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adaliabooks: The possibility of 4 scum was purely working the numbers. JMich said last game it was usually 25% of total players, which is 13, so 4.25. But the mafiascum wiki kind of suggests it's rare to get more than 3, hence why I said 3 or 4.
13 * 0.25 = 3.25.
adaliabooks: The possibility of 4 scum was purely working the numbers. JMich said last game it was usually 25% of total players, which is 13, so 4.25. But the mafiascum wiki kind of suggests it's rare to get more than 3, hence why I said 3 or 4.
HijacK: 13 divided by 4 is 3.25.
That's gonna look really bad. I'm supposed to be good with numbers...

You are correct sir. I'm not sure how I managed that...

*goes to hide in the corner in shame*
adaliabooks: The possibility of 4 scum was purely working the numbers. JMich said last game it was usually 25% of total players, which is 13, so 4.25.
Yeah, that's 3.25. Just sayin'...
HijacK: 13 divided by 4 is 3.25.
adaliabooks: That's gonna look really bad. I'm supposed to be good with numbers...

You are correct sir. I'm not sure how I managed that...

*goes to hide in the corner in shame*
What do you do for a living?
Let me guess: a programmer responsible for the core of a nuclear reactor.

Just joking, we all do these mistakes.
Last Saturday (or the one before it) I posted in a very categoric way in the NFL suicide pool thread a post stating that it was actually a Sunday.
adaliabooks: That's gonna look really bad. I'm supposed to be good with numbers...

You are correct sir. I'm not sure how I managed that...

*goes to hide in the corner in shame*
mrkgnao: What do you do for a living?
Let me guess: a programmer responsible for the core of a nuclear reactor.

Just joking, we all do these mistakes.
Last Saturday (or the one before it) I posted in a very categoric way in the NFL suicide pool thread a post stating that it was actually a Sunday.
Lol. No don't worry, we're not all going to die. But maths and numbers really are my strong point... I honestly divided that and got 4 :/

I'll blame it on stress...

I'm just going to leave for a while...
adaliabooks: Lol. No don't worry, we're not all going to die. But maths and numbers really are my strong point... I honestly divided that and got 4 :/

I'll blame it on stress...

I'm just going to leave for a while...
Why are you so stressed out, mate?
Vitek: Then how did you get on this forum? >_>

I would understand you were busy but is it true you were posting elsewhere? How come?
Adventure games are my cup of tea and I stumbled on gog looking for a certain one last year. I am very happy I did.
I logged on and I had a message that I won a game in another thread. I went to that thread and posted a thank you and response to a new question. And I the other post was to another thread that had a response to something I said. Basically there was a 2 by my account and dealt with them. I did not have the time at really read all that was posted here. I am not the type of person to post just so people can see me posting. I like to be able to have a understanding on the thread and a add my thoughts.
mrkgnao: Just joking, we all do these mistakes.
Last Saturday (or the one before it) I posted in a very categoric way in the NFL suicide pool thread a post stating that it was actually a Sunday.
I happened to forget what day it was once, and I assumed it was a Friday. My disappointment was of gigantic heights when i learned it was only Thursday.

And I often forget what day it is when I wake up. I often wake up Sunday morning thinking it's Monday and I'm late.
adaliabooks: Lol. No don't worry, we're not all going to die. But maths and numbers really are my strong point... I honestly divided that and got 4 :/

I'll blame it on stress...

I'm just going to leave for a while...
dedoporno: Why are you so stressed out, mate?
Business is slow this month and money is tight. Just general life stress. Too much to do and not enough time (and I'm wasting it here and playing games when I should be doing other stuff)
Vitek: Disappointing. I was hoping you will note it again. How it is too defensive or something as per usual when you talk to me.
Right, and that has worked out famously for us in the past :P. I figured I would just post how I was amused that we seemed to be following the same pattern.

Vitek: You are losing your mojo. :--p
Okay, I'll reply; but only because I like you:

You did something I thought might be off, I questioned you, you answered, and I was satisfied with your response. Had I thought what you did was overtly scummy, rather than just a small possibility, I would have voted for you immediately and then asked more pointed questions.

There you go. Enjoy. ;)
My life is already better.
flubbucket: Vitex is an herbal supplement to help you get pregnant, unlike Vitek which is a guy who scares away women.

I'm just sayin'...
Vitek: You made me cry. :'-(
I want to be Vitex now.
So they could swallow you? One word: PERVERT!
Vitek: My life is already better.
Glad to hear it! :)

Also, forgot to add in my first post:

Unvote: trentonlf

Now my day just got a little better too. I feel like a picnic or something. Too bad it is grey and rainy outside. See, now I just got depressed.

I blame you for everything Vitek! So, I think I will:

Vitek: You made me cry. :'-(
I want to be Vitex now.
HijacK: So they could swallow you? One word: PERVERT!
What's wrong with swallow? Don't you know that the swallow is the bird of true love.
Oh, drat. I forgot to delete that first vote in the post above. It is less funny that way. At least I didn't typo it the second time, so it isn't a total loss.

Oh, yeah. The post was supposed to be funny, but the vote was totally serious. *glares at CSPVG*