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Hm, I became local mafia dick and jerk? I think it's time to end for good then. (not right now, after the game)

dedoporno: I haven't started persuading anyone of anything just yet, have I? I haven't taken any steps in your direction other than sharing you are on my suspect list. Why do you feel the need to defend yourself so soon?
I somehow suspected that if you think someone is scum then your ultimate claim is to peruade others to join you, so I naively assumed you will have something to back up statements that you suspect someone, not to go look for it later.
And defend myself so soon? What do you mean by that? That one should wait before he gets five votes? I just mentioned what I don't like about you in my reads and you went rampant, calling me, jerk, stating you don't have to talk to me and avoiding answering simple requests. I wasn't even defending myself (well I somewhat was by proxy), I was asking about your behaviour toward trent and myself and you made it into big cause against myself.

dedoporno: You started pushing me right after I mentioned my suspicions of you and flub's list which makes suspect you even more.
I started to push you? I just included you in my reads, stating some things I disliked and also mentioned big plus in your favour. You then went and started defending yourself aggressively while accusing em of defensivness.
And flub list made me more suspicious? How? Shame I haven't realised that. I would be more defensive about it as I am about you.

dedoporno: You are demanding answers and evidence from me, but as I said earlier I don't need to persuade you of anything. At most I'll need to persuade others of your guilt if I decide this is the way to go.
I was asking for them so you could persuade others, not only for me. And is it so bad to ask for something you tried to not provide for several posts?

dedoporno: It's past 4AM here and I don't plan to waste any more time with this dialogue after this post until evidence of your Town alignment are present and your opinion starts to matter to me.
If you won't ever listen to things someone you think is mafia tells you to then you will become incredibly blinded in your game and won't have much success.

OK, I am going to skip most of your case, sorry. This will be quite long anyway and honestly, some parts are not "worth" of deeper response.

dedoporno: ...
That would leave Vitek. Again, not enough to even consider his mafia alignment.
This is exactly what characterise your "case". You haven't read my posts adn saw my actions and then found me scummy. You went back, with having me as scum in your mind, looking at my (and others) posts and trying to figure out in them why I am scummy and interprent it the way it suits your views.
That's reverse of what it should be.
As you say yourself, those things are not ones to consider someone scummy, but because you wanted to find what you went to search for, they add up for you on my scumminess in your eyes.

dedoporno: And he never proceed with the vote. Didn't do anything afterwards, really. Just let it go by. Why support the lynch if you see it as the right decision and not take part?
I gave clear answer to this before. I said that I want his answers first. That was less than day before the lynch and I haven't visited the thread again that day. When I returned next day, it was already night for many hours. So I had nowhere to proceed.
And you could call this WIFOM but this is my overall fell. If I was scum it would be much better to join that wagon at that moment, because he was doomed and it would just look better to join in.

dedoporno: ...
Then we advance to D2.
So as you said, you were already suspicious of me at the end of D1 (even if you never mentioned it back then), so looking at this post was it only because I was not on adalia's wagon (even though you admitted I helped with my questions- in that moment when as you say some people started to doubt) and because he tried to attack me, then backed down and kept his distance after some people questioned it and it got him into spotlight? Is it really all what made you suspect me secretly at the end of Day?

dedoporno: DarkoD13 (I never saw him as scum, I don't actually see him as one now)

Two things happened shortly after I shared my idea. It seems Darko's presence in the list worried him a bit, so he jumped on me about the list not being a relevant reason for a NK.
He dropped it as soon as I told him I don't have a beef with him at the moment.
Hold the phone here. You don't see him as scum but you think he was worried about being on that list and dropped it when you told him you are not after him? Why do you think he got disturbed, then?

dedoporno: Did I mentioned flub's original vote on D1 was Vitek before he changed it to adaliabooks when the wagon was gaining momentum?
Do you mean that vote flub made in his drunk post because I am sarter then I acted and that he hadn't even remembered? That sure implicates me?

dedoporno: Things got heated up in our dialogue and Vitek started to question some of my own actions, including dropping trentonlf's as a suspect all of a sudden. I haven't stopped questioning trentonlf from what is basically the end of the RVS up until his night episode, but yet Vitek implied I had and started pushing towards this.
Today (gameday) you never appeared as you was about to vote trenton, even if he was close to getting your vote on D1 (you stated trent would get your vote if you wasn't voting adalia). On D2 you questioned him, but only his claim and not in way that seemed like you mistrust him which is strange considering he was your no. 1 suspect and how you refuse to talk to me. (I suppose he is not dick like me?)

