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Krypsyn: I think questioning odd wording is a very pro-town activity. Bread-crumbing is fine on Day 1 (and shouldn't be obvious at first glance), but blatant claiming is anti-town. If that had been me hinting about my role, it was very clumsy wording, so I was waiting for someone to call me on it.
I don't see it as pro-town questioning.
What is she questioning anyway?
Sage was asked what she finds odd on your post and mentioned the "fair cop" phrase, then herself concluded that it meant nothing and wasn't claim. Then it was concluded that the post was off, even when the "cop" thing meant nothing. I find her post much more off than your post. (where I would have more problem with the backseat approach than fair cop phrase)
And digging into possible breadcrumbed D1 claims is never good.

trentonlf: The last game when you posted that pic you were not scum, but a town vigilante. Why choose to post that pic again? It seems an odd choice to post when asked if you are scum (I believe a space pirate would be scum as a pirate is usually the bad guy).
Really? o_O
trentonlf: The last game when you posted that pic you were not scum, but a town vigilante. Why choose to post that pic again? It seems an odd choice to post when asked if you are scum (I believe a space pirate would be scum as a pirate is usually the bad guy).
Slightly troubled by trentonlf's post.
I feel that stating the parenthesised portion is a sign of extreme caution (making absolutely sure nobody whatsoever misunderstands or misreads his post in any way to the point of stating the obvious).
Is it a reaction to the tone of this specific game? Is it a rebound after being caught red-handed in game #23? Is it an indication of fear of drawing attention to himself?
Not much I can do with it at the moment.
Krypsyn: I think questioning odd wording is a very pro-town activity. Bread-crumbing is fine on Day 1 (and shouldn't be obvious at first glance), but blatant claiming is anti-town. If that had been me hinting about my role, it was very clumsy wording, so I was waiting for someone to call me on it.
Vitek: I don't see it as pro-town questioning.
What is she questioning anyway?
Sage was asked what she finds odd on your post and mentioned the "fair cop" phrase, then herself concluded that it meant nothing and wasn't claim. Then it was concluded that the post was off, even when the "cop" thing meant nothing. I find her post much more off than your post. (where I would have more problem with the backseat approach than fair cop phrase)
And digging into possible breadcrumbed D1 claims is never good.

trentonlf: The last game when you posted that pic you were not scum, but a town vigilante. Why choose to post that pic again? It seems an odd choice to post when asked if you are scum (I believe a space pirate would be scum as a pirate is usually the bad guy).
Vitek: Really? o_O
Definition for pirate:

a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea.
a ship used by such persons.
any plunderer, predator, etc.: confidence men, slumlords, and other pirates.
a person who uses or reproduces the work or invention of another without authorization.
Also called pirate stream. Geology. a stream that diverts into its own flow the headwaters of another stream, river, etc.
—verb (used with object), pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing.

to commit piracy upon; plunder; rob.
to take by piracy: to pirate gold.
to use or reproduce (a book, an invention, etc.) without authorization or legal right: to pirate hit records.
to take or entice away for one's own use: Our competitor is trying to pirate our best salesman.
—verb (used without object), pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing.

to commit or practice piracy.

So yes a pirate is really considered a bad thing and when asked if he is a pirate and he says "bitch I may be" it raises the question of why post that.
If I will ignore why I found your post bad (it wasn't pirates are baddies thing, it was the logic of that post and questioning of meme usage), this is battle between Nisk (town) and Oliski (mafia). Even I know that. (I rarely read OP)
Vitek: If I will ignore why I found your post bad (it wasn't pirates are baddies thing, it was the logic of that post and questioning of meme usage), this is battle between Nisk (town) and Oliski (mafia). Even I know that. (I rarely read OP)
I am not sure where my questioning the picture is illogical. My whole point is Hijack asked if he was a space pirate (scum) and Dedo's response was "Bitch I may be". I was wanting to know why he posted that pic in response to the question. Are you trying to say questioning it was wrong?
trentonlf: The last game when you posted that pic you were not scum, but a town vigilante. Why choose to post that pic again? It seems an odd choice to post when asked if you are scum (I believe a space pirate would be scum as a pirate is usually the bad guy).
mrkgnao: Slightly troubled by trentonlf's post.
I feel that stating the parenthesised portion is a sign of extreme caution (making absolutely sure nobody whatsoever misunderstands or misreads his post in any way to the point of stating the obvious).
Is it a reaction to the tone of this specific game? Is it a rebound after being caught red-handed in game #23? Is it an indication of fear of drawing attention to himself?
Not much I can do with it at the moment.
Yes I put the pirate part in parenthes so there was no misunderstanding of what I said. I did not want someone to try and twist what I was saying.
mrkgnao: Slightly troubled by trentonlf's post.
I feel that stating the parenthesised portion is a sign of extreme caution (making absolutely sure nobody whatsoever misunderstands or misreads his post in any way to the point of stating the obvious).
Is it a reaction to the tone of this specific game? Is it a rebound after being caught red-handed in game #23? Is it an indication of fear of drawing attention to himself?
Not much I can do with it at the moment.
trentonlf: Yes I put the pirate part in parenthes so there was no misunderstanding of what I said. I did not want someone to try and twist what I was saying.
Yes, that's exactly what I was saying. Feels a bit extreme. Made worse by the defensive position you adopted with Vitek.
And that is why I love this meme. I knew it would be a major ice-breaking in this game LOL!

