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Sage103082: So basically Yogs is playing very scummy but this is not a reason to be considered scum?


Yog even says himself that his play has slipped. For right now I am seeing more scum-ness from yogs. I agree with a lot of Hijack points on yogs but unlike him I do tend to see yogs as scum.

Vote Yogsloth
First things first. Congrats on taking that step. The most relevant cheer that comes to my mind is this :)

And now on a more serious note I would also find it interesting to see more reasoning for that vote. A few days ago you were seeing yog mostly as town:

Sage103082: Viket, yogs, CSPVG - leaning more town
Not much later (somewhere between 12 and 24 hours and about 20 posts later) you suddenly state that you started to lean to the scum-side:

Sage103082: yogs - starting to move down my list to the scummier side -posting walls of text but not to much actually thoughts and
contributions of find the scum.
Nothing that interesting happens between those posts. Yogsloth doesn't even do that much in between - 2 super short posts and another one of decent size that doesn't bring too much to the table (a good part of it is on my theory not being convincing enough but it seems somewhat unpopular anyway so I won't hold it against him at the moment).

So, what made you change your mind that fast? What do you see as scummy in his play right now? I won't believe you i you tell me that the only rationale behind your vote is him saying his game is off Today.

You also noted text walls as a possible reason, but yog didn't start doing this recently, he's been doing it from D1 and yet you saw him as town. One somewhat hollow content-wise post of decent size (compared to his usual novellas) later you make 180 and start to see the wall-posting as a bad thing. Why is that?

As for mrkgnao's suggestion on player lists - I'm up for it and will try to post my feelings on people alignments in the next couple of hours.
Ok - had a read through and a few things have popped up..

The most interesting interaction I've noticed is between CSPVG and mrkgnao - an almost orchestrated twin attack . Yes, its on me which might make it stand out more for me, but on a reread it does come across all wrong

CSPVG - the set up for mrkgnao in post 693 - questioning my actions of previous day.

mrkgnao - post 706 filibuster explaining exactly why and how I had 'bussed' Adalia.

Others took the bait and examined it, but no-one really bit on their bait. CSPVG in post 763 then tries to look as if he's examining mrkgnaos acusation, but is in reality just reinforcing it - take a look ..

First he reiterates why its a good idea for me to buss. Then after professing only mild suspicion , he then goes on to say how its such a good idea for me to have voted first.
Then comes an interesting bit - he throws some doubt on mrkgnaos arguments, but in doing so reinforces mrkgnaos 'point' - "that does , given, sound suspect".

Silence from CSPVG for quite a while after that, while mrkgnao posts regularly, but not about me. Then , in post 878, CSPVG returns and votes for me, stating he still has the doubts over my wordings. This is then backed up by , you've guessed it, mrkgnao in post 892, stating I'm still top of his scumlist.

It all comes across to me as though Mafia have got together on night one and decided between them who they were going to attack on day two...

These two have shot to the top of my scumlist - they were both on the adalia wagon, so yes I'm abandoning the theory of at least one the Mafia not voting, but no-one really supported it anyway!

Others - mostly neutral for now.

I still have Trentonolf leaning scum for the on-off of adalia, and the odd mentioning of night flavour and other little things.

I have Yog leaning Town - Adalia was after him for most of day 1, and I dont really buy into the attack fellow scum for most of the day early to create distance thing - not to that extent anyway.

I have Krypsyn leaning town - was wavering due to excessive lurkiness, but posts since have been succinct, well thought out and with good points.

No real reads on anyone else yet, but I'm concentrating on my two main ones from here on in. I'm of a firm belief that if one flips scum, the other is too.

unvote Vitek

vote CSPVG
Vitek: I also wanted to see if he will suddenly reappear and react, the same way JMich always does. This was thwarted by Telika's following prod (seriously that guy needs to go).
It would have been interesting to see your response, since I was actually typing up a post when Telika prodded me. I literally had that window open for 3 hours, and I kept getting phone calls and the like. I refreshed the thread and opened a new post window when I returned, since I had been gone so long, and changed my post to a reply to him when I saw Telika's prod post (but the content was essentially the same).

Let us assume that I made that post without the prod from Telika. What would your reaction be?

yogsloth: I hope Day two analysis is coming. We need you.
I think you may have an inflated idea of my worth, but analysis is indeed coming. I am about halfway through Day 2, and I do actually have a question ... just not for you. ;)

Regarding trentonlf's experiences in Night 1, you seem fairly certain that he was likely protected. You mention this in both post 609 and 688, but seem to ignore other possibilities (such as him being scanned, etc). Why?
Krypsyn: Let us assume that I made that post without the prod from Telika. What would your reaction be?
Do you really expect me to answer this?
It depends on what you would post and on situation. How could I now speculate what I would reply to your hypotetical post made several days ago?
Sage103082: So basically Yogs is playing very scummy but this is not a reason to be considered scum?


