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trentonlf: What do you think of adaliabooks and his claim?

I am leaning toward a desperate plea to not be lynched by role claiming.
Not directed to me, but I've finally caught up to this point, and this is the question everyone should be answering.

I had to look this role up on mafiascum, as at first I confused it with vigilante. [url= ]Here's the page[/url] in case anyone else was unsure.

Let me ponder on this and I will post my thoughts too.

Thank you to Darko for reminding me I had voted already for Vitek

Unvote: Vitek

Vote: adaliabooks

Remember kids, just say no to drugs.
Let’s look at adalia’s role claim as a 2x2 decision matrix. Either he’s lying or telling the truth, and either he’s town or scum:

Lying/Scum – Brilliant play, this. Desperate as all hell, but a great idea. As dedo notes in post 502, if he is scum, and he escapes day 1 lynch, he has executed a perfect scam as town will be afraid to target him in any way the rest of the game. If you’re a cop, are you going to touch him?
Lying/Town – Gutsy play here. Might escape a lynch if he can convince us he’s telling the truth… but here’s the big problem… Scum will never nightkill him in order to leave a permanent cloud of suspicion… and town will still be afraid to cop/protect/etc. him. Very un-town move here, and would be so selfish, I can’t see this as being a valid scenario.
Truth/Scum – Meaning, he’s a PGO, but scum version. That role would be so massively overpowered for mafia I cannot believe it would be used. Cop investigates him, and the cop dies, but PGOscum escapes unscathed? And town would have no info about what happened… just a dead cop? That would be f***ed up. If you even for a moment thought this was the case, you have to lynch.
Truth/Town – Wiki says “The ideal play for a PGO is to get targeted by the Mafia, while not being targeted by any Town power roles. However, safer play is to claim directly -- this keeps other Town power roles safe, but also ensures the Mafia will not target you.” Well, that didn’t happen. If he really is PGO Town, you want him here until the end, but damn, there might have been a better time to role claim than L-1, eh?

It’s like a little prisoner’s dilemma. Even though the ideal outcome would be that he’s truth/town, there is just too much risk in the other three paths for me to change my vote.
yogsloth: Let’s look at adalia’s role claim as a 2x2 decision matrix. Either he’s lying or telling the truth, and either he’s town or scum:

Lying/Scum – Brilliant play, this. Desperate as all hell, but a great idea. As dedo notes in post 502, if he is scum, and he escapes day 1 lynch, he has executed a perfect scam as town will be afraid to target him in any way the rest of the game. If you’re a cop, are you going to touch him?
Lying/Town – Gutsy play here. Might escape a lynch if he can convince us he’s telling the truth… but here’s the big problem… Scum will never nightkill him in order to leave a permanent cloud of suspicion… and town will still be afraid to cop/protect/etc. him. Very un-town move here, and would be so selfish, I can’t see this as being a valid scenario.
Truth/Scum – Meaning, he’s a PGO, but scum version. That role would be so massively overpowered for mafia I cannot believe it would be used. Cop investigates him, and the cop dies, but PGOscum escapes unscathed? And town would have no info about what happened… just a dead cop? That would be f***ed up. If you even for a moment thought this was the case, you have to lynch.
Truth/Town – Wiki says “The ideal play for a PGO is to get targeted by the Mafia, while not being targeted by any Town power roles. However, safer play is to claim directly -- this keeps other Town power roles safe, but also ensures the Mafia will not target you.” Well, that didn’t happen. If he really is PGO Town, you want him here until the end, but damn, there might have been a better time to role claim than L-1, eh?

It’s like a little prisoner’s dilemma. Even though the ideal outcome would be that he’s truth/town, there is just too much risk in the other three paths for me to change my vote.
Excellent post, thank you for that.
Sorry for the formatting. :( Lost all my spacing, somehow.
Damn. I was so sure he had to go, because it's the safest option, but could we actually have a beneficial angle here?

Unvote adaliabooks, so I can think this through on my way home.

I'm not backing off the lynch yet, I just don't want to be stripped of time for pondering.
I hope all is going well today. What are your thoughts on all this?
yogsloth: Truth/Town – Wiki says “The ideal play for a PGO is to get targeted by the Mafia, while not being targeted by any Town power roles. However, safer play is to claim directly -- this keeps other Town power roles safe, but also ensures the Mafia will not target you.” Well, that didn’t happen. If he really is PGO Town, you want him here until the end, but damn, there might have been a better time to role claim than L-1, eh?

It’s like a little prisoner’s dilemma. Even though the ideal outcome would be that he’s truth/town, there is just too much risk in the other three paths for me to change my vote.
I did consider role claiming as the wiki suggested to save any town power roles. But if I role claimed I would never get targeted by the scum and my power (such as it is) would have been wasted. So I went for the slightly more risking option and failed miserably. Once it looked like I was going to be lynched I wasn't going to role claim (as I could do no harm to town if I got lynched), but then dedo said that about being vanilla and I couldn't help myself. And when flub saw it for what it was (a role claim) I saw no point in not.

And technically I was only at L-2 when I claimed, as trent has already removed his vote by that point (thanks for that by the way, nice to know someone was willing to give me a chance).
Hm, I missed whole day. (I spent most of the previous day outside doing apartment hunting)
That's a lot to read and a lot happened. Not gonna quote it all.

