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mrkgnao: It's not coyness, it's just that it's been such a long day #1 and I've said such a lot of things (hopefully not all BS) that it was hard for me to differentiate which one you were talking about.

Moreover, that specific one had nothing to do with extra knowledge, it was just that I wasn't sure that Vitek would appreciate my disrupting his scum-trapping attempts (like I later inadvertently did with Krypsyn, in posts #274, #278). I thought I made it clear enough in posts #160 and #172, but since both you and Sage (in post #179) have misunderstood my meaning, I shall attempt to be less circumspect in the future.
flubbucket: Truly, her bringing it up and you not addressing her concerns does nothing to alleviate the scumminess of it all. One could make a connection between you and her in the sense she's showing you an error while allowing herself to be able to use this as bussing material should you become toxic.

But that's ridiculous.....right???
Ridiculous, of course not. You should know from the endgame of game #23 that there's hardly a theory, however far-fetched or "crazy", that I'd consider ridiculous. The one you're suggesting I happen to know is wrong, but I don't find it at all ridiculous from your POV.

As for not replying to Sage, you will see in all my games that I do not reply to all the things that are said about me. I try to remember at some point to acknowledge them if relevant (like I did above), but when I think I've made my point well enough, I leave it there.

You, of all people, should know that I have a problem with being contentious. After all, it was your shoulder I cried on in the cheerleader thread.
flubbucket: bussing material.
Can you explain what bussing is or means please? I tried to google bussing material and came up with nothing.
After reading the thread again from day one the main thing that stands out to me is adaliabooks and yogosloth.

adaliabooks seems to be unsure what to post and how to act. Makes it seem like he is scum and unsure how to play it.

yogosloth's post 410 seems off to me. He jumps in quickly after Rob and mrkgnao vote for adaliabooks and gives reasons that are not why he believes adaliabooks is scum but more of a "hey we might be killing a townie and I'm ok with that since I'll know how to not act".

I don't believe both are scum, but one of them probably is. I lean more toward adaliabooks by his behavior.

Unvote CSPVG
Vote adaliabooks
flubbucket: Wild Turkey is Krypsyn's drink.

Also, after rereading the thread, I have to admit I have not posted nearly enough. I was actually getting a little annoyed at folks calling my 'lurky' (e.g flubbucket), but I have to concede they have a point. I could make excuses, but it really just comes down to bad play on my part.

My reads list:

Sage103082 (leaning town) -
I'm sorry Sage, I am not sure what it says about you (or me), but we seem to analyze things very similarly. I just like the way you look at things, since it mirrors my own thought more often than not. Not only that, but you were the first player to come out with a serious reads list in post 179. I think it is very pro-town to come out with firm stances early on.

Vitek (leaning town) -
I have liked his questions and his scum-hunting tactics. I couldn't find anything overtly scummy about anything he posted, and I was trying. I would expect no less from him, regardless of alignment, but I am not seeing any attempt to dissemble from him.

HijacK (slightly leaning town) -
I like his play this game, and I think it has been very pro-town. His questions have been good, and his analysis fairly consistently scum-hunting. Many people have tried to make a big deal about his change in 'personality', or whatever, but I am interested to see what develops moving forward.

Robbeasy (slightly leaning town) -
I liked the pressure vote on adaliabooks over the 'spaceship/train' thing in post 142. I also liked him removing the vote immediately after adaliabooks clarified in post 283. I think this a pro-town use of votes. My only problem is that in post 352, he goes after yogsloth for lurking, but not me?

Yogsloth (slightly leaning town) -
In 125, he worried me a little by starting a discussion on the game's set-up (if only generally and tangentially). However, his reasons for doing so, and in the way he did, made sense to me when he described them in post 369. The only truly worrisome thing he did was vote for adaliabooks, but hedge with a whether town or scum disclaimer in post 410.

