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ViolatorX: @eyeball if that was aimed it me elbaz has long claimed he was the trash compactor in day one, he even claimed vanilla as his role post 425(day 2). You confirmed that he was in post 527(day 3) from your day 2 investigation and claim it wasnt useful(we already know afterall) and in 531 you admit you have made poor choices(either accidently or deliberately) is the main reason I have an fos on you
Someone claiming doesn't make it true. Did we actually know?
I also wonder how you know who I investigated on which day? Also, why would I deliberately make poor choices? You're not making a lot of sense.
nmillar: Is everyone using their abilities on people who have already had their roles revealed?
eyeball226: Yeah... didn't think that one through. At. All.
The regarding poor choices comment I picked up from the semantics of what you said in this post, I dont know im assuming you are telling the truth but at the same time find it suspicious that what info you claim to know in your words you know GQ's role in post #506
you kind of claimed you knew her role in the posts around the 470-490 mark but didnt say till she already came out

She claimed beforehand and you have verifed it the same as as you have done for elbaz's

OOC:Im hoping I get this quoting bit right
TwilightBard: Claimed:
Elbaz - Trash Compactor (Town Vanilla) <------------- You Confirmed
nmillar - Electric Oven (Town Role Blocker)
GhostQlyph - The Kettle (Town Jack-Of-All-Trades) <---------------------------You confirmed
From what you said, anybody could have easily just picked out 2 of the 3 claims and seemingly rubber stamped them like you have is why it looks suspicious

For the way the conversation and via logic it went im assuming you went elbaz day 1 and GQ day 2 it doesnt really matter as both rod and elbaz himself said he was a trash compactor on day one so it would have made more sense to check him them.

When rod died and was confirmed a mafia lyncher why would you check him out, why would a mafia lyncher try and lynch a mafia lynchee? it wouldnt make any sense to have that role unless rod was lying about who his lynch target was but was gunning for elbaz his entire life in the game so it seems unlikely.

It could just be a way your hiding being a mafia flavor/role cop, spell out the obvious and trick the town whilst finding out info about the others changing your vote to me after I pointed out this fact if you had info on one of the 5 people that didnt claim I would have probably would have 100% believed you.

I'll whip out nmillars book of stats(heavy one too :D) and question what is the % chance that you investigated (in your words I might add) 2 of the 3 roles that are "confirmed" in post 503(a summary for easy reference) leaving the other 4 unconfirmed with no info Im sure you can understand it seems a little ironic?
eyeball226: Yeah... didn't think that one through. At. All.
ViolatorX: The regarding poor choices comment I picked up from the semantics of what you said in this post, I dont know im assuming you are telling the truth but at the same time find it suspicious that what info you claim to know in your words you know GQ's role in post #506
you kind of claimed you knew her role in the posts around the 470-490 mark but didnt say till she already came out

She claimed beforehand and you have verifed it the same as as you have done for elbaz's
Didn't actually answer my question properly...

eyeball226: Someone claiming doesn't make it true. Did we actually know?
I also wonder how you know who I investigated on which day? Also, why would I deliberately make poor choices? You're not making a lot of sense.
EDIT: questions
I'm not sure about anything anymore...the only thing I can say with certainty is that eyeball correctly identified me as town vanilla. As eyeball also identified Ghost's claim as being true, this works in Ghost's favor. Following from that, as I said before the idea that both Ghost and nmillar are telling the truth seems unlikely. Therefore, nmillar remains a suspect. BUT, Twilight claims that ViolatorX visited Vitek on the fateful night along with Ghost. Since I am relatively confident in Ghost (relatively) this casts ViolatorX in a bad light. Also, ViolatorX seems to be fairly defensive, especially toward eyeball who seems to be telling the truth. While not scummy in itself, this is sometimes a tell. So,

vote ViolatorX
hmmm I assume if i change my vote back to ViolatorX, I'm dropping the hammer, I'll need to re-read violatorX's post and the accusations unless someone whats to summarise it for me lol

Also can i get a vote count just to confirm who is voting for who
Confirmed by Death:
Red_Baron - Microwave Oven (Mafia Redirector)
Rodzaju - Trash Can (Mafia Lyncher)
Popinjay - Freezer (Town Jailer)
Vitek - Dishwasher (Town Bodyguard)

Elbaz - Trash Compactor (Town Vanilla)
nmillar - Electric Oven (Town Role Blocker)
GhostQlyph - The Kettle (Town Jack-Of-All-Trades)
TwilightBard - Tumble Dryer (Town Watcher)
ViolatorX - Water Cooler (Town Firefighter)

Not Claimed

eyeball226 - Name/Role Cop? Huh? Has hinted and let us come to our own decisions but I can't find a proper claim anywhere. It is 4am here though, so if I missed it can someone just point out the post number?

I've been sitting here trying to run scenarios in my head, but this sorta came up.

Alright, 3 Mafia 1 SK Scenario, our last Mafia is a roleblocker, made a block instead of trying to make a kill to keep a low profile. Reading the wiki says that an Arsonist's NK is usually a 50% chance, so I'm betting that just failed. Priming a target means we'd end up with a day unless that happens we know what most likely happened, or they kept a low profile as well.

