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Last game I posted to soon after my last post and my panties were stolen...
Sage103082: Last game I posted to soon after my last post and my panties were stolen...
LOL, I dont remember that. That's funny though :-)
HijacK: If you'll do a re-read, you'll see that in another post, before the wagon started rolling like thunder, he said that he is sure that me and yog are scum. That post contradicts the one you read.
I've another question for ya, HijacK ol' buddy ol' pal.

Day one you (correctly) shredded adalia for weak posting and faulty reasoning. Day two, there is one poster making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical, but you are silent.

How come?
trentonlf: I was just curious as I always see "don't edit your posts" and understand why, just never seen what happens when do other than werewolf game. Hijack did double post quite a few times early on in werewolf game but was only told not to do it again or dire things would happen,
There is usual warning first about being careful and then people beware but in one game there was even double modkill for double-posting.
dedoporno: Right now you, Vitek, and him are the two people I'm most suspicious of.
That adds up to 3.
dedoporno: Right now you, Vitek, and him are the two people I'm most suspicious of.
HijacK: That adds up to 3.
He was speaking directly to Vitek.

I am speaking to you, HijacK, and telling you to snap lively. Hut HUT.
HijacK: If you'll do a re-read, you'll see that in another post, before the wagon started rolling like thunder, he said that he is sure that me and yog are scum. That post contradicts the one you read.
yogsloth: I've another question for ya, HijacK ol' buddy ol' pal.

Day one you (correctly) shredded adalia for weak posting and faulty reasoning. Day two, there is one poster making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical, but you are silent.

How come?
Vitek: Games I can confirme they had that knowledge: <...snip...>
They didn't: <...snip...> 24
Can't confirm: <...snip...>
I assume you mean 23, not 24, unless there's something you want to share with us...
yogsloth: I've another question for ya, HijacK ol' buddy ol' pal.
I don't like that tone. The sarcasm is too obvious.

yogsloth: Day one you (correctly) shredded adalia for weak posting and faulty reasoning. Day two, there is one poster making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical, but you are silent.

How come?
Real life issues. Big universities opened their application season and only have 1 or 2 months. Since Monday I was busy daily with school work, completing paperwork for letters of recommendation, and trying to get community service hours. I haven't even read the thread again in spite of being almost constantly at PC.
Battling sexists and illogical pricks is easy compared to the investigation in this game.

I am up to date with the posts however, and so far there are quite a few odd things that stand out. The thing is, they are just too many to call them all out. I'm reading and re-reading recent posts (not the Empire State building sized ones) thinking of scenarios. So far half of the people here did something scummy to me in Day 2. I'm trying to make a criteria on how to grade the scummines.
Also, shredding someone's posts without a good explanation is unproductive. So far the explanations I came up with are lackluster. The players remaining in the game are in a higher league than adalia.
HijacK: If you'll do a re-read, you'll see that in another post, before the wagon started rolling like thunder, he said that he is sure that me and yog are scum. That post contradicts the one you read.
yogsloth: I've another question for ya, HijacK ol' buddy ol' pal.

Day one you (correctly) shredded adalia for weak posting and faulty reasoning. Day two, there is one poster making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical, but you are silent.

How come?
Sorry about the blank post, I hit wrong button. I meant to ask you who you were referring to in Day 2?
Vitek: I would really like Krypsyn to take break from his reign (hopefully he gets disposed or something) and share more of his wisdom with us. I miss him dearly.
I really just need to give myself a time-out from that dang game, it is true.

Vitek: Also, I am eager for Krypsyn's response to selective quoting accusation.

trentonlf: I appreciate the response, but why did you cut out the part of the quote that made it clear why I had you leaning scum?
Because I didn't think it was relevant. In Game 23, I mentioned a few times in the Observer Thread that I like the way Sage plays. Does that make me a moderator in this game?

trentonlf: The only reason this stands out to me is because in game #22 he said the exact same thing to me when I gave an analysis on Hijack that got Hijack lynched, and Krypsyn was scum that game.
I did actually agree with all your arguments against HijacK. I knew you were wrong, but I would have felt the same way you did had I been Town.
HijacK: That adds up to 3.
yogsloth: He was speaking directly to Vitek.

I am speaking to you, HijacK, and telling you to snap lively. Hut HUT.
And I am telling you that I investigate as I see fit. I do not see how the results of YOUR investigation are specifically tied to me, unless you're trying to build a case against me.
mrkgnao: What if adaliabooks understood Robbeasy's comment and decided to go with it? To lie down flat on his back in the middle of the road for Robbeasy to bus him? To play scummy intentionally in order to give Robbeasy credibility?

And if you think adaliabooks wouldn't have thought about it, well, he only had to read HijacK's recipe on posts #207 + #215.
One for you, too, Mr. Meyow. I find it unlikely that adalia had the wherewithal in his 2nd mafia game - and first as scum - to adapt to a plan like this. I think if he got bussed he wasn't terribly happy about it.

Hypothetical - what if you knew for a fact Robb was town? Say it's day three, Robb has been lynched and flipped town - would that end your "adalia was bussed" theory? I think it's quite possible he was bussed... but if he was, Robb isn't my guy.
Vitek: I would really like Krypsyn to take break from his reign (hopefully he gets disposed or something) and share more of his wisdom with us. I miss him dearly.
Krypsyn: I really just need to give myself a time-out from that dang game, it is true.

Vitek: Also, I am eager for Krypsyn's response to selective quoting accusation.
Krypsyn: Sure.

trentonlf: I appreciate the response, but why did you cut out the part of the quote that made it clear why I had you leaning scum?
Krypsyn: Because I didn't think it was relevant. In Game 23, I mentioned a few times in the Observer Thread that I like the way Sage plays. Does that make me a moderator in this game?

trentonlf: The only reason this stands out to me is because in game #22 he said the exact same thing to me when I gave an analysis on Hijack that got Hijack lynched, and Krypsyn was scum that game.
Krypsyn: I did actually agree with all your arguments against HijacK. I knew you were wrong, but I would have felt the same way you did had I been Town.
I did not read the observer thread, but that does not relate to my question anyway.

What I was getting at was when I read that post all that popped into my head was you said the exact same thing to me and were scum. This does not make you scum in this game, it just struck me as odd that you would say the exact same thing in two different games as if you were trying to win someone over (me in first game and sage this game). I posted my thoughts to see your answer on it. Then when you omitted my reasoning it seemed like you were trying to make it inconsequential when it was not.
trentonlf: Then when you omitted my reasoning it seemed like you were trying to make it inconsequential when it was not.
The reason I omitted it is because I did think it was inconsequential. I try to react to people very similarly regardless of my alignment. If responses seem similar across games, the most likely reason is that they were made by the same person.