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From my experiences in "Werewolf" (Playing in real, not over the internet), the players rushing too quickly for a precise lynch were Mafia in the end. To not Lynch someone would inly help the Mafia. If we don't lynch the Mafia will kill someone at night, and we would still know the same as on this day. But with one Citizen less.

Yes, I am aware that there were a lot of posts, and I have read them all.
Zchinque: And as an aside, I don't know how many mafia games I've read over the years, but it's been quite a few, and I have as of yet never encountered a day cop in a game with regular day/night cycles. It's not a common role.
I agree that the chances of a Day Cop being present in a newbie game, while theoretically possible, is tiny.

As for the meta-game thing - it got me thinking, and one major thing came to mind. Zchinque is an *experienced* player (at least compared to the rest of us, with the possible exception of Jesskitten, who intimates familiarity with the game also). As such, I do not believe that some of the early things that he did - "who's up for a massclaim" etc etc, would be the work of Mafia - too obvious, he wouldnt make a mistake like that given his experience.

Over the time of the thread so far I have come to see Zchinques posts for what they are - designed to provoke specific reactions from other players, with the express intent of revealing scummy behaviour. His rebuffing of most accusations have been articulate and consistent. Therefore, Unvote Zchinque

If you take that as a given, then two players in particular come to the fore, as Zchinque has outlined - Al1 for the fence sitting, and Bazilisek, for his urging of an early lynch. Scummy behaviour in my book.

Al1 - fence sitting IS a scummy tell, but I believe that your newness to the game and the earlyness of your post counts somewhat in your favour. Concerns, but not major ones yet.

Bazilisek - your constant urging for an early lynch is , for me, the biggest pointer we've had so far of scummy behaviour.

Therefore, Vote Bazilisek

I thought long and hard about doing this, I dont want to be accused of Votejumping and being indecisive. But I DO believe that if Zchinque was Mafia , he wouldn't be stirring things up as much as he is. A townie would, to provoke reaction and get a Mafia mistake. I think Bazilisek has made that mistake.
The thing that worries me the most are those who see "fence sitting" as scummy behaviour. There are a lot of new players here, so I'd put it down to them not being entirely sure what they're supposed to be doing and taking their time to make a decision which they believe to be right.

Robbeasy makes a good point in the post above, and I see pushing for a lynch as far more scummy than "fence sitting".

So I'm going to go ahead and vote bazilisek.
Robbeasy: As for the meta-game thing - it got me thinking, and one major thing came to mind. Zchinque is an *experienced* player (at least compared to the rest of us, with the possible exception of Jesskitten, who intimates familiarity with the game also). As such, I do not believe that some of the early things that he did - "who's up for a massclaim" etc etc, would be the work of Mafia - too obvious, he wouldnt make a mistake like that given his experience.

Over the time of the thread so far I have come to see Zchinques posts for what they are - designed to provoke specific reactions from other players, with the express intent of revealing scummy behaviour. His rebuffing of most accusations have been articulate and consistent. Therefore, Unvote Zchinque
While I agree with this - Zchinque's longer post truly made me realize his "assholeness" is only out to prod for reactions, and with his experience, would amount to someone most likely pro-town. There is one issue though. He knows that we are aware of his experience, and with his manipulative and meta-gaming nature, it could be very likely he is merely playing on this.
In general, what I mean to say is that Zchinque has moved down my "scum list", so to speak, and am less suspicious - that is not to say I will not pay attention to him and watch him.

Moving up are Al1, based on what Zchinque has said - for it rings true, and bazilisek for his wish for an early lynch. An early lynch that is hoped for because there is "no more this day can teach us" <- already that teaches us something. What I am now typing should teach you at least something - give you an inkling to where my opinions stand.

Typhoon is still high up there, for reasons already given. But were I to vote right this instant, I would probably give it to bazilisek. I will await his reply to these accusations though - reactions are all key.
Playing this Online is much harder than in real life. It is completely different if you know the people you are playing with and when you have a visual reaction on what ever is said.

I never changed my opinion on a vote so often as I do now.

You all are coming up with really good points.

I do sit down this evening and will make my own detailed overview and will rethink my final decision for Day one.

