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I would guess many of us Americans will have limited availability this weekend. I probably will be gone Friday through Sunday.
I will be unavailable as well during the entire weekend. Maybe the best approach is to extend the night until next Monday.
Given that:

a) 17 of the last 18 RL days have been "night"
b) Current night is at 9 RL days and counting
c) Moderator appears to be completely AWOL
d) Town is virtually assured of victory anyway

...interest in this game has to be at point so low it would be very difficult to resuscitate.

I'll let the more veteran players chime in, but in my opinion, we are very close to the unfortunate event of having to declare this game abandoned.

I think Flub should get the signup for 25 going. Within the next few days, we can decide whether to do a big "reveal" in the remains of this thread and move on, or keep it open in the hope that it can somehow be revived. Hanging on forever with less and less motivation to continue makes little sense.
yogsloth: .
I contacted Telika today (I planned it anyway, regardless your post) to prod him and see if he will be able to come back soon and if not if he could hand over necessary information about game to someone else (I might have suggested person who was lynched last Day >_>) so the game could be finished.
Vitek: I contacted Telika today (I planned it anyway, regardless your post) to prod him and see if he will be able to come back soon and if not if he could hand over necessary information about game to someone else (I might have suggested person who was lynched last Day >_>) so the game could be finished.
Fine with me. I was also going to PM you about about Telika today, since I was mainly waiting for the holiday weekend in the States to be over. Seems everyone is on the same page.
I am not on the page I am on the sauce.
I hope everything is OK with Telika.
He shows "online" right... NOW...
It seems it would be best if we call the game or have someone else finish it out.
Let's not give up on the game please. It's probably the last one I'll be able to play for the next year, it would suck so much if it ended like that.
I, too, would prefer to finish the game if this is possible in whatever way. Otherwise all of the invested time and effort is just wasted. Also, Vitek and I were on the brink of strangling each other - this can't have been for nothing :D
Let's give Telika a few more days.
Ïn worst case we can all send our role PM and current (or all) night actions to, say Krypsyn, and hope no one has some hidden modifier that he is not aware of himself and only Telika knows it.
Not ideal but at least we could finish the game.
Or just put it on hold, start another one and possibly finish it sometiem in the future.
Or just abandon it.
Vitek: Ïn worst case we can all send our role PM and current (or all) night actions to, say Krypsyn, and hope no one has some hidden modifier that he is not aware of himself and only Telika knows it.
Not ideal but at least we could finish the game.
Or just put it on hold, start another one and possibly finish it sometiem in the future.
Or just abandon it.
I believe it would be nice to finish it if possible. I like the idea of telling Krypsyn all the info we know if all else fails :-)
Vitek: Ïn worst case we can all send our role PM and current (or all) night actions to, say Krypsyn, and hope no one has some hidden modifier that he is not aware of himself and only Telika knows it.
Let's just do it. I'll start.