2 out of 2 :)

For those unaware (not too many, since like 87% of the current players were either playing or following last game) I was jokingly(?) asked if I was scum at around the same time on day 1, to which I responded with the same meme.

I did it for the lulz back then and was rather surprised at how concerned Trentonlf appeared to be by the fact the "Bitch, I might be".

This time the lulz had an added bonus. Even though this response should be considered "old" Trent raised the exact same question. I may have even been accused at bread-crumbing towards my role which I find somewhat offensive. I like to believe I'm not stupid enough to claim a "I volunteer as a tribute, scum dudes!" role on D1 :D

But yeah, as I said a few posts back: my time machine seems to be working!
Robbeasy: So, yogsloth....Come on then youngster, you got suspicions? Give us a read of things so far from your perspective. I know you're new, so the short posts can be excused, to a point.....
Fair enough. Yesterday was a pretty busy day for me and today will be too, so though I was reading yesterday, I wasn't contributing a whole lot. The "vets" were doing a pretty good feint/parry dance so rather than try to cook something substantive up while dealing with work stuff, I tried to see if I could learn anything from it. At first I thought trent might have made a slip with his question on how long "usual" games last, but then I actually went back and found that the two other games he played really did go by faster, so I backtracked on that. I'll try to be more available today.

After sticking my neck out to get the game started, I didn't want to stick it out further by throwing around suspicions, as I think that's generally a scum thing to do... or just dumb. I'm eager to play, but not that eager to run someone to the gallows. One thing I learned from studying previous games was that day 1 lynch is almost always wagonend by some pedantic detail. I mean, hey, we're villagers vs. wolves, so let's lynch the posters with "wolf" in their username, amirite?

That said, now may be the time to have to bring some opinions to the table. It may not move much further without input from everyone, and we'll end up lynching one of our own again. It's been VERY hard to read thus far.

The only pings on my scum-dar are Sage and adalia.

Sage always plays in the shadows "Oh hi guys, I'm busy today, but nice weather we're having, I'll contribute later", and has done this as a two-time townie, keeping her head firmly below the firing line. This time she's got significant real-life issues, but even with, I'm detecting something different this time. Like she's trying to feint-and-parry but was confused when she got parried. Is this huge? No, but it just feels different. I'm expecting her to try to stay out of the fray as much as possible, as it survived her all the way to endgame last time, and at least pretty far the time before that.

Adalia's stick-and-move also seems off. I crafted my first "real" post carefully to try and get conversation going about the nature of the game and its role possibilities, without having or wanting anybody blurt out any concrete information. It was a way to just start talking generalities and get moving without expecting handfuls of cards to be thrown on the table. Just a nibble. Adalia seems like he's trying to grab fistfuls of info, but then turns around and runs back and doesn't want it anymore. Again, this isn't 100% scum behavior - maybe this is just a tough game to play on a phone.

CSPVG is still lurking. In the third person, no less. Still don't like it, but I honestly can't truly connect it to scum behavior.

Flub continues to taunt with this vanilla claim and refusal to discuss. *shrug* He always plays as the jester.

Best part of this game, by far, is studying HijacK. I think he inexplicably lynched himself the last two games; it will be very very interesting at the end of this one to find out what team he's on.

