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trentonlf: I never said this painted dedo in a bad light.
You don't have to say it for it to be true though. Alas, that was a joke. I interpret it as a joke. Dedo is not known to tease people like Flub does with his avatars, so that picture was for shits and giggles.
dedoporno: ...
If you had to name 2 people you're most suspicious of at the moment, who would they be?
trentonlf: I never said this painted dedo in a bad light.
HijacK: You don't have to say it for it to be true though. Alas, that was a joke. I interpret it as a joke. Dedo is not known to tease people like Flub does with his avatars, so that picture was for shits and giggles.
That's the whole issue I guess. Everyone sees the picture as a joke when it could be anything. All I wanted to know was why he posted it. All the talk about it has come from people being concerned about me asking about the picture. If I had been going around pointing at dedo and saying he was scum because of the picture I could understand all the scrutiny. But I have not been doing that so the scrutiny is frustrating.
DarkoD13: If you had to name 2 people you're most suspicious of at the moment, who would they be?
Uhm... Is this for real? I already listed the 2 people I find most suspicious a couple of posts back.

dedoporno: So far my top suspects are adaliabooks and trentolf.
Give the votes count mistake I made some minutes ago you had me question my sanity, but this time I'm sure.
dedoporno: Uhm... Is this for real? I already listed the 2 people I find most suspicious a couple of posts back.

Give the votes count mistake I made some minutes ago you had me question my sanity, but this time I'm sure.
dedoporno: Uhm... Is this for real? I already listed the 2 people I find most suspicious a couple of posts back.

Give the votes count mistake I made some minutes ago you had me question my sanity, but this time I'm sure.
DarkoD13: OK.
This is also interesting.
flubbucket: This is also interesting.
Stop distracting me.
flubbucket: This is also interesting.
DarkoD13: Stop distracting me.
Are you juggling something??
flubbucket: Are you juggling something??
flubbucket: Earth shattering revelations!!!!! YES!! Those always happen on Day One, y'know like that BS mrkgnao was alluding to early on....the Vitek thingy
Which one are you referring to?
dedoporno: As a matter of fact Trent did jump on me for the same reason in #23. This is what makes me not raise my eyebrow at Trent the most.
So what am I missing here? Because I keep reading trentonlf's reaction to your posting that pic in the game where he was scum and I can't really see him jumping on you. Did he try to use it against you at a later point in the game?
I miss Krypsyn. Remember that guy? That guy was cool. I wonder what he's up to these days?
Having skimmed back through the first few pages of this thread, I am still at a loss as to how yogsloth 'stuck out his neck' to get the game started.

One is also a little suspect of his vote for adaliabooks in post 410. While I acknowledge that books has been acting somewhat suspect, I do not like the reasoning that is seemingly behind it. Previously (if I remember correctly), yog stated his suspicion of books, but in his post accompanying the vote, all he basically says is,"I am hoping to learn from this vote if adalia is scum or not."

Now, well this is of course the end goal of any vote, but it seems somehow odd to accompany his vote with this, at least to me. Shouldn't yog rather reiterate his reasons for suspecting books, rather than just shrugging and saying,"Well, let's see how this goes." Especially since books already had two votes to his name at this point. It seems as if yog was just trying to slide onto the vote wagon without much fuss.
DarkoD13: So what am I missing here? Because I keep reading trentonlf's reaction to your posting that pic in the game where he was scum and I can't really see him jumping on you. Did he try to use it against you at a later point in the game?
He claims he really didn't but from my point of view he was way too concerned with me saying that I may be scum. As I said before, I can see a couple of edge cases where someone would be motivated to claim scum, but I don't really think the joke deserved that much attention.

It's almost like someone saying "Hey, you know what? DarkoD13 may be scum" and someone else going "Really?! OMG! GET HIM!!".

I'm exaggerating a bit, of course, but I hope you get my point.
dedoporno: As a matter of fact Trent did jump on me for the same reason in #23. This is what makes me not raise my eyebrow at Trent the most.
DarkoD13: So what am I missing here? Because I keep reading trentonlf's reaction to your posting that pic in the game where he was scum and I can't really see him jumping on you. Did he try to use it against you at a later point in the game?
I never did jump on him, I am unsure why dedo thinks I did. I also have not pushed the issue this game, just asked why post the pic. As funny as it may be it is not a very good idea to post a pic saying you might be scum. All the "drama" over this is from me trying to explain that to everyone. Here is a link