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yogsloth: I don't see how you could possibly interpret anything I've done from the beginning of the game as not getting involved. I'm virtually every other post up here.

I think you are still very active but I do feel you have backed away the last few real life days and only been dealing with hijack or answering question, i guess more only looking into one direction. I do like the post above my last.
Sage103082: I think you are still very active but I do feel you have backed away the last few real life days and only been dealing with hijack or answering question, i guess more only looking into one direction. I do like the post above my last.
Well... this could be fair criticism, as I noted. I feel like we're going around in circles.
Sage103082: So basically Yogs is playing very scummy but this is not a reason to be considered scum?


Yog even says himself that his play has slipped. For right now I am seeing more scum-ness from yogs. I agree with a lot of Hijack points on yogs but unlike him I do tend to see yogs as scum.

Vote Yogsloth
The thing is: His actions indicate him as scum, but on my part it may be just wishful thinking that there is no way someone can play the game that badly.
For what it's worth, I have never discarded the possibility of Yogy to play this badly on purpose to attract attention to something and take away from somewhere else.

This being said, I am beginning to doubt how town I really think he is. I slept on it for a while today at school and some of the actions are way too incriminatory, even if made on purpose. I'm thinking about it. Maybe we can use this situation to our advantage.
Sage103082: Sage's answer
Thank you for the answers, Sage. I can see this making sense mostly if I try to put myself in your place.

By the way who did you direct #959 to?
Are you talking to yogsloth or are you asking me?
yogsloth: snip
You don't do any questioning now, barely did it on Day 1. You do a lot of yapping, that's for sure.

I take on different personas, you just like acting like that.

Yes, yes. Agreeing to lynch someone is WIFOM. How freaking brilliant, especially when the result was productive for town. How freaking brilliant are you?

Like I said, I vote when I deem it necessarily. I knew adalia was going down. Too many people looked at him and agreed he should be lynched regardless of alignment. Me voting would've ended the day faster and there would've been less posts. I preferred to let my shredding posts talk, not a poor theory like yours. You don't like how I vote? Guess what? I don't like how you play. As for I scum hunt, it's the same principle as day 1. Search and destroy. Divide and conquer. Just because you're as blind as a bat and can't see there is no opportunity for me to act, it doesn't mean you're right in any freaking sense.

Just because you can't stop bad plays, it doesn't mean others can't.

You give yourself an A-? Get out of here. For what? For a vote that I justified? Give me a break. At least get your points straight.

Also, Telika didn't demand any voting to start. It was a joke. Yet once again you change the meaning of others' posts.

I'm done with you. Scum or not, there is not way you're beneficial to this game.

I'm close to deciding for whom of my suspects to vote, and guess what? You just got a pretty nice place between them.
Sage103082: Sage's answer
dedoporno: Thank you for the answers, Sage. I can see this making sense mostly if I try to put myself in your place.

By the way who did you direct #959 to?
Are you talking to yogsloth or are you asking me?
This was at you for asking now and not then.

If you had reason to question my change in status why wait until now to bring it up. Is it because I have put a vote on someone you want to protect. Seems if you had questions 3 days ago when post 798 was posted that would have been a good time to question it.

I thought I had you quoted. Sorry about that.
Robbeasy: snip
Sorry for quoting you, but the idea came to me while reading your post.

Here's some food for thought. Nothing major, but give it some time.
Given the flavor of the game, us being infiltrated, what if all the scum, regardless of their abilities, have the same ship model? I have no opinion on this, but it does bring a new angle of viewing CSPVG's ship claim.

The thing is, the whole situation is conflicting and not really. ---> CSPVG claimed same ship model as adalia's without having any need to do so. This may be a ruse or a genuine claim, but having survived Day 1, this paints him in a bad light. However, assuming what I said in the above paragraph is wrong, scum possibly had no idea of adalia's power role. And given trent's ambiguous vanilla claim, they couldn't have predicted whether CSPVG is vanilla or not.
Now, taking in consideration everything said, if my theory about ship models is correct, then it would be useful for us to know exactly what CSPVG is. Most people surely have figured out he has the highest possibility of having a power role. Playing this gamble whether scum figured it out as well or not is not worth it.
Sage103082: This was at you for asking now and not then.

If you had reason to question my change in status why wait until now to bring it up. Is it because I have put a vote on someone you want to protect. Seems if you had questions 3 days ago when post 798 was posted that would have been a good time to question it.

I thought I had you quoted. Sorry about that.
I'm asking now because I just noticed it. As you may know I've been mostly focused on Vitek for the last few days. Even though I'm sticking with it for the time being I believe it's a good idea to look up the other players as well to keep in the loop.

Your vote sounded interesting, since you didn't provide that much reasoning. To be honest I had totally missed your change of hearts regarding yogsloth and I remembered you had him as town, so I went back to check out how did you get there.
Krypsyn: @HijacK
Regarding trentonlf's experiences in Night 1, you seem fairly certain that he was likely protected. You mention this in both post 609 and 688, but seem to ignore other possibilities (such as him being scanned, etc). Why?
Just ask yourself one simple question: Since when do scans look like attacks that haven't broken the heavy armor of the ship? I know Telika likes to troll and all, but I don't this is the case.
HijacK: Since when do scans look like attacks that haven't broken the heavy armor of the ship?
That should read "the light armor". Just sayin'.

I already stated the same reason for why I doubt this to be a scan.
yogsloth: As I noted in post 801, I gave Vitek town points on a couple of occasions, and haven’t lifted them. To my reads, Vitek’s main crime has been lurkiness. I dislike that, but when he appears, he seems to genuinely prod the game along.
Yes, you dislike lurkiness, yet you only prod me about it. Very interesting. Anything else you dislike?
It seems I have played a sub par game so far. I have mainly contributed defensive posts and this has painted me in a bad light. So I would like to make this my last post of defense of what has gone on so far, and then move on to finding the scum. Me continually defending myself is just distracting and getting nowhere in finding the scum, and finding the scum is what I want to do.

