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Wow, 380+ posts on day one. That was quite a brain blast to read all at once. My initial analysis is gonna have to come in pieces so I can keep my thoughts together.

First off, all the buisness with Zchinque. I get a definitive town read off him, everything hes done so far seems aimed at getting us newbie players (like myself), to play a better town game.

JessKitten did something similar when he advised Typhoon on how to handle his power role, but then again, that could also be a way to advise a scumbuddy while seeming town.

Robbeasy also seems to be pretty town, having tried, over the course of all these posts, to look for new ways to identify scum (such as asking Damuna about pre-game talk and the L-2 theories.) These attempts didnt pan out, but that doesnt mean their not pro-town.

Ubivis, you soft-claimed when there was no pressure on you. In fact, you werent even asked. Did this serve a purpose, or was it a gamble to gain townie cred?

more coming soon...
EBWOP: that should have been 360+ posts. Irrelevant though.

Pazzer, you havent been posting much and when you do you flip quickly between votes, it strikes me as suspicious.

Typhoon: youve flip-flopped rapidly on things ("lets just no lynch", then "we need rational discussion",) youve rolefished, and youve given rather flimsy arguments for lynching people (claiming it will prove other peoples roles.) Youve given explanations for all of these things, but im not convinced.

Bazilisek: The "dont drink and play" line feels like a flimsy excuse. But more suspicious were your posts 206 and 208. Asking someone for their read on you seems scummy. If they suspected you, they would tell you, so it felt like you were fishing for pro-town support. And then asking someone if they will vote with you instead of just voting? Strikes me as a way to look for mislynch opportunities.

Okay, I dont think I got to everyone but I need a break from reading all this reading and analyzing, so Ill just wait for some responses before bringing anything else out.
Other main suspect was bazilisek.
Nazarush: Ubivis, you soft-claimed when there was no pressure on you. In fact, you werent even asked. Did this serve a purpose, or was it a gamble to gain townie cred?
damn, happened a lot, when I was too stressed @ work to keep up with the posts.

Regarding your question:
I just came to the decision, that to state the role would be a good step (for everyone). Pretending, we are in a real world, we are stuck in a school, we would know each other anyway. So, just to state which role I have (in this case, an adult nurse), doesn't tell you anything. Did not gave hint on a special I might have, nor would that tell you if I am Mafia or not...
Nazarush: Bazilisek: The "dont drink and play" line feels like a flimsy excuse.
I know. That's why I don't talk about it at all -- there is just no way to prove that I actually was drunk. It's an issue of trust and nothing else. And yeah, I don't expect to live that down as long as I am in this game.

Nazarush: But more suspicious were your posts 206 and 208. Asking someone for their read on you seems scummy. If they suspected you, they would tell you, so it felt like you were fishing for pro-town support. And then asking someone if they will vote with you instead of just voting? Strikes me as a way to look for mislynch opportunities.
There are, unfortunately, no timestamps on this forum, so it's hard to see now: post 206 was primarily written because things weren't moving at all for a very long time, which isn't fun for anyone. And the point in my questions to AI1 and nmillar was very simple: prodding for more posts / information (before that, AI1 was silent for a very long time and I couldn't get a decent read on nmillar). Ubivis was fairly non-committal at that time, which I don't think is good play, if I believe him to be town. Which I do.
Nazarush: Ubivis, you soft-claimed when there was no pressure on you. In fact, you werent even asked. Did this serve a purpose, or was it a gamble to gain townie cred?
Ubivis: damn, happened a lot, when I was too stressed @ work to keep up with the posts.

Regarding your question:
I just came to the decision, that to state the role would be a good step (for everyone). Pretending, we are in a real world, we are stuck in a school, we would know each other anyway. So, just to state which role I have (in this case, an adult nurse), doesn't tell you anything. Did not gave hint on a special I might have, nor would that tell you if I am Mafia or not...
I don't think this is a good idea at all, we need to keep the power townies safe from the Mafia. You're just starting to make yourself look more suspect as Mafia by saying such a thing, also you are just saying that you're a nurse without any powers. To me, that says that you are possibly trying to throw all the scrutiny off your back by claiming a non-power townie role. Had you claimed a power role, someone could have possibly called you out on it.

You could be telling the truth, but in my opinion, you're covering your back.
Ubivis: damn, happened a lot, when I was too stressed @ work to keep up with the posts.

Regarding your question:
I just came to the decision, that to state the role would be a good step (for everyone). Pretending, we are in a real world, we are stuck in a school, we would know each other anyway. So, just to state which role I have (in this case, an adult nurse), doesn't tell you anything. Did not gave hint on a special I might have, nor would that tell you if I am Mafia or not...
enterprise2004: I don't think this is a good idea at all, we need to keep the power townies safe from the Mafia. You're just starting to make yourself look more suspect as Mafia by saying such a thing, also you are just saying that you're a nurse without any powers. To me, that says that you are possibly trying to throw all the scrutiny off your back by claiming a non-power townie role. Had you claimed a power role, someone could have possibly called you out on it.

