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mrkgnao: (N < 9).
Isn't this supposed to be (N <= 9) ?
*sigh* Trent, trent, trent. I'm trying so hard to focus attention away from you.

trentonlf: I see your point on the power role. I was basing my position off of last game where I was lead to believe knowing someone is town was a good thing as it reduced the amount of people who could be scum.
Yer kiddin' right? Your role claim is proof you're town? Geez, why didn't I figure that out earlier?


Now we just wait to see who doesn't say that, and lynch 'em. Then we cruise to easy victory.

trentonlf: You and flub were touting that from the get go. Seeing how this is not a role madness game
It's not? How do you know? Even if you and Flub are vanilla, are you sure there are more? Why?

trentonlf: I can see how claiming ship models for everyone could be a bad thing that gets us nowhere. But, it was never my intent for it to be a ship claiming spree. I found it interesting that my ship model was different and said so. Seeing how everyone keeps focusing on this I should not have said anything, but again I don't keep focusing on this everyone else does.
...which is why you just brought it up. And explained it. Again.
yogsloth: *sigh* Trent, trent, trent. I'm trying so hard to focus attention away from you.

trentonlf: I see your point on the power role. I was basing my position off of last game where I was lead to believe knowing someone is town was a good thing as it reduced the amount of people who could be scum.
yogsloth: Yer kiddin' right? Your role claim is proof you're town? Geez, why didn't I figure that out earlier?


Now we just wait to see who doesn't say that, and lynch 'em. Then we cruise to easy victory.

trentonlf: You and flub were touting that from the get go. Seeing how this is not a role madness game
yogsloth: It's not? How do you know? Even if you and Flub are vanilla, are you sure there are more? Why?

trentonlf: I can see how claiming ship models for everyone could be a bad thing that gets us nowhere. But, it was never my intent for it to be a ship claiming spree. I found it interesting that my ship model was different and said so. Seeing how everyone keeps focusing on this I should not have said anything, but again I don't keep focusing on this everyone else does.
yogsloth: ...which is why you just brought it up. And explained it. Again.
Once again your reading skills are lacking. I. Did. Not. Bring. It. Up.
Mrkgnao brought it up and I was responding. How you seem to miss this eveytime is baffling.

This is not a role madness game or everyone, yes even flub and me, would have a role. So I am sure this is not a role madness game.

Again with the vanilla claim. I. Did. Not. Bring. It. Up.
I was responding to mrkgnao's question on the matter. You acting the fool again about it is not helping matters.
trentonlf: You and flub were touting that from the get go.
Their play was way more different. Their roles brought more benefit with earlier claim. Yours doesn't. I doubt it scum will risk hitting another vanilla townie, so if you really are one all that you managed to do with this claim was to put targets on everyone else's backs.

Now that I said this I see another possible play here. Just as with the PGO this could possibly serve as a reason why are you surviving for so long.
mrkgnao: (N < 9).
dedoporno: Isn't this supposed to be (N <= 9) ?
I was replying under the assumption that trentonlf was vanilla, as this was the point of the argument.
I did make a mistake though.
It should be N/8, not (N-1)/9.
mrkgnao: I was replying under the assumption that trentonlf was vanilla, as this was the point of the argument.
I did make a mistake though.
It should be N/8, not (N-1)/9.
Got it.
trentonlf: You and flub were touting that from the get go.
dedoporno: Their play was way more different. Their roles brought more benefit with earlier claim. Yours doesn't. I doubt it scum will risk hitting another vanilla townie, so if you really are one all that you managed to do with this claim was to put targets on everyone else's backs.

Now that I said this I see another possible play here. Just as with the PGO this could possibly serve as a reason why are you surviving for so long.
There is no play here. There is no deception of any sort.

Yes I mentioned my ship model after CSPVG did, and it seems as if that was a mistake.
Yes I claimed vanilla townie after Hijack asked about it at the end of day one. I posted that in 222 because a lot of people were saying my playstyle was similar to game #23 where I was scum. I am not scum this game. And as I said in post 222 there is nothing special about me, I'm just a simple townie.

The only reason this seems to be an issue is everyone keeps bringing it up. I would love to stop explaining this over and over and over and over again.
HijacK: Back on topic now: Mrk is definitely an interesting development player wise. One of you (don't remember who and searching for the post at this hour is cruelty to my sleep) has said that Mrk appears to play differently than he did in previous games. If I remember correctly, it was on a tone full of suspicion.
mrkgnao: That was trentonlf in his by-now-famous post #703.

As for your post. You seem to be caught up in WIFOM hell, where everything is possible, so everybody ends being equally unsuspicious or not. Not a good place to be, for that's where scum live, hedging all their bets.
It may appear as such, but if it comes to voting, I have in mind the suspects that so far look like liabilities. In any case, everyone who so far justified their votes so far hasn't done it very well as far as I'm concerned. Too much speculation, not enough tangible evidence.

mrkgnao: But most important of all, and I hope this reaches you before you meet that girl, otherwise disaster may ensue.
Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once: Etimology is not a joking matter!
We young girls take our linguistics seriously.
Malevolent derives from Latin (via Old French), "male" (ill, evil) + "volentem" (willing, wishing), i.e. ill-willing, evil-wishing.
That was a joke in correlation to the young girl comment. :P I looked the word before hand on google and knew what the roots were, but I just thought they sounded really funny. Perfect for an anti-sexism joke.
mrkgnao: I will gladly explain again.

