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The Spatial Awareness Synthesizer, now set on close range, notifies you of multiple explosions around you, as you dive deeper into the crossfire. In parallel, the urgency of identifying traitors within the squad seems to increase dramatically.

Vitek has 1 vote, cast by Flubbucket.
Yogsloth has 1 vote, cast by Adaliabooks.
Adaliabooks  has 6 votes, cast by Trentonlf, Robbeasy, Yogsloth, Mrkkgnao, Krypsyn and Dedoporno.
Sage103082 has 1 vote, cast by Vitek.
Flubbucket has 1 vote, cast by CSPVG.

HijacK, Trentonlf, Robbeasy, Mrkgnao, Krypsyn, DarkoD13, CSPVG and Dedoporno have no vote against them.

HijacK, Sage103082 and DarkoD13 aren't voting.

With 7 votes required for a lynch, Adaliabooks is at L-1.
Telika: With 7 votes required for a lynch, Adaliabooks is at L-1.
Well, that escalated quickly.

My play has been really off this game and it seems I'm about to pay the price for that. I had stopped posting for a bit as everything I said was being twisted and misinterpreted. I didn't want to put my foot in it again and move my wagon on and give the scum a free ticket on day 1. But it seems that's whats happened anyway.

I'm not sure there's anything I could say that would change anyone's minds. I'm not scum, just very badly played town.
adaliabooks: I'm not sure there's anything I could say that would change anyone's minds. I'm not scum, just very badly played town.
If this is really the case all we can hope for is for you to be vanilla.
adaliabooks: I'm not sure there's anything I could say that would change anyone's minds. I'm not scum, just very badly played town.
dedoporno: If this is really the case all we can hope for is for you to be vanilla.
Who are you calling vanilla? :P
adaliabooks: Who are you calling vanilla? :P
Ice, Ice baby!
dedoporno: If this is really the case all we can hope for is for you to be vanilla.
adaliabooks: Who are you calling vanilla? :P
Who do you think is scum if you are not and why (other than yogosloth)?
Krypsyn: DarkoD13 (slightly leaning scum)
I expected nothing less.
CPVG did ask for a top 3 scum list though and I had to oblige him even based on nothing more than a feeling. I stand by my "typical behavior" assessment because it's the truth.
I would probably replace CSPVG/Robbeasy with dedoporno at this point. I've read trentonlf's intial comment on the pic in the previous game, as well his follow-up comment when dedo claimed vigilante and I fail to see how his reaction is so similar this time around. Maybe if someone pointed me to a post in the previous game where trento truly tries to use the pic against dedo, I'd reconsider. I also see small things in dedo's posts that I perceive as polite nudging towards certain directions, making me particularly suspicious of him.
Adaliabooks remains the king of scumminess by Day One standards, but I do beleive we can talk a bit more before hammer time.
I'll also agree with trentonlf's comment that an adalia/yogsloth scum team seems unlikely.
adaliabooks: My play has been really off this game

I had stopped posting for a bit as everything I said was being twisted and misinterpreted.

I'm not scum, just very badly played town.
How do these have any sense being put in the same paragraph? You were the one that played badly, but we're the ones misinterpreting what you're saying? See? Just like many of the other posts you made, when you add everything together at the end, it barely makes sense, if at all.
HijacK: How do these have any sense being put in the same paragraph? You were the one that played badly, but we're the ones misinterpreting what you're saying? See? Just like many of the other posts you made, when you add everything together at the end, it barely makes sense, if at all.
My comments have been open to misinterpretation because they were badly put by me. I don't see how that doesn't make sense. I'm more than willing to accept the blame for how this day has gone.

trentonlf: Who do you think is scum if you are not and why (other than yogosloth)?
Right now the only two who I could say with any confidence are yogsloth and Hijack, for all the reasons I've already mentioned. You and dedo have been a bit suspicious with the whole back and forth over the meme he posted, but I don't think it amounts to much. You've both been playing pretty town otherwise as far as I can see. Krypsyn's been behaving a bit oddly, certainly leaning a bit towards scum for me. Everyone else I would say is coming up null and could go either way.
DarkoD13: I would probably replace CSPVG/Robbeasy with dedoporno at this point. I've read trentonlf's intial comment on the pic in the previous game, as well his follow-up comment when dedo claimed vigilante and I fail to see how his reaction is so similar this time around. Maybe if someone pointed me to a post in the previous game where trentonlf truly tries to use the pic against dedo, I'd reconsider.
I didn't say trentonlf used it against me (well, he kinda did, he tried to focus some attention towards me and the results are there :) ), I just noted I think he was way too concerned about it, both times. First time was somewhat acceptable (for me, that is), but the second time around I actually expected something along the lines of "This again?! Hahah...", but I got a "The numbers, Mason. What do they mean?!" instead. Both from trentonlf. I find this odd, to say the least. It's not enough for voting for him since I see adaliabooks's behacior way more suspicious, but I have to at least acknowledge it.
trentonlf: I took action in advance about twisting what I said to prevent any scum from doing just that.
HijacK: But wouldn't that have been a good trap for scum?
This did not occur to me when I was posting, but yes I believe you are right and it could have been something to trap scum with if they did try. When I was posting all that was on my mind was some of the players saying my playstyle was similar to last game, insinuating I was acting scummy, and I wanted to be sure what I posted was not misunderstood.

I would like to hear from others on adaliabooks before we hammer anything.

Unvote adaliabooks
trentonlf: I would like to hear from others on adaliabooks before we hammer anything.
Let's just say it was all badly played, but the snarkyness in some of his posts is just eye brow raising. When the wagon started forming, most of his posts were given with a backhand slap to the face. His playstyle seems inefficient. Furthermore, the scum list he provided makes no sense with the "reasons" he mentioned since after dissecting his posts I've come to the conclusion he doesn't even know what he's talking about. No matter how many times he says " I'm more than willing to accept the blame for how this day has gone.", he insinuates it is our fault by the use of the word misinterpret. No, we are not misinterpreting anything, if you are town, then it's just you saying it all wrong. This being said, the "I hope you can see your mistakes" post he made was pretty much an insult to us. The mistakes WE have made? Please! To top it all off, others have said how that post looked like a surrender and gave this "I give up vibe", but other than a vote for yogsloth, he never quite comprehensibly explained why he voted for him. It looked like retaliation for what happened in that argument he had with yogsloth and others. Not to even mention he didn't really care if the game would've ended right there for him. Not enough to provide us with a scum list right then and there.
dedoporno: If this is really the case all we can hope for is for you to be vanilla.
adaliabooks: Who are you calling vanilla? :P
Procedure dictates you claim. You look scummy.
adaliabooks: Who are you calling vanilla? :P
flubbucket: Procedure dictates you claim. You look scummy.
Well I thought a last minute role claim at L-1 would look pretty scummy too.

But since you ask. I'm Twitch, a Paranoid Gun Owner. I'm a little nervous and 'Twitchy', fire first and ask questions later.

I was kind of hoping to get NK'd rather than lynched, and maybe take some scum down with me... But it's not a particularly pro town role so lynched is probably not a bad outcome, better than killing a cop or something else.

It doesn't change the fact that I just haven't been with it this game and have played really badly, as I was intending to draw scum NK attention rather than town lynch attention.
adaliabooks: I was kind of hoping to get NK'd rather than lynched, and maybe take some scum down with me... But it's not a particularly pro town role so lynched is probably not a bad outcome, better than killing a cop or something else.
Assuming such a scenario is true, exactly how is being lynched a better outcome than getting NK'd and taking a scum down? Cops don't night kill. Vigilantes do.