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I'm gonna unvote for now. No one else seems particularly interested in Al1 right now, so it's not a very productive vote, and I hope to get a reread done today or tomorrow, depending on how long I nap for.
In any case, when I'm done with the reread, I should probably have some analysis and a new vote.
Since I'm beginning to become more unsure of Zchinque, I think I'll unvote, for now.

And while I think there have been some good points against bazilisek, I don't think I'll vote for that one.

Typhoon is somewhat suspicious, but hardly enough to vote for, in my opinion.

But with only really vague suspicions at this point, I might as well just point at someone and vote for the poor sod.

Also: I suspect jesskitten of witchcraft. No reason why.
Azarr: Also: I suspect jesskitten of witchcraft. No reason why.
Well, jesskitten has conjured up many of the points against people.
Hehe. Well so many people seem wishy washy! There aren't actually a lot of players who have gone out and looked for new things on others, a lot have just followed along with safely parroting others' opinions and it's sooo suspicious.

What will happen to the rest of town once Mafia manages to mislynch/kill the more active scumhunters? It'll turn into that day 4-5 debacle in GM1 again! :P

Townies, go put your neck out on the line and find something to analyze/question someone else on! Remember we win or lose as a team, even if we die early on, and we vastly outnumber (assumedly) the Mafia. And you may be wrong, as I may be wrong, but your hunt may turn up others that agree with you too readily (see Exhibit A, Bazilisek #190 further up this page! :P As well as several earlier on) or your reasons may be wrong but pressure may force a mistake anyway.

There's no real easy way to do this, but if you're looking to hunt and don't know how, pick a person, and go through and copy/paste their posts into a separate file and look at them "in isolation". That sometimes gives a new viewpoint.

@Bazilisek, I also find Zch's plays on words a little offputting. I understand the intent, but there is the possibility later of using that as an excuse to wriggle out of a "real" slip.

@nmillar, what do you think of Typhoon?
@Typhoon, what do you think of Al1?
@Al1, what do you think of nmillar?
jesskitten: @nmillar, what do you think of Typhoon?
A delightful fellow with whom it's always nice to go for a drinking session with ...

Okay, I do have suspicions about Typhoon (as outline earlier), but he's not one of my primary suspects at the moment.

No, that honour now falls on Azarr (I like to pretend I'm a pirate when I say his name) - the recent retraction of his vote on Zchinque seems a bit dubious to me - has he come to the realisation Zchinque is no longer an easy target, and would therefore be better of jumping on a different bandwagon?

Unvote Bazilisek. Vote Azarr.
Well I was suddenly the only one, besides a suspicious character, that was voting for him.

I have never really been certain that he was mafia, but I figured he could be. Now I'm far from certain, so I retracted my vote.

Also: Pretend? Or is the mafia really a bunch of pirates?
jesskitten: @Typhoon, what do you think of Al1?
Well, I don't think that you have the right to demand that I tell you anything!

That being said, I realize that we are focusing too much on one area for conversation, so here goes:

Al1 seems like he's trying too hard to establish his neutrality. I think that he's afraid that if he votes on someone, it will come around to bite him in the ass. This could be because he is mafia, and wants to live, or because he is town and is new to the game (so he doesn't realize how scummy his fence sitting makes him look).

All in all, I just want to keep track of how he acts for a little while - he has been in a high stress position with everyone focusing on just him, and is likely to make mistakes and seem scummy regardless of alignment. With Bazilisek now on everyone's radars, it will be interesting to see how Al1 moves - either jumping on the bandwagon in an attempt to dispel Zchinque's accusations, or trying to maintain his (suspicious) position on the fence.
Not trying to hide just don't have much to add.

@ jesskitten do you still suspect Typhoon45?
jesskitten: @Typhoon, what do you think of Al1?
Typhoon45: Well, I don't think that you have the right to demand that I tell you anything!
That's a rather aggresive-defensive statement, considering jesskitten merely asked you a question, never posed any demand. I'd say such an outburst is uncalled for.
pazzer: Not trying to hide just don't have much to add.

@ jesskitten do you still suspect Typhoon45?
Yes, I currently see Typhoon, Al1, and at least a 3rd (I'm not sure who) as scum. Or they two as a team, and another team of two Mafia maybe, hard to say.