dedoporno: He also demanded to show him where I told I was suspecting him on D1 which I find odd on it's own. This is a game where things change (or not) in time, while new information emerges.
"Guys, do you remember how I suspected dedo right from RVS and he claims I onl ystaretd with him recently? What, you can't find any mention of it? Why should you, things change? Just trust me. (I don't actually suspect him that much as he tries to paint it) "

Why do you find it odd? You said you suspected me back then, so why shouldn't I ask where you voiced it? Seriously, I don't know why you find everythign I ask so outrageous.

OK, this got much more space then it should deserve, but as usual, I can't help myself.
Considering most people doesn't seem to care much, so next time I'll try to be more brief.

OK, that's catching up with dedo done, I can tackle rest of you next time. (if there is something to tackle) :-)

If I was to vote someone right now, it would be Krypsyn, if only for his excessive lurkiness. I see him playing CK2 often, that's true, but it looks like he is just ignoring this thread altogether and some of his posts still doesn't fill me with trust even after explaining.
DarkoD13: Seeing that that wasn't working, he was eager to vote adalia again, even if we didn't have everyone's opinion yet.
Now it's my time to say "Really?!"

Exactly how did I saw it was not working? When adaliabooks claimed I was leaving the office on a Friday evening. It takes me 30-40 minutes to get home. Nothing noteworthy happened between me unvoting and re-voting again. As a matter of fact Vitek unvotes in between. So I'm kind of surprised when you accuse me of seeing this not working out and going back to my original plan. Why would I replace a removed vote from my supposed scum buddy? Because I'm rock-solid on bussing him? You also forgot to mention that I waited for mrkgnao before actually placing my vote. Make sure to re-visit that, maybe that will make me even more suspicious in your eyes :)

For your convenience, here is the link to that exact post:

I can take only the no lynch stuff as a relevant reason to suspect me. This is my second game, and believe it or not, I did consider the no lynch vote at the time, but back then I didn't realize how bad it actually is. As a matter of fact I learn a bunch of stuff in game (someone points something out and I google it) and after so many people pointed how bad it is I looked it up and saw that statistically we have higher chance to hit a scum next day (because of potential new data and because there are fewer townies to hit).

It's your choice whether or not to believe this was a noob mistake, but that's what it was.

As for flub's list, I already saw that most people don't want to pay too much attention to it, so I won't try to persuade you any longer, but I won't drop it.
yogsloth: @trent:

Sorry, it’s also overdue I carefully respond to your post, so you don’t feel so ignored. : ) I’m not going to multi-quote here, but will refer to post #s. This is in response to your post 809, and I will address each point.

1) How could you get back on the wagon? Let’s revisit post #491. You jump off the wagon, looking for more info from adalia. Fair enough. Shortly after, he role-claims. Discussion ensues. Post 513 I give my decision matrix on why I think the lynch should proceed. Immediately afterward, post 514, you say “Excellent post, thank you for that”. Dedo unvotes to also think things through. Vitek unvotes. More discussion. Post 531, you say that you think one of myself or adalia are scum, but you’re not sure which. Dedo re-votes. More discussion. Several players chime in in favor of a lynch. You are right there the whole time, adalia needs one more to hammer, nearly everyone is on the record… you have every chance to re-vote, but never take it, because apparently your opinion is wholly subservient to every single other person in the game going first. That makes no sense to me. Multiple posters already on the wagon re-confirm why they’re there… but not you, who seem to try and drag things out as long as possible.

2) It’s bogus you making the “no role” claim at 11:59 of the first day. Why throw that kind of spanner into the works moments before nightfall? You just get everyone wondering what the heck you were doing, with no chance to question you for several real-life days. And sorry, I don’t think anybody caught you were role-claiming earlier in the day. For ship models, you shouldn’t be muddying the waters at all. Neither should CSPVG for sure – but throwing your two cents in didn’t help anybody. It was more distraction.