Flubbucket (neutral) -
It seems like flubbucket might be a little more serious and on point in this game relative to other I have played with him. It makes me wonder if he is being more careful for a reason. In post 375, he makes a pretty good reads post, with good rationale.

trentonlf (neutral) -
I think he has had some decent analysis and made some good points (posts 134 and 266). Although he seems to be a little jumpy and defensive, his word choice doesn't scream scummy to me on the whole. I will note, I am curious as to why he made the statement in post 326 regarding dedoporno's forum title at all if, as he stated in post 366, he was worried it might get 'twisted'.

mrkgnao (neutral) -
He started off the game looking quite scummy to me. In posts 90 and 94, he is openly discussing the game set-up, and then in post 128 he pretty much asks yogsloth what his role is. later his posts got better at scum-hunting, and he makes some very good pointed questions/analysis.

DarkoD13 (slightly leaning scum) -
I liked his response to yogsloth's post 125 in his post 151. I agree, getting discussion going is good, but talking about the set-up is not. In post 353, he makes a reads post, but tends to gloss over many of his reads with the person being 'typical'. He finishes that post by pointing the finger at several players, a couple (Robbeasy and CSPVG) he didn't seem to have a huge problem with in his analysis.

dedoporno (slightly leaning scum) -
His posts in general have been a bit fence-sitting and WIFOMy in nature (he even admits this in post 202). Also, in posts 295 and 297, he tries to make a case for having a No Lynch, then backs of saying that it isn't a good option, but that he would still consider it at this point. Wut?

CSPVG (leaning scum) -
In 197, he gives a very WIFOMy and fence-sitting analysis on HijacK's play. In 296, he gives a list of a few 'scummy' players, but hedges all his reads by calling the just 'vibes'. In 370, he seemed a little too defensive to yogsloth's post, where he wasn't even called scum but instead yogsloth was just unsure of him because of lurking reasons.

adaliabooks (leaning scum) -
There is the entire spaceship/train situation. I read through it a couple times, and it really does seem to me that he might have missed Vitek's point/joke. This implies that his Role PM might be different in some fashion. Later, he called Vitek out for being defensive, but then seemed to retract it when it gained no traction in post 186. He later clears up the spaceship/train issue with Robbeasy, but I am not entirely convinced.

Vote: adaliabooks
Krypsyn: .

trentonlf (neutral) - I will note, I am curious as to why he made the statement in post 326 regarding dedoporno's forum title at all if, as he stated in post 366, he was worried it might get 'twisted'.
I did not question dedo's forum title, I questioned him about the picture and what it meant (possibly being scum). What I did not want to get twisted was the word pirate, as in someone trying to twist being a pirate into a good thing. Why would robbing and killing others be a good thing. Calling yourself a privateer or a swashbuckler would be better, but a pirate to me is a bad guy. To be honest I did not even notice the "I'm a bloody pirate" for his title until you said something about it in your post. My whole questioning of it came from Hijack asking dedo if he was a space pirate.
Edit, dedo's forum title says "a bloody pirate" not "I'm a bloody pirate"
trentonlf: I did not question dedo's forum title, I questioned him about the picture and what it meant (possibly being scum). What I did not want to get twisted was the word pirate, as in someone trying to twist being a pirate into a good thing. Why would robbing and killing others be a good thing. Calling yourself a privateer or a swashbuckler would be better, but a pirate to me is a bad guy. To be honest I did not even notice the "I'm a bloody pirate" for his title until you said something about it in your post. My whole questioning of it came from Hijack asking dedo if he was a space pirate.
I see. So you keyed in on the space pirate thing when HijacK mentioned it and dedoporno replied with the meme, not on the forum title itself. On rereading it, it seems plausible. It just wasn't the impression I got at first from your post 356 (labeled incorrectly in my reads post as 326, dang typos).

I understood the part about the meme, and it seemed like much ado about nothing. The issue was more about how you were worried something you said would get 'twisted' so you took action against it in advance. It is somewhat like you were, as mrkgnao pointed out in different words, were making a weak argument and wanted to hedge you bets a little.
Krypsyn: I see. So you keyed in on the space pirate thing when HijacK mentioned it and dedoporno replied with the meme, not on the forum title itself. On rereading it, it seems plausible. It just wasn't the impression I got at first from your post 356 (labeled incorrectly in my reads post as 326, dang typos).

