Robbeasy: Jesskitten - interesting one. Went after Orryrro with a fairly weak theory about FoS ing, especially when you consider she conveniently ignored Quadralien, who also FoS'd me at the same time. Not liking that one bit. Read is leaning Mafia.
Quadralien - the FoS on me after my claim was slightly odd, but can be put down to being new, and anyway removed it later. Slight worries of guilt by association - why would Jesskitten ignore that FoS but attack Orry's?? Neutral, with reservations.
The reason was threefold.
- One that Quad seems (at least on this site, and from his posts so far) new to the game, Orry isn't.
- Two is that Quad did it first, and Orry did it after as though piggybacking the FoS with another. It's like "Yeah, I tooootally agree with Quad, you are suspicious! But only suspicious enough to wag a finger at you (and please don't look back too hard on me as I'll hide beneath his FoS!)" kind of thing. Trying to look like scumhunting while playing the Appeasement card.
- Three, while that doesn't mean he can't be Mafia, as the points are semi-valid, even if they're weak early points, it was pressure voting, to provoke reactions both from him and others. Look at the wagon that's started on him because I sounded sincere (note, it WAS sincere at the point when I made the post in #62, because that was what had jumped out the most at me so far, but a lot of it is the tone of how you attack/pressure someone):
We have:
Quadrallen (#99)
QuadrAlien: (after considerable reading)...Hmm...
I've been reading Orryyrro's excuse for his choice of voting again - he states the following:
Orryyrro: I'd far rather my vote put pressure on a random vote than it to put pressure on someone who has already claimed.
QuadrAlien: So he doesn't care who his vote is for, just as long as he gains information from it... In other words, following my own attempts to think like the Mafia in my prior attempts at logic, Orryyrro could well be searching for our power roles and only using FoS on Rob because he's revealed he's not as important a target...
My logic has already been brought into question, but still -
Vote Orryyrro.
I read that as town. Brings up a good point, gives his own view on another interpretation of the same quote.
ViolatorX (#104)
ViolatorX: Wow missed a lot of posts
@robbeasy I see your arguement as a double edged sword really, I would class it as a very bold move to come out as a millar at the beginning of the game and can understand your reasoning for it, On the other hand its often a classic mafia move for a goon once they have the guily result turned onto them.
He could have easily bluffed that the cop was insane or paranoid(its neverland afterall) if investigated so he looks less guility that he came out with it so time will tell hes low in my list of suspects.
@Teleroth and (others who have the same theory) If he wanted to get himself killed as he was a jester,bomb etc Im sure he would have done a great job of getting himself killed like popinjay did in game 4
@quadralien,Jess - I actually dismissed orryyrros vote as just a mere rvs but he does look like he is using it as a cover up to snoop at other peoples identities which looks very shady indeed I noticed when he gave his list of suspicions on robb then he would have surely changed the vote if he was that confident. Im currently getting a town reading for both of you so I will
unvote quadralien @fexen im unsure as you havent posted enough but you have jumped right onto robb's case but again is fair enough given the situation but shady without any real reasoning and just the manner and timing in which you jumped in, the delay looked a bit like you were lurking.
@nazarush I'd like your opinion on matters you have been a bit quiet apart from the rvs at the start.
@Vitek I can see the potential in your reasoning that jess may have suspicious tendencies but would probably need to hear more to.
Anyone else really hasnt given me a read and a robb vote in day 1 wouldnt achieve anything and in my head so far I think the scum are fexen and orryyro
orryyro I find that a little scummy, (though not enough to vote.) because a lot of what is in this post is fence-sitting. He muses that you may be Mafia, but doesn't give any read on you other than that it's bold and a double-edged sword. And tries to throw the hypothetical future cop's sanity into question. Briefly references an ongoing game, of which it's a dead-end in terms of discussion (cause we're not allowed to discuss the details of ongoing games so we can't discuss the merits of that comparison very much). And he bandwagons our vote. But I don't think that's scummy in and of itself because he gives a reason why, and because he made the attempt to make a list of reads and lay out his town/neutral/scum reads.
But it could be bandwagoning, and is worth watching later.
Taleroth: I think your reasoning works. Therefore:
Unvote nmillar, vote Orryyrro Since he has the most votes already.
THIS post is scummy as heck though, because we're 2 days or so into a 7 day deadline, and he (?) is voting not because of the reasons given that Orry is scummy, but because of time? That could be a new-player-tell though, but seriously, we're only just past 25% of the time we have to decide on a lynch. The longer discussion goes on (within reason, of course) the more information we get out in the open and the more chance Mafia has to slip up. Of course we shouldn't make it last until a few minutes before the deadline each time, but generally it's a Mafia thing to try to stifle discussion as soon as possible, and a Town thing to want to prolong discussion until things seem to die out, to get as much information out as possible.
Preview edit:
Taleroth: Oh, please. Half the votes at this stage lack any
real reason. Get over it.
And so is this. What Orry said, since his post also appeared while I was refreshing.
@Robb Also, this was a ??? moment up till his most recent post,
Robbeasy: Orryrro - Another interesting one. Has been popping around with his voting, but remember, as Town, its the only weapon we have! Getting info is always a good move. Leaning Town.
because actually he had not changed his vote at all from the RVS stage. It's very interesting you see him as town, because he attacked you in particular and only threw an FoS instead of voting. It's classic Mafia buddying, even though I don't see oyu as Mafia at the moment.
Time to look into this a bit more.
Unvote Orryyrro, vote Taleroth @Taleroth What are your reads on everyone in the game, please?
Also, this jester talk needs to stop. It (assumedly, since fairly large game) wouldn't end the game even if the jester wins, and Mafia will love throwing that out for this entire game so there's WIFOM over EVERY lynch wagon.