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adaliabooks: Thank you. I'm sure they will, just a difficult month this month.
trentonlf: Sorry RL is interfering. I understand as I'm going through a rough time with my mom. Whatever is happening in your life I hope it all turns out well.
Thank you, damned life getting in the way of games ;)
Sorry to hear that, I hope it works out for you too.
yogsloth: Let’s look at adalia’s role claim as a 2x2 decision matrix. Either he’s lying or telling the truth, and either he’s town or scum:
Ooh, game theory! One of my favorites.

yogsloth: Lying/Scum – Brilliant play, this. Desperate as all hell, but a great idea. As dedo notes in post 502, if he is scum, and he escapes day 1 lynch, he has executed a perfect scam as town will be afraid to target him in any way the rest of the game. If you’re a cop, are you going to touch him?
Agreed. It has me having some second thoughts. If he is scum, then it was a very good claim.

yogsloth: Lying/Town – Gutsy play here. Might escape a lynch if he can convince us he’s telling the truth… but here’s the big problem… Scum will never nightkill him in order to leave a permanent cloud of suspicion… and town will still be afraid to cop/protect/etc. him. Very un-town move here, and would be so selfish, I can’t see this as being a valid scenario.
It could be a gambit to mislead scum, but I think it is a stretch. His posts did garner a lot of attention, but they didn't seem to be trying to get himself NKed. How does backtracking and such make scum think he is a better target than someone else? I don't think it does. I think this is a last ditch effort to save himself, not a preplanned gambit.

yogsloth: Truth/Scum – Meaning, he’s a PGO, but scum version. That role would be so massively overpowered for mafia I cannot believe it would be used. Cop investigates him, and the cop dies, but PGOscum escapes unscathed? And town would have no info about what happened… just a dead cop? That would be f***ed up. If you even for a moment thought this was the case, you have to lynch.
Agreed, I don't put much stock in him being a scum PGO. There might be nuggets of truth in his claim; most good false contain those.

yogsloth: Truth/Town – Wiki says “The ideal play for a PGO is to get targeted by the Mafia, while not being targeted by any Town power roles. However, safer play is to claim directly -- this keeps other Town power roles safe, but also ensures the Mafia will not target you.” Well, that didn’t happen. If he really is PGO Town, you want him here until the end, but damn, there might have been a better time to role claim than L-1, eh?
Right. As I said above, this feels more like a player making a last ditch false-claim that anything legitimate. False claiming at the last moment to save yourself is extremely anti-town. In fact, I can't think of a good reason for anyone but scum to even consider it off the top of my head.

yogsloth: It’s like a little prisoner’s dilemma. Even though the ideal outcome would be that he’s truth/town, there is just too much risk in the other three paths for me to change my vote.
We are in full agreement. My vote stays put.


adaliabooks: As it doesn't seem to be a problem, my ship class is Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber.
If true, the entire incident with the spaceship/train confuses me.
adaliabooks: As it doesn't seem to be a problem, my ship class is Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber.
Krypsyn: If true, the entire incident with the spaceship/train confuses me.
Believe me, it confused the hell out of me too. This is obviously not a game for making jokes, as both me and dedo came under huge scrutiny for doing so...
Krypsyn: If true, the entire incident with the spaceship/train confuses me.
adaliabooks: Believe me, it confused the hell out of me too. This is obviously not a game for making jokes, as both me and dedo came under huge scrutiny for doing so...
Actually dedo has not come under any scrutiny for his joke, I have for questioning it.
adaliabooks: Believe me, it confused the hell out of me too. This is obviously not a game for making jokes, as both me and dedo came under huge scrutiny for doing so...
trentonlf: Actually dedo has not come under any scrutiny for his joke, I have for questioning it.
True. Still not a good time for joke telling.
adaliabooks: True. Still not a good time for joke telling.
What is the fun in not telling a joke every now and then? If it triggers some discussion - even better!
Just a general off-topic note: I am leaving work shortly and don't expect to be online much until Sunday, if not Monday. Family is still in town visiting.
yogsloth: Just a general off-topic note: I am leaving work shortly and don't expect to be online much until Sunday, if not Monday. Family is still in town visiting.
Enjoy the family!! Family is more important than a game!
yogsloth: Just a general off-topic note: I am leaving work shortly and don't expect to be online much until Sunday, if not Monday. Family is still in town visiting.
Have fun and tell them we said hi!
I'm off to bed, I'll hammer in the morning if CSPVG has posted in the meantime.
adaliabooks: True. Still not a good time for joke telling.
dedoporno: What is the fun in not telling a joke every now and then? If it triggers some discussion - even better!
HijacK: Assuming such a scenario is true, exactly how is being lynched a better outcome than getting NK'd and taking a scum down? Cops don't night kill. Vigilantes do.
dedoporno: I believe you are confusing this with the Vengeful modifier which kills whoever killed them. PGO kills the player who performed a night action on them.
Doesn't the Vengeful kill someone they want? I think I was thinking something more like Super Saint.
adaliabooks: I'm not blaming anyone for misinterpreting what I'm saying, as I've mentioned my posts were open to misinterpretation due to my poor wording and lack of attention to what was going on.
I think you're missing the point of what misinterpretation means. We didn't misinterpret anything. You, however, were mistaken in your wording. There is a difference, so stop showing psychological blame on us.
Thoughts time:

I don't think adalia is scum because Flub literally had to interrogate him about his role. The day could have ended right then and there with a hammer, and we wouldn't have found out about his role in time, so while I'll agree that the possibility of his role claim could be a ruse still exists, I think it is very unlikely. Alternatively, he could have seen an opportunity in Flub's post to role claim something else, but his real role, in order to save himself. Safe to assume it is not a vanilla role since Flub's post came after adalia quoted dedo.

However, I do not see any advantage in keeping him around outside of taking another shot at a lynch vote and try to get a scum. Why don't I think there is any advantage in keeping him around? First of all, scum won't touch him anymore, assuming he role claimed his true role, so it 's not like we're going to get any of them. Secondly, his real life is interfering and considering the badly written posts and lackluster points he came up with, I do not think he is any asset to this investigation. Thirdly, I do not like how the tone of his posts towards yoglsoth changed after yog's 2x2 matrix post without being given a justification for it. Screams like drama to me, and I dislike drama.
yogsloth: Just a general off-topic note: I am leaving work shortly and don't expect to be online much until Sunday, if not Monday. Family is still in town visiting.
trentonlf: Enjoy the family!! Family is more important than a game!
Ditto! Have a great weekend!