3) You want me to point it out? OK. Post 601 you are already on the defensive about your reveal, having been advised that some (like me) find it distractionary. But, fine, you keep going on about it. Post 610, 632, you’re talking about it, and then conversation on that topic largely dies. Then post 687 you’re back at it. And 708. And the topic dies again. And there you are in 777, bringing it up again, to counter Sage… who was trying to tell you to stop talking about it! I assume this is what you mean by “explaining it for the umpteenth time”. Well, it’s just a little too much for me. Is this point by itself enough to start shouting “SCUM!” No, it isn’t. It’s a cumulative effect of discomfort that connects to all the other points.

4) I forgot to add post 735, where you claim you don’t know why posts shouldn’t be edited. Give me a break with this – really? You really don’t know, three games in? Of course you do. So why pretend you don’t? More fluff and distraction.

5) Your post in question was just too wishy-washy and indecisive. Time to firm up.

6) Possibly. Do you see why I’m not the only one to be uncomfortable with your overall play direction in this game, however?

OK, I shut up for a while now. Too much yog in one day. Robb notes there's a lot more yappin', and not much votin', and he's right. Maybe I am just too much of a wuss, but I want to hear some more firm suspicions before trying to drive a wagon myself.
You're an idiot. No other explanation for your poor reading skills

1. Post 540, Your response to Darko saying we need to wait on CSPVG, after you stated in post 536 that you would appreciate no hammer until we heard from Robb and Kryspyn. Well would you look at that, it's after I said in post 514 Excellent post thank you for that. So I'm looking to hear from other people, yet you are jumping on me for not voting adaliabooks out until we have heard from more people while at the same time you were saying the same thing later? You say it makes no sense to you that I wanted to wait, yet you were saying the same thing? If you are going to point something out make sure it makes sense first, not some contrived bullshit to make someone look scummy.

2. I clearly pointed out in post 809 my reasoning for the ship model post and why I claimed, but once again it seems you don't know how to read.

3. More of you not knowing how to read, getting kind of old having to read for you. Let's see Post 601 in response to Vitek, not sure where you see the defensive tone. Post 610 in response to Hijack. Post 632 was in response to Hijack in post 623. Post 687 in response to mrknao. Post 708 in response to dedo. Post 777 in response to Sage. And if you read Sage's post, oh wait you don't know how to read so I'll explain it to you. She never says "Hey trentonlf stop bringing up the night action", she says there has been too much talk about it. I agreed then, and I agree now. Every post you listed was me responding to someone else bringing it up, once again if you are going to claim something make sure it makes sense first.

4. Post 735, you really should hire a reading tutor or something. I state clearly "I always see "don't edit your posts" and understand why". I was asking what happens when you do as I had not seen anything happen besides the werewolf game, and all that happened was a slap on the wrist. I was wondering if anyone actually have been mod killed. The question was answered in Post 739. Reading must be hard for you.

5. My post of what I thought of everyone was wishy washy. In what way?

6. Possibly what?

Your writing walls of posts, but failing to really read before you post makes you look bad. Don't be a prick about things, actually learn to read before you post.
Dude. Breathe. Go to your happy place.

I haven't voted for you, and I wanted to continue to get information from you. That's the game we're playing. So thanks thus far.

Only time will tell how it plays out, but if you're getting this worked up... maybe you should walk away for a bit and realize this is a game of interrogation and suspicion, of feints and accusations. This game is called Mafia for a reason. If probed or questioned, defend yourself and your reasoning as you're doing, but don't take it personally to such an extent. The point is to have fun. If you're feeling true, real life anger... ur doon it wrong!
yogsloth: Dude. Breathe. Go to your happy place.

I haven't voted for you, and I wanted to continue to get information from you. That's the game we're playing. So thanks thus far.

Only time will tell how it plays out, but if you're getting this worked up... maybe you should walk away for a bit and realize this is a game of interrogation and suspicion, of feints and accusations. This game is called Mafia for a reason. If probed or questioned, defend yourself and your reasoning as you're doing, but don't take it personally to such an extent. The point is to have fun. If you're feeling true, real life anger... ur doon it wrong!
I'm not worked up at all. Just pointing out how you are trying to paint me in a bad light with untrue statements. You are starting to act like your word is all that matters. You being a prick to others is not what I call "having fun".

