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trentonlf: I did not get a chance to answer you before the night phase started. Post 222 is where I said I have no role.
I did not understand post #222 as a vanilla claim. I don't expect anybody else did, or there would have been some reaction to it.

Anyhow, post #586 is a vanilla claim. And I must say I don't like it.

1) If trentonlf is telling the truth, then I believe he made a mistake in claiming. All it does is slightly increase the chance of the scum night-killing a role-bearing townie.

2) If trentonlf is a townie but not really vanilla, LAL.

3) If trentonlf is scum, he is probably trying to fool townie vanillas into following his lead, thereby assisting the scum in differentiating vanilla from role-bearing. Please do not follow his example.
dedoporno: I'm led to believe that the ship models may not be as important as I gave them credit for. The dusk post made me realize that we are being infiltrated. This means our fleet consists only of our own ships and the pilots are the ones that may or may not be treacherous.

Let's resume what happened ship-wise so far, for bookkeeping:

adaliabooks claimed and flipped Inurfas Mark IV.
CSPVG claimed Inurfas Mark IV.

trentonlf claimed Inurfas Mark II and Town Vanilla.
Flubbucket flipped Inurfas Mark II and Town Vanilla.
Inurfas Mark II was featured in the OP as the first destroyed ship.
I don't think it was a wise move to reveal ship models. I don't believe any of us knows whether there is some logic to the models. For all we know, by revealing one's ship model one might actually be revealing one's role without even realising it.

BTW, according to the OP, it's Iniurfas, not Inurfas.

Now, I am faced with a moral dilemma: Should I reread adaliabooks' posts now or should I play Blackguards? What do you think?
mrkgnao: Now, I am faced with a moral dilemma: Should I reread adaliabooks' posts now or should I play Blackguards? What do you think?
Consult wristband: WWTD? ;)
Vitek: I see you are trained to see true nature of things. I have to bow before you. :-)
Yeah, I am no fan of discussin possible night actions, kills and what some hinted piece of info could mean. At the start of new Day I see it as was to make fake discussion that helps in no way to find mafia and distract from more useful things.
mrkgnao: I am not sure I agree with you, at least not concerning trentonlf's "nighttime assault". Sage has already commented before about your tendency to attempt to dissuade the town from exploring specific avenues of investigation. I must say that I too find it disturbing.

As I see it, trentonlf either told the truth about the "nighttime assault" PM he got from Telika or he lied.

If he told the truth, then this means that our mod volunteered information of his own accord. I don't know about you, but for me, this would be teh first time that a mod does such an outlandish move.

From my experience mods are the type of people who, when asked "Can you confirm that 2 + 2 =4", would answer "No, I can't. ;) ", followed two minutes later with "Well, actually, I suppose I COULD confirm or deny it, but I WON'T. ;)". They are not the type of people to send out random flavour PM's.

If Telika decided to offer us some "free" information, it would be foolish of us not to at least think what it meant. I'm still thinking about possible scenarios, beyond those outlined by dedoporno. If I come with something useful, I'll post.

And of course if we think trentonlf lied, we definitely should discuss it. To me, it seems too far-fetched to be a lie, but after adaliabooks' end-of-day tour-de-force role-claim, who knows?

One thing I did during the long night (when not playing Blackguards) is skim through Telika's previous game (mafia #18). It has some bizarre roles (e.g. motivator) and some combinations I don't seem to have seen mentioned on mafiascum (e.g. alternating jailer between town and mafia on odd/even days). We need to keep an open mind with such a moderator.

I have some more things to write about, but will break it into separate posts.
This portion of my post 222 is what I was referring too The truth is I am town, nothing special about me but that. I am also unsure what it is you don't like about my post 586.

I only mentioned my ship model as it was different from what adaliabooks and CSPVG were claiming, and that was something that stood out to me.

I did not lie about the PM that was sent to me, I am as perplexed by it as you are. I thought sharing information was better than sitting on it and hoped it would help to find scum. Whether it will or not I don't know.

What I am curious about is why was Flub the target. Is her death trying to frame someone or was she on to something?
trentonlf: This portion of my post 222 is what I was referring too The truth is I am town, nothing special about me but that.
Yes. I got that. But back when you posted #222, I didn't realise this was a vanilla claim. Hence my "I did not understand post #222 as a vanilla claim".

trentonlf: I am also unsure what it is you don't like about my post 586.
See my post #616. All three options are not good. Can you come up with a good reason for your vanilla claim?

trentonlf: I only mentioned my ship model as it was different from what adaliabooks and CSPVG were claiming, and that was something that stood out to me.

