dedoporno: Finally! I wonder what took so long. Was it Telika taking his time or did he have to wait for someone? Hmm...
Flub actually flipped vanilla, but it's still a pity we lost an experienced player. You shall be avenged!
Adaliabooks' try was pretty awesome. If he tried harder he might have been able to pull it off.
His demise was even better, though :D Power-role mafia on first hit? Nice! Anyway, what is Strongarm? Is it the Strongman?
CSPVG: So, who among you shall be the first to suggest that I be lynched for sharing the same ship model as adaliabooks?
dedoporno: I'm led to believe that the ship models may not be as important as I gave them credit for. The dusk post made me realize that we are being infiltrated. This means our fleet consists only of our own ships and the pilots are the ones that may or may not be treacherous.
Let's resume what happened ship-wise so far, for bookkeeping:
adaliabooks claimed and flipped
Inurfas Mark IV.
CSPVG claimed
Inurfas Mark IV.
trentonlf claimed
Inurfas Mark II and
Town Vanilla.
Flubbucket flipped
Inurfas Mark II and
Town Vanilla.
Inurfas Mark II was featured in the OP as the first destroyed ship.
trentonlf: I would also mention that during the night phase I was fired upon but it did not cause me any harm as whoever did it used light weaponry that could not pierce my light armor. I am not sure what that means.
dedoporno: This sounds weird. Did you assume this was the reason for your survival or did the message you received said so?
The message I received said so. Maybe it meant I was scanned? I'm not sure, just found it odd.