I still say you should learn how to read instead of skimming over things and making up whatever fits your idea at the moment.
Vitek: I just mentioned what I don't like about you in my reads and you went rampant, calling me, jerk, stating you don't have to talk to me and avoiding answering simple requests.
You don't know why I said you acted like a jerk? I don't know how this post sounds in your head, but when I read it it sound pretty insulting. You could say "I don't like your post, it doesn't make sense because this and that". But you had to mock me. I would accept such behavior from a close one, but you don't know me good enough act in such a way.

But as I said, even though I don't appreciate such attitude (especially when it's uncalled for) I don't think it would paint one as scum. You may be like that IRL or just play this way. I get it and I can live with it in the context of the game. This doesn't and won't affect my views. The worst possible result could be I decide I don't like you and not interact with you outside of the game (not that I currently do, but I hope you get my point).

As for not reading your posts you are very mistaken. I read everything a number of times and re-read every few days or when some more interesting event happens. I also re-read specific people's posts when I feel I need to.

I didn't went back with having you as scum. At the time I had you only as slightly leaning scum. When I said I had notes it was the truth. I write lots of stuff on different people I find interesting and / or noteworthy, but most of what I had on you and CSPVG got lost for whatever reason. You demanded a few times for me to show you evidence (I never said evidence, I said notes) and because of that I went back to re-build it. They expanded because I was more thorough this time, as a matter of fact I had missed one thing I find very important and I added it in my long post about you - your willingness to proceed with the lynch and not taking part in the end.

You are questioning me on not showing intent to vote on trentonlf. I don't see you voting for anyone.

D1 is different situation and information-wise from D2. New stuff attracted my attention and I followed them. Where do you think we'll get if everyone sticks to the first person they decide they suspect and never consider other options?

You say I don't read your posts, but I'm starting to suspect that you are not reading mine. I haven't dropped trentonlf, he shares the top scum spot in my list with you, but right now you are more interesting to me.
trentonlf: I'm not worked up at all. Just pointing out how you are trying to paint me in a bad light with untrue statements. You are starting to act like your word is all that matters. You being a prick to others is not what I call "having fun".

I still say you should learn how to read instead of skimming over things and making up whatever fits your idea at the moment.
I know I need to stop posting before everyone gets completely sick(er) of me, so I swear, one last thing and then I force myself to walk away.

I see a lot of people getting super worked up. Vitek is going to quit playing forever? Dedo is mad? Sage is mad? trent is mad? All because of accusations of scumminess? What game am I even playing here? How about we all take a chill pill? If someone calls you scum and says your posts suck, defend yourself. "You're an idiot" or "I quit" generally aren't proper logical retorts. They're rarely convincing arguments of towniness, anyway.

Since trent and I seem to have "squared off", I'll go back to you - if I'm way off base, that's fine. How about you pick one player and make a convincing case of why they are your #1 scum candidate? In my great big posts I said multiple times I'm frustrated that I don't have a great lead. I'm just following what few bits 'n' bobs I can find.

I'm 100% willing to listen to what you have to say.

Krypsyn: "Posted 3 days ago"
Telika: Please do specify if you want a replacement.
Not yet, but it's time to move to "Scolded" as you mention in post #1. What's JMich doing these days?
dedoporno: You don't know why I said you acted like a jerk? I don't know how this post sounds in your head, but when I read it it sound pretty insulting.
I neglected to point out which post I'm referring to, so here, first paragraph: #680

This section is the only reason I said you acted like a jerk. Nothing afterwards.
HijacK: There are many ways to play as scum and given the chance to be one I would've played the exact same way in such a manner to get lynched but have the other scum on my vote wagon to gain them credibility. Wouldn't those that haven't voted for me stand out, in spite of being town? Then it's all easy. Eradicate at night town that were on y vote wagon, and attempt to put the blame on those that look fishy. Fairly mediocre plan, but I am sure it would work here.
yogsloth: Contrasted to this:

HijacK: Yeah, you're entirely wrong about the whole thing as far as my "implication" with adalia is concerned. If I was scum, I'd play it smarter than bussing one of my team on Day 1 when nothing is concrete. Wasn't that obvious? Or are you trying to call me stupid?
yogsloth: Note the bolded parts.