You could be telling the truth, but in my opinion, you're covering your back.
You're misinterpreting, I think. Ubivis never made a role claim - only a softclaim, he claimed to be the nurse, but never claimed to be a power role or nonpower role, nor which role he did have for that matter.
But in either case, I do agree. Making a completely unprovoked softclaim when the FoS only slightly passes by him makes him seem incredibly desperate to not be thought as mafia.
Damnation: snip
So a softclaim is where someone states their role, but does not tell whether or not it is a power role?
Damnation: snip
enterprise2004: So a softclaim is where someone states their role, but does not tell whether or not it is a power role?
enterprise2004: So a softclaim is where someone states their role, but does not tell whether or not it is a power role?
Damnation: Yep
Gotcha, thanks!
bazilisek: There are, unfortunately, no timestamps on this forum, so it's hard to see now: post 206 was primarily written because things weren't moving at all for a very long time, which isn't fun for anyone. And the point in my questions to AI1 and nmillar was very simple: prodding for more posts / information (before that, AI1 was silent for a very long time and I couldn't get a decent read on nmillar). Ubivis was fairly non-committal at that time, which I don't think is good play, if I believe him to be town. Which I do.
That doesn't change the fact that you could have simply prodded him for his opinions, but you decided to ask for a vote commitment against a third person. Thats scummy in my book.
Another thing that has occured to me. You were very insistent on roleplaying during the start of the game before dropping it later on. Then, when pushed to claim you gave us a role that (no surprise,) followed the roleplaying. Were your early roleplaying posts a chance to establish a fakeclaim you could use later on?
Nazarush: Were your early roleplaying posts a chance to establish a fakeclaim you could use later on?
You know, I've been thinking my along the same lines, and it would be pretty solid if he had. The roleplaying allows him to build up a role from the get go and then he can cling to it as no one seems to be interfering with it - as in no one else claims to be an airheaded cheerleader bimbo (Sorry, but your early roleplaying gave that impression :p).
The more time that passes, the more I think my role should belong with baz this day, if anything to allow us to learn from his death, if he is mislynched. If he isn't, I think jesskitten's earlier stated theory becomes very likely.
Nazarush: That doesn't change the fact that you could have simply prodded him for his opinions, but you decided to ask for a vote commitment against a third person. Thats scummy in my book.
Commitment is far too strong a word here. Play-wise, he wouldn't be committed to anything at all by any answer he could have given me -- unless there was some sort of crazy power role that could do that, which I think we'll all agree is very unlikely in this game. He could have answered "yeah, I kind of think I would" and then not voted for Typhoon anyway, simply stating he had changed his mind since then.

In other words, I asked a question to receive information. I got no answer, which still is some information, I guess. And gathering information is neither particularly scummy nor particularly towny, I think. It's what this thing is all about.

Nazarush: Another thing that has occured to me. You were very insistent on roleplaying during the start of the game before dropping it later on. Then, when pushed to claim you gave us a role that (no surprise,) followed the roleplaying. Were your early roleplaying posts a chance to establish a fakeclaim you could use later on?
Okay, okay, I think I have to finally clarify that once and for all, even though at this point, your natural reaction will probably be that I'm being insanely evasive again. That's the beauty / frustration of the game. And I swear this paragraph will be the last time I drag real life into this:

If you dig up the sign-up thread, you'll see I said I think I can play in two games at once, because I have played this before IRL. At that point, I didn't really realise the game played on-line has a completely different dynamic -- it might as well be another game entirely (Ubivis can confirm that, I think). It took me a while to adapt, that is all. I always hated the early stages of the RL game where everyone's just sitting there staring at each other blankly, so I usually do something silly to get everyone to talk. Bad idea here. This whole thing has been a live and learn (and possibly get lynched in the process) experience for me so far.

Back to the game -- Damnation, some food for thought: cheerleader is a fairly natural role for this setup to have, isn't it? And at this point, I think it's pretty safe to assume no one is going to counter-claim me. Draw your conclusions.
Don't think were going to learn much from the night. So would like to try and find out more.
With that in mind Vote nmillar
pazzer: Don't think were going to learn much from the night. So would like to try and find out more.
With that in mind Vote nmillar
This is actually quite odd in my mind. It' not that I do not think nmillar to be suspecious, he is, by and large. But, you claim baz to be your second suspect, and you ay he turned out to be innocent? If you choose to believe in this roleclaim, then yes, he eems innocent.
The oddest thing, however, if that you don't reason your vote on nmillar beyond you thinking we won't learn much from the coming night.
Unless this is reaction voting, I this just seems like an attempt to create a new bandwagon and hope people jump on - perhaps even to save baz from lynching, as he is still close to such?