I understood the part about the meme, and it seemed like much ado about nothing. The issue was more about how you were worried something you said would get 'twisted' so you took action against it in advance. It is somewhat like you were, as mrkgnao pointed out in different words, were making a weak argument and wanted to hedge you bets a little.
I have noted in every explanation my question was based off of dedo's response to Hijack's question, not about his title that I did not even realize said anything about a pirate. I took action in advance about twisting what I said to prevent any scum from doing just that. Last game when I was scum I tried to twist what people said so was making a point of being very clear in what I meant. It seems my being very clear was not very clear.
trentonlf: I have noted in every explanation my question was based off of dedo's response to Hijack's question, not about his title that I did not even realize said anything about a pirate.
You wrote in 356, in your initial reaction:
"The last game when you posted that pic you were not scum, but a town vigilante. Why choose to post that pic again? It seems an odd choice to post when asked if you are scum (I believe a space pirate would be scum as a pirate is usually the bad guy)."

You merely mention he is a pirate, you don't mention directly that you are referring to HijacK's initial statement (although you did quote it). I assumed you knew that HijacK was talking about Dedo's forum title. As I said, I accept that your explanation is just as plausible as my assumption.

trentonlf: Last game when I was scum I tried to twist what people said so was making a point of being very clear in what I meant. It seems my being very clear was not very clear.
Fair enough. But, why even bring it up to begin with? What was your potential endgame with that questioning?
Krypsyn: Fair enough. But, why even bring it up to begin with? What was your potential endgame with that questioning?
As I said when I asked dedo, he was a vigilante the last time he posted the pic (that is a role I would consider semi scum) so I just wanted to know why he posted it again.
flubbucket: bussing material.
Sage103082: Can you explain what bussing is or means please? I tried to google bussing material and came up with nothing.
Short version is when a mafia player intentionally votes against another mafia player with malice; thrown under the bus is where I believe the term in mafia originated.

@Krypsyn thanks for the write up.

Nice banter with you and trentonlf.....and two rather quick votes on adaliabooks slipped in to boot. I believe that puts him at L-2.

That's gonna bug me for a bit, those two votes and you two having that long talk about, well diddley offense, dedoporno's forum title I'm sure will be pertinent information later in the game. But for now it will provide nicely as conversation fodder.
trentonlf: I took action in advance about twisting what I said to prevent any scum from doing just that.
But wouldn't that have been a good trap for scum?
flubbucket: That's gonna bug me for a bit, those two votes and you two having that long talk about, well diddley squat....
That was my point.

flubbucket: offense, dedoporno's forum title I'm sure will be pertinent information later in the game.

flubbucket: But for now it will provide nicely as conversation fodder.
Not even remotely.
Can we have a vote-count please, mr. Moderator??
Krypsyn: dedoporno (slightly leaning scum) -
His posts in general have been a bit fence-sitting and WIFOMy in nature (he even admits this in post 202). Also, in posts 295 and 297, he tries to make a case for having a No Lynch, then backs of saying that it isn't a good option, but that he would still consider it at this point. Wut?
I said in that same post (or maybe it was in the next one) that this was valid for that particular moment if a choice was forced. I also stated that I don't see such situation happening, so a no lynch vote or lobbying for it, when it's obvious a wagon is going on (at the time it wasn't rock-solid, but a trend was already on the way), would be borderline stupid. I guess I need to work a bit more to build up an image different of the village idiot, no pun intended.

I was planning to place my vote on adaliabooks when I get up this morning, but seeing he's 2 votes away from being lynched made me hesitate a bit. Interesting discussions were formed, so I wonder if more time would have been beneficial, but I guess we need to move this forward., so

vote adaliabooks

By the way, my forum title has been the same since Registered: Apr 2012 and it's featured on pretty much every other platform I use.

In the words of Scorpius

If can start fires, I'm most proficient at it.

OMG! I'm quoting a villain, I must be scum!