I see a lot of yapping goes on here and I am even asked to add mine. Considering I have no idea what that word is and only similar I know is fapping, I am not sure how much I want to co-operate with you all.

I find adalia's yesterday post (482) very bad, just admitting he played so badly, blaming people for misinterpreting everything and not posting to not give scum mislynch. Are you playing bad or are people misreping you? Why did you play so badly and in what way?
What were your game plans in regards to your role and to what they mention on mafiascum? You say you hoped in NK so what have you done to bait scum into killing you? Also, could you tell me what your ship class is?
Also, I am not fan of you just linking to for role instead of just saying what it is. It may be your style but it looks like you just searched for plausible claim and linked it.

So right now I am all willing to proceed with this lynch.

Unvote now. Vote likely after answering my questions.

Also I am not much of fan of trentonlf's 468.
He says how adalia and yogsloth stood out after he re-read, but considering they were main attraction in the city for past few days, I find his post contrived.
It also feels like he is preparing field for lynching yogsloth after (from his POV) adalia flips town. Of course this point will be moot if adlaia flips scum which is more likely than the opposite.

@Sage; Bussing is throwing your scumbuddies under bus. Turning on them to get them lynched and look better in town eyes. One of the most fun thing mafia player can have (unless he is the bussed one:-)). Can be either real aggressive, like starting the wagon on previously unsuspected player or just joining in on someone who already got some flak and you bring more evidence to condemn them.

@mrkgnao; There were posts 78, 79, 84 and 85. Then I made 86 and adalia replied with 87. Then Rob was questioning why adalia said he is train and if he knows what I meant by my comment.
See why I posted mine and why Rob questioned adalia?

@trenton's 506; I have little idea how to use "a" or "the" so you won't find anything there. I even got into trouble for it in one previous game.
Vitek: Also, I am not fan of you just linking to for role instead of just saying what it is. It may be your style but it looks like you just searched for plausible claim and linked it.
To be fair, adalia didn’t post the link, I did. I had to look it up so just posted it for convenience.

Vitek: Also I am not much of fan of trentonlf's 468.
He says how adalia and yogsloth stood out after he re-read, but considering they were main attraction in the city for past few days, I find his post contrived.
It also feels like he is preparing field for lynching yogsloth after (from his POV) adalia flips town. Of course this point will be moot if adlaia flips scum which is more likely than the opposite.
Yes, of course this went 100% noticed by me. :) After I read this, I thought to myself, “I bet $5 he unvotes adalia right after this”. To be honest, it was this post that was the first real worry for me in regards to efforts to lynch adalia. If we lynch adalia and he’s town, we’re going to have to revisit this sequence.
yogsloth: To be fair, adalia didn’t post the link, I did. I had to look it up so just posted it for convenience.
\ /

adaliabooks: But since you ask. I'm Twitch, a Paranoid Gun Owner. I'm a little nervous and 'Twitchy', fire first and ask questions later.
Vitek: I find adalia's yesterday post (482) very bad, just admitting he played so badly, blaming people for misinterpreting everything and not posting to not give scum mislynch. Are you playing bad or are people misreping you? Why did you play so badly and in what way?
What were your game plans in regards to your role and to what they mention on mafiascum? You say you hoped in NK so what have you done to bait scum into killing you? Also, could you tell me what your ship class is?
Also, I am not fan of you just linking to for role instead of just saying what it is. It may be your style but it looks like you just searched for plausible claim and linked it.
I'm not blaming anyone for misinterpreting what I'm saying, as I've mentioned my posts were open to misinterpretation due to my poor wording and lack of attention to what was going on.
As to why I played badly, it's largely because of a lot of personal stuff going on which I'm not going to go into. I probably shouldn't have played this game at all, but by the time I realised that was the case I'd already garnered a lot of attention and I didn't feel it would be fair to dump a sub into that, so I stuck with it. How I played badly is that my intention was to be a little more aggressive, try and get the scum to want me out enough to NK. Instead I just came across scummy. I had toyed with either just teasing a role claim, or fake claiming something like cop or doctor to get NK'd. But either of those would have been more likely to get me lynched for scummy behaviour before I could ever get to being NK'd.
As for my ship class I'll have to check with Telika whether it's ok to post that as he does say not to quote the PMs at all in the OP.

I linked the role as I wasn't sure whether people would know what it was. I probably should have described it too, I didn't actually know this was the usual accepted protocol for a role claim. I will do so in future.
adaliabooks: As for my ship class I'll have to check with Telika whether it's ok to post that as he does say not to quote the PMs at all in the OP.
You can mention your role, why would ship class be an issue?
adaliabooks: As for my ship class I'll have to check with Telika whether it's ok to post that as he does say not to quote the PMs at all in the OP.
DarkoD13: You can mention your role, why would ship class be an issue?
I wouldn't imagine it is, but as Telika seems to be online and I've already messaged him I'll wait and make sure before I post.
adaliabooks: As for my ship class I'll have to check with Telika whether it's ok to post that as he does say not to quote the PMs at all in the OP.
Well, ship classes, space-sounding technology stuff, cosmic factions, are all, like, stuff, like, y'know, names, and, tools, and, things. It doesn't count as quoting text. If it was a star wars setting, then lightsabers, and y-wings, and gungans, could be mentionned just as a contemporary setting would allow mentions of kalashnikovs, F-22s, and leeches.

It's just elements of ordinary language. Of the fuuuutuuuure, of spaaaaaaaace.