I can see his initial "I'll follow Zchinque" vote () on Al1 as a vote on his scumbuddy, which he knew was never going to pass to a full lynch, and the reason he'd vote that is that when one of them flips scum later, the other can point back to that and say "see, he voted for him there so they can't both be scum". It's classic [url=]distancing tactic because the voting reason was oh so weak then.

I can then see his #199 as coaching; not quite only giving his opinion on Al1 but also trying to explain away Al1's thoughts ("I think he thinks if he votes it'll come around to bite him"), as well as any future mistakes Al1 may make (saying that reads on him may be scummy but his mistakes would be because of pressure but wouldn't mean he was Mafia. Though it's really the opposite - the point of pressure is to catch Mafia by making them make mistakes, so if we chalked up mistakes to pressure and say it won't show his alignment, then we will never get anywhere). And then he tries to coach Al1 into considering the implications of wherever he votes next.

I see a lot of "nudge nudge" in that post, but of course it's just my theory.

I don't currently think nmillar is part of their team.
Damnation: That's a rather aggresive-defensive statement, considering jesskitten merely asked you a question, never posed any demand. I'd say such an outburst is uncalled for.
I was just joking. nmillar saying that I am a good drinking buddy was hardly scrutinized, was it?

@ Jesskitten, coaching was not my intent at all. I'm just pointing out that he could be new, and not realize that he appears scummy (which is a meta-game factor which you probably should include whenever considering anyone in this thread). And I would hope that you would stop jumping around with your vote.

Hmmmm... You are suspicious of me, and of Al1, and one other person? Then why are you voting for Bazilisek? You really think that he isn't scum at all, but he is the top of your lynch list? I would like some clarification, please.
Yeah, cause I know there's at least one other person, and I'm trying to root out who!

I've given my reasons my vote were on him, I'm still contemplating his argument in light of everything else he's done, but pretty much my votes have all been pressure votes on someone I felt was scummy. It doesn't mean he's at the top of my lynch list, just that I'm still scumhunting and haven't found someone else to move it to, yet. :) He's top 5, but I don't see a connection between him and this pairing yet so I'm looking to see how things develop.

I agree newness could be a mitigating factor, but it could also be a damning one - who's to say it isn't a Mafia falling into the more common new-Mafia traps right off the bat.
Damnation: That's a rather aggresive-defensive statement, considering jesskitten merely asked you a question, never posed any demand. I'd say such an outburst is uncalled for.
Typhoon45: I was just joking. nmillar saying that I am a good drinking buddy was hardly scrutinized, was it?
Did it need to? I might have missed that lecture... I'm fairly sure it was with regards to you, not me, and what I choose to scrutinize is my own business - maybe I wish to use the drinking idea as damning dealbreaker with whether nmillar is mafia or not? And if you were truly joking - as has been said, this is the internet, sarcasm is not the easiest thing to catch up, and considering I'm a very sarcastic person, I should know a thing or two about the difficulty to convey it online.

And new topics is always nice, especialy when you consider that the "guess and point" game has returned. The fingers point to bazilisek, Typhoon and, to some degree, Al1. What we have gained by this conversation is Zchinque not being hunted so - which he seemed awfully happy about. A bit too happy if you ask me.

Perhaps we need to point the finger at someone fresh to see their reaction? Perhaps we really need to sum up all we have learnt? Or perhaps we should all have some pie?

My personal opinion right now is that bazilisek is the strongest candidate, and there's no point in not casting the vote, since it's far from condemning him to death, but i still feel strongly enough about this. Therefore:

vote bazilisek
So we're back at square one, wiser in some ways and more confused in others. There are a few questions I would like to ask some of you:

Ubivis, whom do you suspect at this point? You always say you need more time to think, which is fair enough, but you've had some now.

nmillar, why did you jump at the vote for me so quickly and then switched to Azarr, just as quickly? Earlier in the thread, you were one of the greatest advocates of caution.

AI1, how do you read me? Town or mafia?
bazilisek: nmillar, why did you jump at the vote for me so quickly and then switched to Azarr, just as quickly? Earlier in the thread, you were one of the greatest advocates of caution.
People wanted to explore new avenues, so I figured I'd vote for him just to see how he'd react. I will continue to change my vote depending on the information available.

You and Typhoon still seem the most suspicious, but I'll keep my vote on Azarr for now and see how he handles the pressure.