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And I like how you talk about "us innocents" - real classy touch.
Damnation: He seems adamant in causing a poor state for us innocents with his desire for an early mass claim.
Zchinque: What now?
A couple of people have asked what your reasons for voting for Al1 are ...
bazilisek seems to be defensive and contradicted himself.

Though I would like zchinque to answer the questions he's been asked.
I have to agree, the fact that Zchinque hasn't even trotted out a "random voting" excuse is kind of suspicious. Care to elaborate, Z?
Comparing of what have been said in the last hours, I have now three suspects, but as Zchinque has just pointed first without giving any reason and still is not willed to give an reason, I am willed to vote Zchinque out first as well. And I really hope, that he is one of the Mafia.

Vote Zchinque
Although Zchinque hasn't come out with any explanation yet, it is just a random vote at the moment, so not worthy of a vote methinks. I'd still like Bazilisek to explain his contradictions better.
Robbeasy: I'd still like Bazilisek to explain his contradictions better.
What an eventful day this has been! Look, I know I said a lot! I was hysterical! I couldn't think straight! But now that everyone has raised their voice, it's time to calm down and look at the situation more carefully! We have at least some information now, so let's act on it!

To explain my position: Zchinque was acting very cocky in a situation where no one knew anything. First the request for mass-revealing (a witch-hunt if there ever was one!), immediately afterwards the first lynching vote, still unexplained. How can he be so sure of himself in this situation, I ask? Draw your own conclusions! I know I did. It may not be enough to take a man's life, after all nothing is, but these are desperate times! The next victim might be me! Might be you!

As for my contradictions, please, could you be more specific? I can defend myself! I'm not some dumb bimbo as you probably all think! But I need to know what the charge is.
bazilisek: As for my contradictions, please, could you be more specific? I can defend myself! I'm not some dumb bimbo as you probably all think! But I need to know what the charge is.
Please refer to some of my previous statements, repitition is tiresome, and they are already mentioned there.
Damnation: He seems adamant in causing a poor state for us innocents with his desire for an early mass claim.
I repeat: "what now?"

Typhoon45: I have to agree, the fact that Zchinque hasn't even trotted out a "random voting" excuse is kind of suspicious. Care to elaborate, Z?
All in good time, my friend. All in good time.

Ubivis: Comparing of what have been said in the last hours, I have now three suspects, but as Zchinque has just pointed first without giving any reason and still is not willed to give an reason, I am willed to vote Zchinque out first as well. And I really hope, that he is one of the Mafia.
Now we are getting somewhere.... Who are your other two suspects?

Oh, and please explain the scum rationale behind my vote for Al1. and don't try to say that I was hoping to push through an early lynch - that would be insulting to all the other players (and/or me).

bazilisek: To explain my position: Zchinque was acting very cocky in a situation where no one knew anything.
We don't know anything? If that is correct, then what do we do?
First the request for mass-revealing (a witch-hunt if there ever was one!),
Please quote where I have done such a thing. You will find that I have not. Get your facts straight.
immediately afterwards the first lynching vote, still unexplained.
A vote is only a lynching vote if we, you know, lynch someone. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Oh, and you too - what is the scum rationale behind my vote on Al1?
I'm not some dumb bimbo as you probably all think
Please stop dropping hint about your role. It makes it easier for the real scum to narrow down where the power roles are.
Zchinque: snip....
Some very good points made there......beware of trying to move things along too quickly and being antagonistic, I remember only last week when our poor Town Drunk was lynched after trying to get things going when the poor Mayor was killed. Now we have this same situation in the school I urge us all again to be very careful and make sure we have sound reasoning behind any accusations.

Zchinque - you aren''t out of the woods for me yet, as you HAVE been a little too eager and cocky, and still no explanation for that first vote, but you have improved slightly for me with your last post. Asking for a mass claim early doors was either a joke, or a massive error, I'm inclined towards joke at this point.

Bazilisek - Can't make you out at all - various hints about your role mixed in with contradictionary statements about lets not be hasty then threatening to lynch someone in the next breath....hmmmm

Enterprise2004 - you said you were in the weights room when all this went down - a hint at a strongarm role? Some sort of Bodyguard perhaps?

None of these are accusations - I'm trying to get some reasoned discussion going without
muddying the waters with any voting nonsense at this early stage.
Zchinque: Oh, and you too - what is the scum rationale behind my vote on Al1?
Why have you voted for Al1?
Robbeasy: Some very good points made there......beware of trying to move things along too quickly and being antagonistic, I remember only last week when our poor Town Drunk was lynched after trying to get things going when the poor Mayor was killed.
Damuna: Technically, in the setting, this hasn't happened yet. ;)

Sorry, I'm just rather bemused by the frequent in-character references to the first game. I'd hoped the fluff was obvious about what I was getting at. The idea is that this game is contemporaneous with the first GOG Mafia game, since I was puzzled by the town's apparent lack of non-adult characters. So, Day 1 here is Day 1 outside.

Remember: GOG Mafia #1 ended with a Mafia win - if this was after GOG Mafia #1, there wouldn't be a Gogville anymore.
Apologies oh mod god - misunderstood the setting of the game

Now understanding.
I'm going to call shenanigans on this one. It's just as likely the everyone who has voted so far is mafia as they are innocent, and that the Mafia is just egging everyone on by pointing the FoS at each other.

So screw rational discussion! I'm going vote nolynch until further notice.
Damuna: The idea is that this game is contemporaneous with the first GOG Mafia game, since I was puzzled by the town's apparent lack of non-adult characters
And elderly! "GOG Mafia #3 - Gogville Retirement Home" coming to a forum near you!

To be serious though, you didn't find it odd that the town had twelve fricking inhabitants, and a tourist?

If we're going to populate the whole town, we'll be at GOG Mafia #124 before we're done with the setting.

"Dear Robbeasy

You are Industrial Worker #87 (town - vanilla)

Just like Industrial Worker #1-#86 before you, you have no abilities, and just want to get back to work.

You win when all the motherfucking mafia get out of this motherfucking industrial complex,"

Why are you not contributing?
Zchinque: Please quote where I have done such a thing. You will find that I have not. Get your facts straight.
Mass claim, mass reveal, it's all the same to me.

Would you please state what's your rationale behind voting for AI1? You have been dodging this question for far too long.