1. My on/off day one of adaliabooks. As I explained we were -1 from a lynch and I wanted to hear from everyone before the vote was hammered. CSPVG was the last one to post his thoughts and he did hammer the vote. So there was no intentional not voting as I would have hammered myself if CSPVG had not.

2. Me posting my flavor and the night action against me seems to have caused a lot of unnecessary drama. I will post one last time on this and then I would like to move on as it is getting us nowhere. I have told no lies, I am town, nothing else. The night action against me is as I described. My personal opinion is still what I speculated from the start, I believe someone scanned me. I'm sure there is someone who knows everything I said is true because of this. But, I don't want them to speak up as that would giveaway a power role and that's not what I want as it would aid the scum. To speculate or talk on the matter any further is pointless as it gets us nowhere.

3. Yogsloth. I would like to apologize for being rude when making my point. You are wrong in your assumptions, but hat does not mean I need to be an ass about it.

4. There have been quite a few posts referring to my play style as similar to 23. Seeing as how most of my posts have been defensive I can see how it looks that way. Again, all I can say is that I'm town and my goal is to find scum. From this point on I will have productive scum hunting posts or general banter with others.

Now my assessment of what is going on now

1. Robb. I believe Robb's posts and actions have been pro town. When mrkgnao pointed out the post Robb write to adaliabooks I agreed it could use more speculation. After speculating I don't believe there was any scummy behavior associated with the post. I believe it has just been taken out of context.

2. Hijack. Day one he was all over adaliabooks for his scummy behavior and inconsistent posts. His behavior had toned down from previous games as I believe he realized it was getting him nowhere. Now that day 2 has started and everyone seems to be playing extra careful Hijack has stopped trying to hunt for scum. His posts now seem to be lacking in intensity like they usually are. Do I think he's scum? No, I believe his actions have put him pro town, but he is becoming more hesitant about pursuing ihers to find the scum. We could probably use some of the old aggressive Hijack at this point.

3. Mrkgnao. He seems to be pro town, but as I ah ensaid already something feels off. As if he is posting to look town but not really helping. He has mentioned a couple of times that we should examine the night action against an more closely, trying to get people to talk about it. Yet he does not pursue it himself when no one takes him up on it. As I said I believe has taken what Robb said out of context and tried to paint Robb in a bad light when there is really nothing there. Since I last posted my feelings on mrkgnao saying I believed he was leaning scum for posting to look helpful but not really being helpful he has improved his helpful behavior. I still have a feeling sometjing is off and he is leaning scum to me.

4. CSPVG. I'm not sure if he really believes Robb to be scum because of "the comment" or is really working with mrkgnao to smear Rob. I do find it odd that he mentioned his ship model to be the same as adaliabooks. Was he hoping someone else would claim a ship model? (like I did, bad idea I see now) Why post the ship model saying "I hope no one finds me scum because of this". We never would have known his ship model was the same unless he was NK'd or lynched, so it could not have been used against him. Why point it out then? I had him as neutral, but he is moving up my scum list.

5. Krypsyn. My vote is on you at the moment. I have found your play to be off also this game. From what I've seen in the previous games your are more interactive with what is going on, yet you seem disinterested this game. You have started contributing more, and I hope you continue. I still have you as leaning scum.

6. Dedo, Sage, and Vitek. I have all 3 as neutral to slightly town. I believe Vitek is actually posting in a manner that is more pro town than scummy. The dispute with dedo seems like the same as mine with yogsloth, two townies going at each other. They is what we don't need. Sage has been more active as of late with good posts (I know she truly does have a lot going on in real life). I don't agree with her thoughts on yogsloth though, but she does not come off as scummy when posting her thoughts.

7. Darko. I have him as solid town. He has been actively hunting scum and his posts have been pro town from the beginning from what I can see.
yogsloth: Why try to convince us that Robb conceived of the plan of bussing adalia from minute one? I just don’t see it. Robb and mrk both check as leaning town to me, so I am worried they are distracting each other. And I still haven’t heard a convincing argument to point to Robb’s guilt. As I already commented on in post 801, the “linguistics” argument didn’t sway me.
You know what's interesting? Flub seemed onto Rob since that very moment. So you agree to analyse his list, yet you go against it in 2 scenarios. What purpose does the analysis of that list have if you're not even taking his points into consideration?
HijacK: Yes, you dislike lurkiness, yet you only prod me about it. Very interesting. Anything else you dislike?
Limburger cheese, body odor, and banana Runts.

I'm just kidding - I love banana Runts.

I prodded Krypsyn directly, multiple times. I've mentioned CSPVG and my displeasure at his lurking as well. But funny, I don't remember you lurking... did I criticize you for this?

I'm still not wavering. All the ad-hominem in the world won't move my vote. Time will tell if others find such personal attacks persuasive.
yogsloth: I prodded Krypsyn directly, multiple times. I've mentioned CSPVG and my displeasure at his lurking as well. But funny, I don't remember you lurking... did I criticize you for this?

I'm still not wavering. All the ad-hominem in the world won't move my vote. Time will tell if others find such personal attacks persuasive.
I don't care about your vote. I care about your attitude and playstyle, which frankly, in polite words, I think it's garbage. And yes, very early in Day 2 you told me to "Hut Hut", or let me guess, you omitted that too.

dedoporno: That should read "the light armor". Just sayin'.
Now that I try to remember it better, I think the attacks weren't strong enough or something of the sorts.