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So now all we need is to hear pazzer's story of what happened to him last night. It's interesting that Ubivis didn't turn up dead, unless Ubivis is lying as protected himself during the night. But, I don't think he's lying because that would just seem like a weird thing to lie to lie about.

Something that just popped into my mind. Why would the Mafia block Typhoon a second time? Especially if pazzer is the more powerful townie power?
Investigated nmillar who came back as not mafia.
A character with Doc ability can't heal himself, this would make him invincible.
I don't know why I have not been lynched (or why no one is lynched at all), maybe another role with a special ability that protected me as well?

I am really confused at the moment. It does not make any sense to me, that Typhoon would have been blocked again, as he definitely has the least powerful ability from us three who roleclaimed.

As I know, that I am not Mafia (yes, I know everyone would say this from himself), and I tried to protect pazzer last night, I am more in my suspicion of Typhoon.
pazzer: Investigated nmillar who came back as not mafia.
You investigated the one person who was pretty sure you were scum?!

That makes sense, if you are a cop.

Ok - we have Ubivis, who claimed to protect Pazzer.

We have Typhoon, who claims roleblocked again, so didnt track anyone.

We have Pazzer, who says he checked out nmillar, who he says turned up Town.

Who to believe? Can we read what the Mafia did last night at all?

Would they go for the obvious hit on Pazzer, leaving the Tracker and the Doc? Surely if the Doc reveal was right, they would go for him, as they cant protect themselves?! It seems a hit on Pazzer is a little odd, as the Doc is sat there waiting...
but - that could be a Mafia ploy to leave the doc and sow suspicion about him.

What I really cant understand is why they would block Typhoon again, with two other more powerful roles there for the blocking ? Unless, of course, they haven't even got a blocker role.

If we take what everyone says at face value, its possible ALL THREE are town. Typhoon gets blocked as tracker, Ubivis protects Pazzer, who was targetted by Mafia for the kill.

2 things I dont get, and I think today might just boil down to which you believe is less likely

1) Would the Mafia leave the Doc alone when revealed, and target the cop? T'would be a devious ploy, but a high risk one - thats backfired as well, as they missed their kill.

2) Would they block Typhoon again - the stated weakest of the three roles - not weakest by much , but generally considered slightly weaker than Doc or Cop. Why would they block Typhoon when they could block the Doc with impunity and kill anyone they wanted?

[bFoS Typhoon]
[bFoS Ubivis]

Cant make my mind up which is more or less likely, so Fingers at both of you. Pazzer I think is in the clear, unless someone else can come up with a theory implicating him....;o))
hmm, I do think this szenario:

Mafia's thought was, that the cop has to be killed as this one could investigate one of them during the night (makes it easy for the town to lynch them).

This makes it clear to me, that the Mafia has no roleblocker, as the best case for last night would be: Roleblock me, Kill Pazzer or other way round.

When Typhoon is not Mafia, they would not roleblock him, as there were already 2 more powerful roles revealed.

When Typhoon is Mafia, it is a good move to claim to be roleblocked, after he said he would be a tracker.
I don't buy for a moment that Mafia didn't send in a night kill on purpose, unless the person who was supposed to send it in missed the deadline, which does happen.

Since pazzer was protected, and even if he wasn't targetted and was alive only cause the Mafia forgot to send in a kill on someone else or whatever, I think there's upwards of a 95% percentile chance (random number, but my feeling) that is he town, and by definition nmillar is town. Me too, but I know I'm town. And yes, outside chance of a godfather, but hopefully if Typhoon is town, he'll find that out eventually.

@Robb: Why did you FoS Typhoon out of point #2 in #584? Even if Typhoon were scum - and I am not totally convinced he is town due to points brought up yesterday - I can see the FoS against Ubivis but I don't quite follow the logic to Typhoon regardless if Ubivis is town or scum. Unless you mean the thing about him being the only one roleblocked so far.

@Typhoon Do you have flavour text for the roleblock? Was it the same both nights? (@Damuna, is there even a standard roleblock action method flavour (like tied up and stuffed in the boiler room or whatever) that you do and that he can paraphrase, or do you write up a separate random one each night and thus we shouldn't use it?)
pazzer: Investigated nmillar who came back as not mafia.
Did it tell you my role, or is it simply town / mafia?
In fact, can you clarify: Do you get "Town"/"Mafia" or "Not Mafia"/"Mafia"?
I would guess it is just saying town or mafia, nothing else... if he really is a cop, he can also be a "naive cop", and all his investigations come out as innocent. I would guess, that Damuna loves to play with these special fun stuff.
Ubivis: I would guess it is just saying town or mafia, nothing else... if he really is a cop, he can also be a "naive cop", and all his investigations come out as innocent. I would guess, that Damuna loves to play with these special fun stuff.
But he's a Conspiracy Theorist, so surely it would be the other way round if this was the case, and everyone would turn up mafia?

Okay, based on recent events, jesskitten, Ubivis and pazzer (yes, I was wrong) are all innocent, but the role block on Typhoon doesn't make sense, so he gets my FoS as well.
nmillar: Okay, based on recent events, jesskitten, Ubivis and pazzer (yes, I was wrong) are all innocent, but the role block on Typhoon doesn't make sense, so he gets my FoS as well.
Why is Ubivis innocent? What is your comment on Mafia's non-roleblock non-NK of him?

And I asked about the "town" versus "Non mafia" on the off chance some mods like to use the latter in case there are 3rd party roles in the game too. :P
jesskitten: Why is Ubivis innocent? What is your comment on Mafia's non-roleblock non-NK of him?
As someone else previously mentioned, it would appear that the mafia do not in fact have a role blocker, otherwise why was the weakest of the power roles targeted?

Ubivis claims to have protected pazzer, who being cop would seem like the obvious target for the kill (or at the very least a role block). I'm willing to believe that pazzer is cop (despite my earlier accusations), so to survive the night he would have had to be protected by Ubivis. If somebody other than Ubivis really was the doctor, surely somebody would have said something about Ubivis' claim by now?
Thanks for the reply (And again, for the flavour text!) Damuna!

I'll wait for a couple other comments from people before I wade in again. Unless it gets too tempting. :P
jesskitten: snippety....

@Robb: Why did you FoS Typhoon out of point #2 in #584? Even if Typhoon were scum - and I am not totally convinced he is town due to points brought up yesterday - I can see the FoS against Ubivis but I don't quite follow the logic to Typhoon regardless if Ubivis is town or scum. Unless you mean the thing about him being the only one roleblocked so far.

For the reasons nmillar has quoted - i cant see Mafia roleblocking the so-called 'weakest' role again - I'm with nmillar in thinking they actually don't HAVE a roleblocker. Which makes Typhoon a liar. Im not totallly convinced about Ubivis either, hence my (botched attempt to bold) FoS at both. They have to be the two prime suspects for me, its just a case of deciding which one , i think.

And I'm currently leaning towards believing Ubivis, although it is very early in the day. Again, like nmillar said , if someone else had a Doc role, surely they would have said so by now??
Right, time to get the ball rolling. Typhoon being blocked on two consecutive nights when stronger power roles have already been revealed? Far too convenient.

Vote Typhoon45.