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yogsloth: To be fair, adalia didn’t post the link, I did. I had to look it up so just posted it for convenience.
Vitek: I
\ /

adaliabooks: But since you ask. I'm Twitch, a Paranoid Gun Owner. I'm a little nervous and 'Twitchy', fire first and ask questions later.
Oh, whups. Well, I wasted my time searching the website manually!
Thank you Flub and Vitek for explaining bussing to me.

adaliabooks: I was kind of hoping to get NK'd rather than lynched, and maybe take some scum down with me... But it's not a particularly pro town role so lynched is probably not a bad outcome, better than killing a cop or something else.
I highlighted the part that I do not like. After reading the role at mafiascum it shows it alignment as pro-town.

As someone else already stated - it is very easy to pick a role for yourself in attempts to save yourself.

I know we are not supposed to direct quote our mod pms but I feel this is like bude in the last game and not wanting to reveal to much. I do not think giving this information would be in anyway against the mods orders.
Vitek: Also, could you tell me what your ship class is?
As it doesn't seem to be a problem, my ship class is Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber.
trentonlf: I hope all is going well today. What are your thoughts on all this?
Better than yesterday =) I am off to work for a few hours (or more).

I want to believe books but I feel it is a last ditch effort to try to stay in the game.
I decided that I will stick to my original statement that adaliabooks will be better off lynched than kept alive, but I'll place my vote officially as soon as my other self, mrkgnao, appears online, since he also said he needs some time to process this.

Adaliabooks, I'll be sorry if you flip town, but I hope you hear where I'm coming from in my opinion. Also, if you have IRL stuff going this should be OK for you, as well.
Vitek: Hm, I missed whole day. (I spent most of the previous day outside doing apartment hunting)
That's a lot to read and a lot happened. Not gonna quote it all.

I see a lot of yapping goes on here and I am even asked to add mine. Considering I have no idea what that word is and only similar I know is fapping, I am not sure how much I want to co-operate with you all.

I find adalia's yesterday post (482) very bad, just admitting he played so badly, blaming people for misinterpreting everything and not posting to not give scum mislynch. Are you playing bad or are people misreping you? Why did you play so badly and in what way?
What were your game plans in regards to your role and to what they mention on mafiascum? You say you hoped in NK so what have you done to bait scum into killing you? Also, could you tell me what your ship class is?
Also, I am not fan of you just linking to for role instead of just saying what it is. It may be your style but it looks like you just searched for plausible claim and linked it.

So right now I am all willing to proceed with this lynch.

Unvote now. Vote likely after answering my questions.

Also I am not much of fan of trentonlf's 468.
He says how adalia and yogsloth stood out after he re-read, but considering they were main attraction in the city for past few days, I find his post contrived.
It also feels like he is preparing field for lynching yogsloth after (from his POV) adalia flips town. Of course this point will be moot if adlaia flips scum which is more likely than the opposite.

@Sage; Bussing is throwing your scumbuddies under bus. Turning on them to get them lynched and look better in town eyes. One of the most fun thing mafia player can have (unless he is the bussed one:-)). Can be either real aggressive, like starting the wagon on previously unsuspected player or just joining in on someone who already got some flak and you bring more evidence to condemn them.

@mrkgnao; There were posts 78, 79, 84 and 85. Then I made 86 and adalia replied with 87. Then Rob was questioning why adalia said he is train and if he knows what I meant by my comment.
See why I posted mine and why Rob questioned adalia?

@trenton's 506; I have little idea how to use "a" or "the" so you won't find anything there. I even got into trouble for it in one previous game.
There is nothing contrived in my posts, I simply stated what stoidnout to me after reading the whole thread over again. I find the possibility that both adaliabooks and yogosloth are both scum unlikely, but do think that one of them probably is.
dedoporno: I decided that I will stick to my original statement that adaliabooks will be better off lynched than kept alive, but I'll place my vote officially as soon as my other self, mrkgnao, appears online, since he also said he needs some time to process this.

Adaliabooks, I'll be sorry if you flip town, but I hope you hear where I'm coming from in my opinion. Also, if you have IRL stuff going this should be OK for you, as well.
It's fine dedo. It is probably the best option and I can see that. I have got IRL stuff that has been distracting me so its probably best all round.
What a morning. I got to work, sat down in my cubicle, opened the browser, and got a call from my wife reminding me that I should have taken her car today, not mine, for she was supposed to take mine to the garage for service. Drove home (half-an-hour), drove back to work again (half-an-hour). Missed much of the discussion.