I feel like it's getting warmer in here.
You're missing the entire point and only getting what you want from my post, not the whole of it. Viable strategy? Sure. Would I be stupid as scum to do it day 1 when there's no need? Give me a break.
ands lets all just calm down shall we?...;)

I popped in just before i hit the sack - its been a long day, just been called out at work to top it all off...

As yog says, never ever take anything to heart in a Mafia game - although we could all play a bit nicer - say 'you're being an idiot with your reasoning' rather than 'you're an idiot', or 'that response came across like a jerk' rather than 'you're a jerk'.

Come on fellas, its about having fun...

my main suspects so far are Trentonlf, although he is robustly defending himself quite well.

Vitek is just nagging me as slightly different to his usual style - nothing concrete at all, its just a feeling at this stage.

Krypsyn is mr lurky lurkster from lurkville - and unless replaced soon or starts posting is prime lynch material - a non-contributor, even a town one, is death to a game.

There are others ,but I'm tired and am going to bed. I will be revisiting the bandwagon and yesterdays posts from Adalia again tomorrow - I might even make notes, for the first time ever !
yogsloth: Since trent and I seem to have "squared off", I'll go back to you - if I'm way off base, that's fine. How about you pick one player and make a convincing case of why they are your #1 scum candidate? In my great big posts I said multiple times I'm frustrated that I don't have a great lead. I'm just following what few bits 'n' bobs I can find.

I'm 100% willing to listen to what you have to say.
Your bits 'n' bobs are not very well thought out then. My wishy washy post still stands as to what I think. You might not think it is "firm" enough, but until something else arises it's all I have for now.

I have not been mad just an FYI, you will know if I'm mad. Me posting in such a manner was to get you to actually pay attention to it this time instead of skimming over it.
Vitek: Hm, I became local mafia dick and jerk?
Since when does that even matter?
@ dedo; the jerk part was the least important part of my post, so I am moving on from that part.
The rest is just handwaving of almost everything I typed (do you realised I even asked you question not related to trent, me and your case, right?) and the reply about me not voting anyone is just deflecting.
Also, I haven't said you don't read my posts, I only said, you went back to them to find why they are scummy after you decided I am mafia.
No idea, where are you getting that I said, you shouldn't consider new info.

As for trent and D2, you wrote this D1:
dedoporno: So far my top suspects are adaliabooks and trentolf. I'm not too sure about the third one, though. At first I thought yogsloth, but he did a great job changing lots of people's minds. I'm still not sold, but I have decided to focus my attention towards the two players I mentioned above.
But D2 in any of your posts, even where you question trent about claim, it doesn't feel like you are pursuing him for scum at all.
Your posts before I brought this up:
, [url=]593, , [url=]630, , [url=]639, , [url=]644, , [url=]667, , [url=]679, , [url=]690, , [url=]695, , [url=]707
A lot of post, little to no "trenthunting". :-)

Btw., the post I quoted shows your reads and you are even considering no.3 there after adalia and trent and there is no mention of me anywhere, That's why I felt you are not telling the truth about suspecting me together wiwth trent on D1.
I admit it is 2 days before end of day and some stuff happened in between. But I added only 1 post since then (of course, that can be considered bad thing as well). Post where you liked questions but disliked I haven't voted.
So I have to question how you claim I was on your mind back then and you shouldn't dismiss it so much.

Btw. in post 827 dedo said I unvote after he had unvoted adalia. It is worth noting that I unvoted totally different person than adalia. I was just preparing to vote him. How it was said it sounded as I unvoted abooks.

@yog; it wouldn't be quitting because of scumminess accusations. But if people think I am dick/jerk, then I think it's better for me to not play if I make people enjoy game less.
yogsloth: Except that you didn't. You posted that you firmly believed he was town. Remember that bit? You “believed” he was town, and didn’t vote for him.
The forced role claim actually fooled me. Guess that's what I get for overestimating people. I wasn't expecting anyone to play the cards THAT bad. However, I find it very intriguing that you omitted to say in your post how I was STILL in favor of his lynch, whether I thought he was scum or not. Even if he was a townie, by that point there were 0 advantages for town to have him. As for voting, I only do so when I deem it needed. He had 5-6 votes.
I will place my vote on Krypsyn as he is one of my suspects for scum and his inactivity does not bode well. He is usually a pretty active player, I hope all is well for him.

Vote Krypsyn