Yog even says himself that his play has slipped. For right now I am seeing more scum-ness from yogs. I agree with a lot of Hijack points on yogs but unlike him I do tend to see yogs as scum.

Vote Yogsloth
dedoporno: First things first. Congrats on taking that step. The most relevant cheer that comes to my mind is this :)

And now on a more serious note I would also find it interesting to see more reasoning for that vote. A few days ago you were seeing yog mostly as town:

Sage103082: Viket, yogs, CSPVG - leaning more town
dedoporno: Not much later (somewhere between 12 and 24 hours and about 20 posts later) you suddenly state that you started to lean to the scum-side:

Sage103082: yogs - starting to move down my list to the scummier side -posting walls of text but not to much actually thoughts and
contributions of find the scum.
dedoporno: Nothing that interesting happens between those posts. Yogsloth doesn't even do that much in between - 2 super short posts and another one of decent size that doesn't bring too much to the table (a good part of it is on my theory not being convincing enough but it seems somewhat unpopular anyway so I won't hold it against him at the moment).

So, what made you change your mind that fast? What do you see as scummy in his play right now? I won't believe you i you tell me that the only rationale behind your vote is him saying his game is off Today.

You also noted text walls as a possible reason, but yog didn't start doing this recently, he's been doing it from D1 and yet you saw him as town. One somewhat hollow content-wise post of decent size (compared to his usual novellas) later you make 180 and start to see the wall-posting as a bad thing. Why is that?

As for mrkgnao's suggestion on player lists - I'm up for it and will try to post my feelings on people alignments in the next couple of hours.
Yogs has been up and down on my list for a while.

I went and did a re-read of his posts. I read them thinking he is town and then I read them again thinking he is scum. I think more of his posts make sense when reading them as he is scum.

He states that his game play has not been very good recently. To me I see this as a bit of scum worrying about how others are going to interpret his posts and trying to get others to think nothing of it. Town should be worried about finding scum not if others are going to find there posts off.

I also feel he has tried to take a step back and be in the game but not as much. More just dealing with things that have to do with him or his suspect as compared to looking at everyone and everything.

I also raised a eye brow to this post about Telika requested we start voting so that is why I am voting.. not because it is what we should do when we find someone that we think is scum. Also Telika never said anything about we need to vote. Or maybe I missed that?

As for the walls of text I am fine with them as long as they give something to the game and not just take up space to take up space.
Vitek: Do you really expect me to answer this?
It depends on what you would post and on situation. How could I now speculate what I would reply to your hypotetical post made several days ago?
Krypsyn: changed my post to a reply to him when I saw Telika's prod post (but the content was essentially the same).
So I guess this would be the post:
Vitek: Do you really expect me to answer this?
Nah, I just like asking questions online to exercise my fingers...

Vitek: It depends on what you would post and on situation. How could I now speculate what I would reply to your hypotetical post made several days ago?
Sage103082: I also raised a eye brow to this post about Telika requested we start voting so that is why I am voting.. not because it is what we should do when we find someone that we think is scum. Also Telika never said anything about we need to vote. Or maybe I missed that?
I think that was his interpretation of this post:
Telika: Also, what's it with all the players having turned into wallposting nonvoting telikas ? I'm starting to see it as a deliberate collective parody.
Oops, didn't see that a new page had started:

dedoporno: And now on a more serious note I would also find it interesting to see more reasoning for that vote. A few days ago you were seeing yog mostly as town:

Not much later (somewhere between 12 and 24 hours and about 20 posts later) you suddenly state that you started to lean to the scum-side:

Nothing that interesting happens between those posts. Yogsloth doesn't even do that much in between - 2 super short posts and another one of decent size that doesn't bring too much to the table (a good part of it is on my theory not being convincing enough but it seems somewhat unpopular anyway so I won't hold it against him at the moment).

So, what made you change your mind that fast?
Sage103082: Yogs has been up and down on my list for a while.

I went and did a re-read of his posts. I read them thinking he is town and then I read them again thinking he is scum. I think more of his posts make sense when reading them as he is scum.

He states that his game play has not been very good recently. To me I see this as a bit of scum worrying about how others are going to interpret his posts and trying to get others to think nothing of it. Town should be worried about finding scum not if others are going to find there posts off.

