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HijacK: If we do not point out things and ask questions then how are we going to find the scum?
If scum don't point out things and ask questions, then how are they going to find reasons to lynch townies?

↑ is this what you are doing?

HijacK: And I am not liking this. Both of you went awry with this subject.
I do not like being called out for trying to help find the scum. The only way I know how to is to trying to find posts that are off.
HijacK: What I am questioning are the random pro town points Krypsyn gave for something that in Day 1 looks as much as town as it looks as scum given the fact we as town know nothing.
What random town points? I don't hand out town points randomly. I liked that she was the first to bring up something that was fairly questionable; many of you have admitted to seeing it, but just ignored it. I also like the way she asked if anyone else thought there was something off with what I wrote. That is a way to start a good discussion during the Day 1 doldrums.

I mainly liked what she did because it was exactly the type of thing I would draw attention to. I would have said something more like "Interesting word choice, Krypsyn, care to comment?", but a response is a response. Perhaps I am biased, because really wanted someone to bring it up so a conversation about it could start. The game was starting to drag, and nobody (myself included) was saying anything really worthwhile.

It looks like I may have succeeded in creating the conversation. Yay, me! :P
HijacK: If we do not point out things and ask questions then how are we going to find the scum?
Sage103082: If scum don't point out things and ask questions, then how are they going to find reasons to lynch townies?

↑ is this what you are doing?

HijacK: And I am not liking this. Both of you went awry with this subject.
Sage103082: I do not like being called out for trying to help find the scum. The only way I know how to is to trying to find posts that are off.
None of those mean you are town, that's what you don't get, or don't want others to get, don't you?
HijacK: Aren't scum supposed to look for suspicious wording and reasons to get townies lynched?
While I agree with you that the contents of Sage's post do not indicate allegiance, there is some quality to her language that feels "honest".

It is my impression (no offence meant there, Sage) that Sage is not a great liar. Therefore when I sense honesty in her posts, I tend to believe she's not faking it.

I don't know whether this has anything to do with what Krypsyn said (probably not), but at the moment I also tend to put Sage more on the town side. Actually more because of the way she handled the "posting in other threads and not here" issue, than because of the "fair cop" incident.
mrkgnao: While I agree with you that the contents of Sage's post do not indicate allegiance, there is some quality to her language that feels "honest".

It is my impression (no offence meant there, Sage) that Sage is not a great liar. Therefore when I sense honesty in her posts, I tend to believe she's not faking it.
This I can't agree with. Judging how good someone is at something based on internet conversations doesn't seem extremely accurate to me. We don't know if she ever lied regarding something, which means she's either a great liar if she ever did, or she's always honest, but we will not be able to verify this until the day we catch her, which will most likely be when she'll get a scum role in a mafia game, if she hasn't already.

mrkgnao: I don't know whether this has anything to do with what Krypsyn said (probably not), but at the moment I also tend to put Sage more on the town side. Actually more because of the way she handled the "posting in other threads and not here" issue, than because of the "fair cop" incident.
That is a good point, but what if she was just genuinely honest? Quadr last game was pretty honest about his busy schedule, so not many looked at his as scum until RWare joined the game.

Also, I don't get why this conversation because about Sage when my intention was to question Krypsyn. I guess what annoys me is her inability to perceive all this talking we are doing as a neutral thing. She thinks that if she questions people we should automatically think of her as town.
Pretty sure Sage never said "hey I'm town because I question people", she did insinuate that she did not appreciate you questioning her tactic of finding scum. If there was only one way of finding scum then this game would be boring.
trentonlf: Pretty sure Sage never said "hey I'm town because I question people", she did insinuate that she did not appreciate you questioning her tactic of finding scum. If there was only one way of finding scum then this game would be boring.
Post 328.
"If we do not point out things and ask questions then how are we going to find the scum?"
That "we" is plural. In that "we" she includes herself, which pretty much tells me "Hey, I am town."
HijacK: Also, I don't get why this conversation because about Sage when my intention was to question Krypsyn. I guess what annoys me is her inability to perceive all this talking we are doing as a neutral thing. She thinks that if she questions people we should automatically think of her as town.
Part of what makes this game interesting is having to deal (and in 9 out of 12 times, cooperate) with people with different personalities. Frankly, I can think of some personalities that are more difficult to deal with than Sage's.