All the points I thought about while commuting have been already raised by yogsolth, Vitek and adaliabooks himself. The only thing I can add is that the fact that this role is rather obscure somewhat raises the likelihood that it is a false claim, because scum needs to pick an obscure role to claim to make sure he does not step on anybody else's role.

All in all, I don't see a compelling reason to unvote.

Vitek: @mrkgnao; There were posts 78, 79, 84 and 85. Then I made 86 and adalia replied with 87. Then Rob was questioning why adalia said he is train and if he knows what I meant by my comment.
See why I posted mine and why Rob questioned adalia?
Thank you for taking the time to answer me. Thank you, trentonlf, for doing the same.

I had already understood all that you have pointed out above and I am clear about the sequence of events as it relates to the game. What I don't understand is where is the joke (which Krypsyn mentioned in #469)? Is "I am spaceship" funny? Is it a quote from somewhere or an allusion to something? Please don't bother to answer. I feel bad enough as it is with not getting the joke and with wasting everybody's time with this triviality.

@adaliabooks, I hope things turn out well for you in real life.
mrkgnao: @adaliabooks, I hope things turn out well for you in real life.
Thank you. I'm sure they will, just a difficult month this month.
OK, then.

Vote adaliabooks
adaliabooks: It's fine dedo. It is probably the best option and I can see that. I have got IRL stuff that has been distracting me so its probably best all round.
For what it's worth - if you felt that you played poorly to this point, your role claim was pretty excellent play, in my opinion. If you're scum, at the very least you bought yourself a little time and a chance to save yourself.

If you're telling the truth and are town, at the very least, so much information came out that town will be in a better position in day two. The very existence of such a role will leave us much more informed. If you're town, man, I just wish you'd claimed from the get go. I'd rather have a townie survive all game without killing a scum than have what's going on now - get lynched day 1 and lose that weapon.

...and while at first I interpreted your "might as well lie down and die" attitude as purely scum-like before the role claim, it's now playing much more town to me. As noted above, your role claim bought you some time and a couple of un-votes... so this was the time to fight to survive, and you're not.

We still have plenty of time left on day 1, so I'd rather the group be as active as possible and as sure as possible. I still think the risk matrix points to a lynch, but I would appreciate no hammer until everyone chimes in. Mainly Robb and Krypsyn left to go, I think.
mrkgnao: @adaliabooks, I hope things turn out well for you in real life.
adaliabooks: Thank you. I'm sure they will, just a difficult month this month.
Sorry RL is interfering. I understand as I'm going through a rough time with my mom. Whatever is happening in your life I hope it all turns out well.
Well, hearing from CSPVG before the lynch would be great.
yogsloth: For what it's worth - if you felt that you played poorly to this point, your role claim was pretty excellent play, in my opinion. If you're scum, at the very least you bought yourself a little time and a chance to save yourself.

If you're telling the truth and are town, at the very least, so much information came out that town will be in a better position in day two. The very existence of such a role will leave us much more informed. If you're town, man, I just wish you'd claimed from the get go. I'd rather have a townie survive all game without killing a scum than have what's going on now - get lynched day 1 and lose that weapon.

...and while at first I interpreted your "might as well lie down and die" attitude as purely scum-like before the role claim, it's now playing much more town to me. As noted above, your role claim bought you some time and a couple of un-votes... so this was the time to fight to survive, and you're not.

We still have plenty of time left on day 1, so I'd rather the group be as active as possible and as sure as possible. I still think the risk matrix points to a lynch, but I would appreciate no hammer until everyone chimes in. Mainly Robb and Krypsyn left to go, I think.
You've kind of answered your own question. The lynch should hopefully give you all enough to go on to get the game going, which is all you can hope for from day 1. The whole incident has muddied the waters too much to start looking to lynch someone else. I don't see what else I can do to clear my name, I've explained my reasons and behaviour and if that is enough then fine, but the only thing I can see left for me to do to help is just let the lynch happen and let the rest of you use that information to find the scum.
DarkoD13: Well, hearing from CSPVG before the lynch would be great.
Ah yes, him too.