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HijacK: So they could swallow you? One word: PERVERT!
mrkgnao: What's wrong with swallow? Don't you know that the swallow is the bird of true love.
I really like that line. Going to use it if ever such an opportunity arises, especially when it's funny.
Krypsyn: Vote: CSPBG
Crustless Sandwitch with Peanut Butter and........Gelly?
Car is sold and I am back =)

This game is definitely going in a different direction. First video games then boobs, periods and swallows.

There is talk that the game is out of RVS. My question is what have we learned to move us out of RVS? I seen a lot of questioning others but nothing that jumps out as he is scum get him!
Sage103082: boobs, periods and swallows.
And all of this because of you! Well, maybe not the swallow part.
I actually know what CSPVG means and I am willing to spill it for hefty sum of money.
Mafia get 70% discount so just state if you want regular price or if you are entitled to the discounted one.
Vitek: I actually know what CSPVG means and I am willing to spill it for hefty sum of money.
Sshhh... it's a secret!
Vitek: I actually know what CSPVG means and I am willing to spill it for hefty sum of money.
Mafia get 70% discount so just state if you want regular price or if you are entitled to the discounted one.
Since I can't get the discounted rate and I don't have a hefty sum of money, would you be willing to tell me out of the kindness of your heart :)
Sage103082: ok so I did not post for a bit because the conversation went into games. Games I have no idea what they are or what they are about.
Vitek: Then how did you get on this forum? >_>

I would understand you were busy but is it true you were posting elsewhere? How come?
This Vitek is a sharp one.

HijacK: Looks like boobs to me. But......... I like boobs...... so I could potentially see them on every round object.

Needless to say I don't think people should look at her post. People have rough days, and she just may have had one of those. It's understandable, if genuine. But I am giving more credit to women in this regard because they have that one time a month when they turn from succubi into meaner demons.
Spoken like a sincere misogynist. BTW I also see boobs...boobs everywhere.

Now if I just HAD to make a short list it would look like this:

yogsloth, mrkgnao, Vitek and here's why. Waaaay back about post #31 they started having a conversation about me and my Pure Vanilla Extract avatar. The banter was cute and had a bit of (T) and (M) in it to flavor the "are you town or are you mafia?" talk. I know it's fluffy, but it was something which might be able to be used later.

Also I'm looking hard at DarkoD13 and Krypsyn for what "feels" like deliberate lurking. It could be nothing or it could be More Than A Feeling.
Back in after another long day. My wife finished her marathon in a hair under 4:30, and we loaded up and went straight to a kid's birthday party the rest of the afternoon. Was going to try and get in some Deus Ex tonight, but that future looks uncertain. Will try to read, catch up, and comment in a bit.
yogsloth: Deus Ex tonight, but that future looks uncertain.
flubbucket: Also I'm looking hard at DarkoD13 and Krypsyn for what "feels" like deliberate lurking.
It's a fair cop. At least where I am concerned. I just haven't felt the urge to really mix things up yet, and I am content to just watch things unfold for a bit.

Well, except for CSPVG. I mean, seriously...
Vitek: I actually know what CSPVG means and I am willing to spill it for hefty sum of money.
Krypsyn: Sshhh... it's a secret!
Vitek, Krypsyn, would you be so kind as to share your observations with us mere mortals. I for one have no idea what you're talking about.
flubbucket: Also I'm looking hard at DarkoD13 and Krypsyn for what "feels" like deliberate lurking.
Krypsyn: It's a fair cop. At least where I am concerned. I just haven't felt the urge to really mix things up yet, and I am content to just watch things unfold for a bit.

Well, except for CSPVG. I mean, seriously...
I would never cornfuse you two with a Power Lurker like CSPVG.
CSPVG: One has not commented in two days because one has not really felt the need to, and did not want to post something akin to, "Hello, I'm still here."

The very definition of Lurker. As a Town player it is your duty to try and instigate conversation, prod other players, do whatever is necessary to keep conversation going.

Having said that, day 1 is an arse. Never too much to go on , but shouldn't let that put you off. Due to RL issues, I was a very intermittent poster last game and came under heavy suspicion even on first day - I believe it was the reason I was Vigged (Dedo could confirm).

Don't bring that suspicion on yourself by not posting. It in no way helps Town at all.

Vote remains on Adaliabooks.
Robbeasy: Having said that, day 1 is an arse. Never too much to go on , but shouldn't let that put you off. Due to RL issues, I was a very intermittent poster last game and came under heavy suspicion even on first day - I believe it was the reason I was Vigged (Dedo could confirm). .
Among other things, but yes, I confirm.