Unvote Zchinque
Ohohohoh! I would like a votecount, please!

I think I might not have the most votes! Woohoo! :D
Zchinque: Ohohohoh! I would like a votecount, please!

I think I might not have the most votes! Woohoo! :D
Overenthusiastic of not being in the limelight? You might just end up there again with that attitude :p
Zchinque: Ohohohoh! I would like a votecount, please!

I think I might not have the most votes! Woohoo! :D
Damnation: Overenthusiastic of not being in the limelight? You might just end up there again with that attitude :p
Well, I have been continuously accused of both trying to center all attention on myself, and also of trying to deflect the attention I am getting over on other poor souls.
So I am sure I will soon come up with some crazy scheme so that I can get lots of attention I can deflect. ;)
Damnation: Overenthusiastic of not being in the limelight? You might just end up there again with that attitude :p
Zchinque: Well, I have been continuously accused of both trying to center all attention on myself, and also of trying to deflect the attention I am getting over on other poor souls.
So I am sure I will soon come up with some crazy scheme so that I can get lots of attention I can deflect. ;)
Haha, well I trust in you to do such a thing :p
Can I play in the next game? i would've sent this as a pm but i'm new to the site and not sure how + i can't click on your usernames to bring up the options. Sorry for posting here. Feel free to delete.
Lesson learned: never drink and play mafia, kids!

Now to try and clean up: what the inebriated wording tried to say was something along these lines: there was momentum, it stopped, I tried pushing it over. Simply because I'm a direct and impatient man and I believe that rooting out the weasels will make our life easier (which, if you look back, is an argument I've been using since the Zchinque charade began). I thought I was merely pushing against the line, but overstepped it a bit too clumsily. What I did instead was lose that momentum and turn it against myself. Bad move. In any case, unvote Zchinque, there's no point in that now. Good job, Z. (Though, to be quite honest, I find your repeated "I have said no such thing" excuse ludicrous, but I'm apparently the only one.)

I believe I am showing consistence in saying that I still am not absolutely convinced of anyone and that I see several candidates for lynching today. Whichever of them actually gets it doesn't really matter to me right now, as all outcomes will give us hard, solid evidence. Something we do need a lot now. Or at least I know I do.

As for the accusations against me, it seems to me they are based on my previous post and its aggressive push. Which I acknowledge was pretty stupid. To those who are voting for me, primarily Jesskitten and Robbeasy, please do me the courtesy and try to push this one post into the background of your mind and ask yourself: do I really feel like mafia to you?

I'm finding it a bit odd that nmillar, determined to ride among the last in the first momentum wave, is jumping pretty fast into this new one. But that's just an aside.
bazilisek: *snip*
Who is it that in your opinion should be candidates for lynching?
I did a little count on voices raised and have a few new thoughts:

Azarr, Pazzer and enterprise2004 have all post quite nothing (3 to 4 posts each).

- Are they trying to hide?

I don't get what they are for (ok, Azarr posts a few good things in my opinion).

So, just a few more names to discuss about.

Need to go back to work and will have a look tonight again :)
Zchinque: Who is it that in your opinion should be candidates for lynching?
A good question. I originally wanted to add this information to the previous post, but I wanted some more time to actually think about it.

My primary suspects are:
Zchinque -- no need to dwell on that
Typhoon45 -- jumping around, being accused of it, falling silent (could be the weekend, though; in any case, I need to reread these posts more carefully before I decide)
AI1 -- while I don't like the way he was targeted, the argument constructed against him seems fairly solid, and he does little to counter it
nmillar -- more of a gut feeling at this point, with the shift I mentioned above playing a huge part in it

The silent bunch (Azarr, Pazzer, enterprise2004) I do consider fairly suspicious as well, but lynching any of them is a complete crapshoot, and if they happen to be vanilla, doesn't push us forward in any way -- only weakens us. I'm not happy about that, but there it is.
I'm afraid it seems too convinient you would only show such impatience when drunk, bazilisek. I don't really know if I buy it. Especially when you consider that "you must hear the truth from children and drunks".

But with the silent people, you're right. It's troubling that they do not chip in, or even seem to truly acknowledge current events - that is slightly scummy, no?