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It's obviously a yellowish green since it's more green than yellow. Interestingly how blind you are or how little you know about art. OBVIOUSLY SCUM! I will keep an eye on you, non-sir!
flubbucket: Yes Darkie sfor the win wnd I'm baiesly able to soey inm y schair.
Has anyone got a drunk speech translator? Cause I have no idea.
flubbucket: Yes Darkie sfor the win wnd I'm baiesly able to soey inm y schair.
adaliabooks: Has anyone got a drunk speech translator? Cause I have no idea.
Here you go
adaliabooks: Has anyone got a drunk speech translator? Cause I have no idea.
flubbucket: Here you go

Hmmm... I'm not sure it works :P
Dude you're lkike one of those navvejoo code tlalkers.

Shit i mean navajo. I got to stopl.
Things are going a bit slow in outer space, huh?
Duh duh duh DUN.

"If you're Olipsi and you know it, clap your hands!"


Well, worth a try, I suppose.
dedoporno: Things are going a bit slow in outer space, huh?
I think it is because "In space no one can hear you scum".
mrkgnao: I think it is because "In space no one can hear you scum".
I thought of that phrase, but that wordplay didn't come to mind :D
mrkgnao: I think it is because "In space no one can hear you scum".
dedoporno: I thought of that phrase, but that wordplay didn't come to mind :D
While we're waiting for the others, let's discuss the important stuff: Have you begun "Wasteland 2"?
unvote dedoporno


vote yogsloth
Robbeasy: unvote dedoporno


vote yogsloth
Not a fan of children's songs?
yogsloth: Duh duh duh DUN.

"If you're Olipsi and you know it, clap your hands!"


Well, worth a try, I suppose.
mrkgnao: While we're waiting for the others, let's discuss the important stuff: Have you begun "Wasteland 2"?
Downloaded and installed it, then read about some nasty bug that needs addressing asap.

I hate to stumble upon such stuff, especially for a game that I have been expecting for the last 15 years, so I'm doing my best to keep away from it until some more patching is done. Hard contain myself, but I find consolation in playing with my kid :) And, now with you, guys.

I won't ask you the same question in order not to get too jealous and lose my cool, but will take a rain check on discussing it further on.

So, you town or what?
dedoporno: So, you town or what?
I'm town. What about you, are you what or scum?