I also feel he has tried to take a step back and be in the game but not as much. More just dealing with things that have to do with him or his suspect as compared to looking at everyone and everything.

I also raised a eye brow to this post about Telika requested we start voting so that is why I am voting.. not because it is what we should do when we find someone that we think is scum. Also Telika never said anything about we need to vote. Or maybe I missed that?

As for the walls of text I am fine with them as long as they give something to the game and not just take up space to take up space.
I think you missed this part. What changed your mind between posts 779 and 798? That was days ago, where I posted virtually nothing in-between.
Sage103082: I also raised a eye brow to this post about Telika requested we start voting so that is why I am voting.. not because it is what we should do when we find someone that we think is scum. Also Telika never said anything about we need to vote. Or maybe I missed that?
DarkoD13: I think that was his interpretation of this post:
Telika: Also, what's it with all the players having turned into wallposting nonvoting telikas ? I'm starting to see it as a deliberate collective parody.
I thought it was because of Telika's "Deadline in in five hours. No it isn't. Just kiddin'. " (#880).
Why don't you clarify, yogsloth?
mrkgnao: Why don't you clarify, yogsloth?
Darko is correct. I took that bit to be a direct prod from Telika, since I was doing the "wallposting".

It seems not, however, with Telika's post 944.

Either way, I stand with my vote being both aimed to the best of my abilities and the reasoning behind it.

If you bear with me, I also want to get a post up on all the other sub-plots going around.
So, as promised, my thoughts on the other candidates that have been brought forward.

Robb points at Vitek

As I noted in post 801, I gave Vitek town points on a couple of occasions, and haven’t lifted them. To my reads, Vitek’s main crime has been lurkiness. I dislike that, but when he appears, he seems to genuinely prod the game along.

dedo points at Vitek

I think Vitek did an adequate job defending himself in post 826. Note that I am in favor of analyzing flub’s list, and I continue to give dedo points for that, so I think Vitek is somewhat off base here, but this feels like two townies arguing. I have commented little on this because of that.

Robb points at CSPVG (and mrkgano)
mrkgano and CSPVG point at Robbeasy

This is a mess. CSPVG is still neutral to me – and committing crimes of a lurky nature – but I just don’t see mrk as scum, based on his play in Day 1, placement on the wagon, and general helpfulness Day 2. I don’t see Robb as scummy either for the same reasons, so what’s going on here? I think Robb’s conspiracy theory here is even more far-fetched than my own current wagon-building. Why would scum target Robb, who voted first for adalia and held the pressure on? Why try to convince us that Robb conceived of the plan of bussing adalia from minute one? I just don’t see it. Robb and mrk both check as leaning town to me, so I am worried they are distracting each other. And I still haven’t heard a convincing argument to point to Robb’s guilt. As I already commented on in post 801, the “linguistics” argument didn’t sway me.

Sage makes one good point – if I have been blinded by my own pursuits and have not examined the arguments of others closely enough, I am not alone.
yogsloth: I think you missed this part. What changed your mind between posts 779 and 798? That was days ago, where I posted virtually nothing in-between.
rereads and post 787

If you had reason to question my change in status why wait until now to bring it up. Is it because I have put a vote on someone you want to protect. Seems if you had questions 3 days ago when post 798 was posted that would have been a good time to question it.

yogsloth: My own reads have no fewer than four of you firmly pushed onto the "leaning scum" list, with no one particular leading candidate. If a wagon formed on any of those four, with no new information, I'd probably jump on any one of them and hope for the best, and that's not good. I think I could make reasonably convincing, annotated arguments in favor of lynching any one of those four, and that's not good either, because that means there are some townies doing all the wrong things. Can't all be scum.

Day 1 went so well and now we are back to running in circles. Scum are laughing at us. Yes, I just tightened my cards to my chest in this post and went vague on purpose. I'm honestly not sure where to go from here . Have everyone give their #1 candidate with reasoning? Like I said, that would be tough for me. I would rather we slow down and take time to get it right, like we did yesterday. But we need something new to jar loose.
Jumping on a wagon just to do it not ever town thing to do.
I feel his some townies sentence distances himself from town in the way he words it.
He is now being vague on purpose - not sure how being vague is going to help us find scum and contradictions his 125 post "So, at possibly great risk to myself, I would like to just get something... anything started" - Why be all in for the game before and now you want to back off and not get to involved.
I don't see how you could possibly interpret anything I've done from the beginning of the game as not getting involved. I'm virtually every other post up here.