4 Mafia 1 SK Scenario: Godfather did not make the NK, trusting that his hiding would keep him alive and out of suspicions. The Roleblocker made his block and the SK did...well, the same thing I outlined in the previous scenario.

The Someone is lying, but who? Scenario: Well...quite frankly, there's this...SOMEONE IS LYING ABOUT THEIR ROLE! I just don't know who, Eyeball hasn't really come out and said what his is, leaving us to sorta make our own assumptions there. I would have thought nmillar was our SK but I caught him visiting Ghost last night, and they've both confirmed a role block...if Ghost suddenly dies then we know who to lynch. Violator...I think might be telling the truth, but right now I'm trying to sort out everything we've learned for now and am hoping we can get somewhere soon.

I advise not lynching Violator just yet without damn good reason, It's very possible he is telling the truth. But, right now this is just speculation right now. More later as more information comes up, but I think keeping the claims list up to date will be a big help.
Ugh...I've decided I'm just not sure enough about ViolatorX to leave him at L-1 and possibly waking up to find him lynched and not,

Unvote ViolatorX
I've been thinking this over a bit. The information that TwilightBard has provided doesn't necessarily incriminate ViolatorX. A Town Watcher only knows who visited the person they target (Vitek), but not the people that their target visits themselves. Since Vitek was the Bodyguard, it seems likely he died protecting someone (assuming he wasn't the original target).

Of all the claims made so far, eyeball226's is the weakest (he's only revealed results of his investigations that match people's claims, rather than pre-empting them.

Unvote ViolatorX, Vote eyeball226.
Well, since I've already revealed my role I might as well make a formal claim:

I'm the Town Air Conditioner (Role cop). =/

Yeah, I wouldn't call an air conditioner whiteware either, but there we are. The logic for my role is a bit odd. Apparently I have everyone's manuals stashed inside my vents.
eyeball226: Well, since I've already revealed my role I might as well make a formal claim:

I'm the Town Air Conditioner (Role cop). =/

Yeah, I wouldn't call an air conditioner whiteware either, but there we are. The logic for my role is a bit odd. Apparently I have everyone's manuals stashed inside my vents.
If we want to talk about logical roles, then elbaz has the most illogical one. Trash Compactor? Vanilla?
eyeball226: Well, since I've already revealed my role I might as well make a formal claim:

I'm the Town Air Conditioner (Role cop). =/

Yeah, I wouldn't call an air conditioner whiteware either, but there we are. The logic for my role is a bit odd. Apparently I have everyone's manuals stashed inside my vents.
nmillar: If we want to talk about logical roles, then elbaz has the most illogical one. Trash Compactor? Vanilla?
And yet that one's definitely true. I investigated him because I thought he might have a power role that he was hiding but apparently not.
The "Logic is obvious at play here, since appliances are alive" votecount

elbaz - 1 - TwilightBard
nmillar - 2 - Robbeasy, ViolatorX
ViolatorX - 2 - GhostQlyph, eyeball226
GhostQlyph - 1 - andy433uk
eyeball226 - 1 - nmillar

A total of 8 votes.

ViolatorX and nmillar are tied to lynch at L-3.
Everyone is voting.
With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.

Deadline is 31st of May, 16:00 GMT+2.
nmillar: If we want to talk about logical roles, then elbaz has the most illogical one. Trash Compactor? Vanilla?
eyeball226: And yet that one's definitely true. I investigated him because I thought he might have a power role that he was hiding but apparently not.
Well, I appear to be strongly in the minority! :)
TwilightBard: The first night I chose to watch Vitek...I saw Ghost approach, but I also saw ViolatorX approach him too. I'm not certain why though.
nmillar: This is the important bit. If TwilightBard is indeed the Town Watcher, then he would have seen whoever killed him. ViolatorX verifies this by admitting he did indeed visit Vitek on night 1. What does this mean? GhostQlyph or ViolatorX killed him.
this ^ Can someone PLEASE explain to me how Violator is suspected here, but not Ghost??

Ghost is already under lots of suspicion because of other factors, but people seem to be ruling her out because Eyeball verified her claim of JoaT. Then theres this question from nmillar which everyone seems to have missed -

nmillar: Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a jack of all trades have the ability to perform a one-time use of each of the other town roles? If so, then your claim suggests we have a cop and a tracker. In the same post, you admit to being role blocked, which would contradict the jack of all trades claim ... Surely if you were the jack of all trades, you would have a one-time role block use as well?
Ghost claims all her powers are used up. Really A JoaT with only the two goes? And, with all the other claims knocking about, surely there should be more?
nmillars stance - Ghost was roleblocked, no-one died.
Twilight Bard verifies Ghost approached Vitek first night - Vitek died.
Eyeball verifies Ghosts claim, but you can easily have a Mafia JoaT.

Yet suddenly its ViolatorX one away from a lynching??

Can someone please explain why that is...? Is there a cast iron case against ViolatorX I've missed on my readthrough??

I know I've been oscillating between nmillar and Ghost - I still maintain one of them (or possibly both) is lying through their teeth. At the moment, with the new info that Ghost was seen approaching Vitek

unvote nmillar, vote GhostQlyph