on the following night. You are not allowed to talk about this restriction to anyone or provide any hints, under threat of modkill.
-Each night you may send to the moderator the name of one player you want to track. You will learn whom (if anyone) the player targeted that night, but not the action the player performed.
Win condition:
You win when all the other factions are dead.
Taleroth: Dear Taleroth,
You are the Bandersnatch (Town One Shot Vigilante).
No one even knows what you are, exactly. Even you aren’t too sure about that. But you do know you are the Bandersnatch, and what more do you need? You’re known for being quick to anger and swift in your retributions. Life isn’t particularly valuable to you, neither your own nor anyone else’s. You suppose all Bandersnatches are like that, which probably explains why you never met one.
- Once during the game, at night, you may send to the moderator the name of one player you want to attempt to kill.
Win condition:
You win when all the other factions are dead.
Vitek: Dear Vitek,
You are the Walrus (Town One Shot Friendly Neighbour).
Sporting the greatest moustache in all of Wonderland, you can’t understand how anyone could be mad at you. True, the Carpenter never exactly liked you, but still you considered him something of a friend. When you saw his strangled corpse that washed upon the shore one morning, you knew that the time for fun and games (and oyster feasts!) was probably over, but despite the circumstances, you can’t help but still feel rather cheerful and friendly. It’s a nice world, so why make living in it so hard?
-Once during the game, at night, you may send to the moderator the name of one player you want to send a friendly greeting to. The player will receive a message from the moderator, confirming your allegiance to Town. Note that you can’t personalise the message in any way.
Win condition:
You win when all the other factions are dead.