It's no challenge to convince someone who thinks just like you do. But it's rewarding when you convince someone who thinks differently (and are proven correct).
flubbucket: I actually had both pictures and chose the first one, but when the discussion arose between Kryspy Kreme and Mr. Magoo the winds of change blew....
mrkgnao: When did you pick the pictures, before or after you got the game PM from Telika?
It was actually for a game I played in a couple of years ago.
trentonlf: No it is my third, but the last two the first day cycle was quick. So I am guessing this pace now is typical for these mafia games. Most of the experienced players have said that the games run slow.
mrkgnao: Yes. It seems the older generation are setting the pace and tone in this game.
You young punks got no balls for this game. Why I remember back in the Great Game of aught nine when I lost an eye....or was that when I got my first prolapse???

HijacK: ............................
None of those mean you are town, that's what you don't get, or don't want others to get, don't you?
It's not really a declaration of YOU ARE TOWN but an awarding of town points which is more of a nudging in one direction or the other from center.

Some people will claim to play in the beginning "everyone is guilty until proven innocent" and others will take the tack "everyone is in the middle and moved scum or town based on points."
trentonlf: Pretty sure Sage never said "hey I'm town because I question people", she did insinuate that she did not appreciate you questioning her tactic of finding scum. If there was only one way of finding scum then this game would be boring.
HijacK: Post 328.
"If we do not point out things and ask questions then how are we going to find the scum?"
That "we" is plural. In that "we" she includes herself, which pretty much tells me "Hey, I am town."
Good point.

What I tend to do is read each post in both voices. 1) assuming the player is scum 2) assuming the player is town. The mafia will always mask as town and say "we" so it is a safe position to take until more information can triangulate the player accurately.
flubbucket: What I tend to do is read each post in both voices. 1) assuming the player is scum 2) assuming the player is town.
Well, you more or less asked for it:
HijacK: This I can't agree with. Judging how good someone is at something based on internet conversations doesn't seem extremely accurate to me.
I don't really believe anything can be said with extreme accuracy at this or even at later points since we are basically grasping at straws right now. Everyone (well, everyone town oriented) is most likely grasping at straws right now and is trying to work with what they have.

mrkgnao: While I agree with you that the contents of Sage's post do not indicate allegiance, there is some quality to her language that feels "honest".

It is my impression (no offence meant there, Sage) that Sage is not a great liar. Therefore when I sense honesty in her posts, I tend to believe she's not faking it.
This is pretty much my current understanding also, not only because of the cop stuff but the way Sage is playing. This is not the first time Sage gets... hmm... somewhat annoyed when she has been put to the spot because of her pointing stuff out. Just like flub (not always though, maybe I should start) I try to read the more interesting posts with either alignment in the back and look for something that stands out. In this particular case it would have been more suspicions if Sage passed HijacK's retort just fly by (once more this is a bit more meta-based than I would like it to be, but still).
I like early morning - wake up to a whole page of posts nearly from most of our overseas friends!!

I shall have a read through and get posting later with some reads hopefully..
Some very general observations from what I've read so far and keeping in mind we're still on Day 1:

Vitek - typical behavior
flubbucket - typical behavior, most likely town because reasons
Krypsyn - somewhat typical but more quiet than usual?
Mrkgnao - analytical posting
Dedoporno - analytical posting, are he and Mrkgnao the same person? (conspiracy, must uncover)
Adaliabooks - fair amount of backtracking
CSPVG - never trust him, but typical behavior
Robbeasy - can always go both ways, further examination required (too happy?)
Yogsloth - very eager townie or scum? his "Lurkers do bother me. Glad to see Sage post after a tough couple of days, but is CSPVG even in this game? I will assume real life issues there too, for now. " post reminded me of evil RWarehall in game 20 something
Trentonlf - so meh, need more data
Sage103082 - don't want to get on her bad side, but not particularly suspicious
HijacK - different persona employed, interested to see for how long

So if I had to respond to CSPVG about the top 3 scum list, I'd say Adaliabooks, Yogsloth and either Robbeasy or CSPVG.
I'm truly having trouble telling Dedoporno and Mrkgnao apart and can't remember any of Trentonlf's posts. I'll have to skim through everything once more.
DarkoD13: Dedoporno - analytical posting, are he and Mrkgnao the same person? (conspiracy, must uncover)
Busted! I like Wasteland 2 sooooo much that I won it as two different personas and then had a chat about it. Was the fact that both of us won it and neither played it yet what gave me away? LOL
Robbeasy: I like early morning - wake up to a whole page of posts nearly from most of our overseas friends!!

I shall have a read through and get posting later with some reads hopefully..
Hold on....I thought YOU were the on overseas??? ............../mind blown

DarkoD13: , need more data
The main reason why lurking is such a bad thing. Even if Day One posts are utter spam, it shows involvement.

Besides I still need to complete the Ultimate Rap Battle of the Universe pie chart.