The scum want to night-kill power roles. Assuming 2 scum + 9 town left, and assuming N town power-roles (N < 9), the chance of their hitting a power role tonight is (N/9). After you claimed vanilla (and assuming you are telling the truth and they believe you), they now have have a chance of ((N-1)/9), which is better for them than (N/9), so you have slightly increased the chance of their hitting a power role. This would have been even worse if others had followed your example (assuming there are other vanilla townies).
The formula is incorrect. If the odds of getting a power role out of 9 possible target is N/9, then with 1 target claiming townie the formula would become N/(9-1), because only 8 possible targets for a power role remain.
OMG, I can't believe I didn't check the front page today. The hype was real.

CSPVG: Having said this, I feel prompted to do something more than talk. Therefore, I'm going to Vote: Robbeasy. I've been thinking about the phrase,"Do you see why I'm doing this?" Over the course of the last few days, it's definitely taken on a suspect tone. This coupled with my own observations on Rob's posting habits near the end of day one made me feel the need to vote for him.
Do you think it was necessary for Rob to bus an alleged fellow scum so early?
DarkoD13: OMG, I can't believe I didn't check the front page today. The hype was real.
You mean Lucas Ar.... erm... Disney? Yeah!! Awesome stuff!
mrkgnao: I was kind of hoping that HijacK would defend himself better against your accusations and would come up with more substantial readings.
I would understand defending myself against someone I suspect as scum, or someone I suspect as town with compelling evidence in spite of them being wrong, but not against someone who I'm fairly certain is town, but also just a bad player. He did no questioning. He has no evidence. He just came up with this "marvelous" theory and expects everyone to take it as evidence. Fun stuff.
I'm sure that's how scum are caught. /endsarcasm
As for readings, no one got anything substantial so far. I'll make an effort and come with something more conclusive, but right now I am still just paying attention to the flow. I act once an opportunity arises.

yogsloth: My impression exactly. I accused trent of writing a big bag of nothing- this was an entire luggage store of squat. Other than a vague threat to CSPVG, nada mucho of specificity here. My case builds.
Coming from someone who has been accused by an interesting number of people of posting novellas without saying anything, this is humorously ironic.
Also, building cases? Shouldn't you pay attention to everyone?

yogsloth: Oddly enough, Hijack's impression of me being all over the place is probably pretty spot-on, lol! Maybe I'm over-thinking things, but nothing about HijacK has sat right with me from his "adalia is town and telling the truth about his role" post forwards. His big posts above add little except obfuscatory white noise.
You should have seen me game #23.
Also, please don't put words into my mouth or I'll pull a trent on you. Never said adalia's role claim is true. I said I believe it. There's a difference, especially when you don't know the truth.

yogsloth: Other than a vague threat to CSPVG, nada mucho of specificity here.
Again, who said anything about a threat to CSPVG? I said a risky play. nothing about any threat or me putting him on my scum list. A risky play. Now I will indeed pull a trent on you and recommend reading comprehension lessons.

yogsloth: If I'm wrong about all this, HijacK, I'll buy you a virtual beer when this is all over, you crazy 18-20 year-old.
Care to make a bet?
HijacK: It may appear as such, but if it comes to voting, I have in mind the suspects that so far look like liabilities. In any case, everyone who so far justified their votes so far hasn't done it very well as far as I'm concerned. Too much speculation, not enough tangible evidence.
Yeah, hi, sorry, it's me again.

Just wondering what constitutes "tangible evidence" in a game of Forum Mafia? I don't see anyone wearing a T-shirt that says "SCUM RULZ", and I'm not sure dusting for fingerprints on the knife in flub's back will do much good.

What are you waiting for, precisely, before you have an opinion?
yogsloth: Yeah, hi, sorry, it's me again.

Just wondering what constitutes "tangible evidence" in a game of Forum Mafia? I don't see anyone wearing a T-shirt that says "SCUM RULZ", and I'm not sure dusting for fingerprints on the knife in flub's back will do much good.

What are you waiting for, precisely, before you have an opinion?
Here's where your lack of skills as a whole come. You theorize and only do that. Nothing else. Evidence can be seen through posting. Whether it is someone catching someone else with a slip, doing an interrogation or reading scummy posts.
As far as any of these go, you do a lot of talking, but prove nothing and come up with nothing.
I'll keep my stand and say you're town, but also a bad player.
yogsloth: What are you waiting for, precisely, before you have an opinion?
You also conveniently for a second time omit to say that in the same post where I said I believe adalia's claim, I was IN FAVOR of his lynch. Second time you omit this.

And once again you disregard actual evidence of posts for your implausible theories.

You did this with trent, and now you're doing it with me.

Need I say more what type of player I think you are?