Everyone else is just hanging around, as far as I'm concerned.
I too find trenton's questioning of Dedo to be rather a stretch. It seems to me as if you were trying to something fairly minor into much more.

Yogsloth: How exactly did you stick your neck out to get the game started? I don't remember this at all. In fact, I feel that you are the player that has thus far contributed the least to the game, even though you've posted more frequently than some (myself included).
yogsloth: Flub continues to taunt with this vanilla claim and refusal to discuss. *shrug* He always plays as the jester.
When you say jester are you referring to the role or just calling him silly?
Take this how you will, but if everyone is reading my posts as defensive and dedo's as flippant then town is going to lose. As a townie questioning a comment and then being suspected for it is rather asinine. Why consider dedo's post as old news because he said it last game? Does it make the comment less suspect? I don't care if last game he was town and said the comment. Why say you might be scum when asked if you are.

So unless we start questioning comments like that the only outcome will be a scum victory.
trentonlf: Take this how you will, but if everyone is reading my posts as defensive and dedo's as flippant then town is going to lose. As a townie questioning a comment and then being suspected for it is rather asinine. Why consider dedo's post as old news because he said it last game? Does it make the comment less suspect? I don't care if last game he was town and said the comment. Why say you might be scum when asked if you are.

So unless we start questioning comments like that the only outcome will be a scum victory.
I don't think the problem is that you questioned the comment, it's how defensive you were about why you questioned it. To me it's fairly obvious that dedo's post was a joke. It may turn out to be a very daring scum ploy, but it seems unlikely.

Vitek: If I will ignore why I found your post bad (it wasn't pirates are baddies thing, it was the logic of that post and questioning of meme usage), this is battle between Nisk (town) and Oliski (mafia). Even I know that. (I rarely read OP)
As Vitek points out, it seems fairly clear from the OP who the two sides in the conflict are. So to think that a space pirate might be scum (and from a title dedo had since at least the last game) is a little bit of a stretch.

I had trent down as leaning towards town, but I'm not so sure now.

yogsloth: Adalia's stick-and-move also seems off. I crafted my first "real" post carefully to try and get conversation going about the nature of the game and its role possibilities, without having or wanting anybody blurt out any concrete information. It was a way to just start talking generalities and get moving without expecting handfuls of cards to be thrown on the table. Just a nibble. Adalia seems like he's trying to grab fistfuls of info, but then turns around and runs back and doesn't want it anymore. Again, this isn't 100% scum behavior - maybe this is just a tough game to play on a phone.
I have no idea what yogsloth even means by this. As mentioned before I've backtracked a bit, I don't think anyone hasn't noticed this. But I don't see how this equates to 'grabbing fistfuls of info' and then not wanting it...

Yet again yogsloth has made a nice long post.. but not really said much. Leaning more and more towards scum for me.
CSPVG: Yogsloth: How exactly did you stick your neck out to get the game started? I don't remember this at all. In fact, I feel that you are the player that has thus far contributed the least to the game, even though you've posted more frequently than some (myself included).
Just asking about folks' opinions on the nature of the game when all previous conversation was fluff about video games and whatnot.

dedoporno: When you say jester are you referring to the role or just calling him silly?
Apologies, I meant silly. No role accusation.

adaliabooks: Yet again yogsloth has made a nice long post.. but not really said much. Leaning more and more towards scum for me.
And here I thought I just “said” more than I had in days.
HijacK- leaning town due to keener focus on critical thinking and attempts to shred posts and arguments instead of dogmatic arguments

Vitek – leaning scum due to coy posts and deliberate lurking; also unwilling to engage all players.

Trentonlf –null to scum due to recent alarmist posting and Vanilla Ice support

Robbeasy – leaning town due to Voting and probing (giggle) of various players

Yogsloth –I’ve changed to null to town due to some good posts along with nice critical thinking

Mrkgnao –I’ve also changed to null to town due to more engaged banter and challenge of other players

Adaliabooks-null to scum due to a lack of real engagement of other players and what seems to be a bit of unease when challenged

Sage103082-null due to waiting for real life dust to settle

Krypsyn- leaning scum due to “just observing things from here” and a deliberate lurking

DarkoD13-leaning scum due to lack of engaging players and lurking

CSPVG-null due to Power Lurking

Dedoporno-null leaning town due to engaging players and general involvement, however Pro-No lynch gets no town points

Just something for me (or you) to refer back to in the event my ship hits an asteroid or some junk....