I did not lie about the PM that was sent to me, I am as perplexed by it as you are. I thought sharing information was better than sitting on it and hoped it would help to find scum. Whether it will or not I don't know.
I agree you should have shared it.

trentonlf: What I am curious about is why was Flub the target. Is her death trying to frame someone or was she on to something?
She? Flub? She?

Something's very weird about trentonlf's posts. And I don't mean scummy weird. Just plain inexplicable weird.
Update: I played Blackguards...
I'll re-read adaliabooks' posts tomorrow.
wake up to over a page of new posts!

I actually like this time difference between US and UK players....

I'm at it all day working today, but will hopefully catch up on the reading and post tonight (in about 10 - 12 hours).

One thing though on first skim - our main focus HAS to be on Adaliabooks' posts from yesterday - having nailed scum on first lynch their previous posts should give us some good clues. I will definitely be going back through them..

Ship models - we don't have enough info as yet, so discussion on them can only be misleading at best, and potentially deadly at worst. Something to take note of, but no more than that.

Trentons reveal - nothing wrong so much with telling us his night pm, and I agree there WILL be a purpose to it (ie not just pointless MOD flavour) but it does lead to more baseless speculation.

What would really be helpful would be a list of all Adalias interactions from yesterday - I will try to pull one together tonight, if I can be arsed after a long day at the office...

initial thoughts - not a fan of yogsloths quick posting after daylight, although the explanation was feasible. The impatience of youth perhaps..
trentonlf: I am also unsure what it is you don't like about my post 586.
mrkgnao: See my post #616. All three options are not good. Can you come up with a good reason for your vanilla claim?

trentonlf: I only mentioned my ship model as it was different from what adaliabooks and CSPVG were claiming, and that was something that stood out to me.

I did not lie about the PM that was sent to me, I am as perplexed by it as you are. I thought sharing information was better than sitting on it and hoped it would help to find scum. Whether it will or not I don't know.
mrkgnao: I agree you should have shared it.
The question is: Could he have shared this information without doing a role claim or at least hinting at a role? In the scenario of just hinting at a role, he would have attracted more attention through intrigue.
my god this forum software!

I just did a search on 'adaliabooks' in this topic, and it brought back over a 100 posts - in a RANDOM order!!

Am I doing something wrong??
HijacK: The question is: Could he have shared this information without doing a role claim or at least hinting at a role? In the scenario of just hinting at a role, he would have attracted more attention through intrigue.
Why would trentonlf hint a role after he claimed vanilla and is sticking to it? If this is what it's really happening, such move will be more confusing than helpful.

+1 for for leaving it for later and re-visiting adaliasbooks' activities.

Robbeasy: I actually like this time difference between US and UK players... .
EU > UK. There are other nationalities here, as well :P
Robbeasy: Am I doing something wrong??
Yes. You are using a search function in a gog website.
HijacK: The question is: Could he have shared this information without doing a role claim or at least hinting at a role? In the scenario of just hinting at a role, he would have attracted more attention through intrigue.
dedoporno: Why would trentonlf hint a role after he claimed vanilla and is sticking to it? If this is what it's really happening, such move will be more confusing than helpful.

+1 for for leaving it for later and re-visiting adaliasbooks' activities.
You misunderstood my post. mrkgnao questioned trent's role claim but agreed he should have shared the info in him PM. That info would've looked suspicious if shared without a role claim, or at least hinting at a role.
trentonlf: why was Flub the target. Is her death trying to frame someone or was she on to something?
trentonlf: She? Flub? She?
He will love this.

I'll try to make a list for how the adalia badwagon went in a couple of hours (I'm surprised no one suggested that yet).
HijacK: The question is: Could he have shared this information without doing a role claim or at least hinting at a role? In the scenario of just hinting at a role, he would have attracted more attention through intrigue.
dedoporno: Why would trentonlf hint a role after he claimed vanilla and is sticking to it? If this is what it's really happening, such move will be more confusing than helpful.

+1 for for leaving it for later and re-visiting adaliasbooks' activities.

Robbeasy: I actually like this time difference between US and UK players... .
dedoporno: EU > UK. There are other nationalities here, as well :P
Many apologies dedo..;)

And Darko, and Hijack,
HijacK: You misunderstood my post. mrkgnao questioned trent's role claim but agreed he should have shared the info in him PM. That info would've looked suspicious if shared without a role claim, or at least hinting at a role.
Got it :)