GhostQlyph: Scum would react quick to defend themselves at any cost, or lay low entirely and hope the spotlight passes over. Defense is okay, even just acting dismissive altogether (see: nmillar), but overreaction and completely ignoring that there is a vote on you are pretty scummy.
This is why voting randomly works to spot mafia sometimes, because like you said, they might be overly defensive for no reason, or stay too quiet as to not draw attention (although the latter could simply be due to having a busy life). I'll withdraw my vote,
unvote GhostQlyph. I think you're too active, but not really in a very defensive mode, and I doubt the mafia would be writing out such long posts without fear of slipping up somehow (that's my theory at least).
GhostQlyph: The Dark Heresy thing does throw a spanner in the works, yes, but as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, "Early on it was admittedly asspulls and going off of tiny hunches, but it all paid off." I still find it fishy, but it's no longer a huge reason, it's just one pebble on a mountainside.
And this is why we should keep external influences out from this game, people. It can mess things up.
As for Damnation, he was definitely a little 'off', but then again I can see him making mistakes simply because he was under pressure. Nevertheless, he's gone up the suspect list for me as well.