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yogsloth: Tell me, when in a game of forum mafia, have you ever heard of a player being role-blocked, and told via moderator PM who did the blocking?
Perhaps because the "roleblock" was not directed at me, but instead directed at my target (sort of a reverse role-block for investigative roles?). I don't actually scan my target directly either, but the space around him or her. In this case, perhaps Telika wished to split the difference: he mentioned something was going on with my systems, but also told me who was is space around me (as my power is supposed to do). The way it is worded makes it a little vague whether or not anyone else visited CSPVG, but I know Vitek was in the area.
yogsloth: Sure thing! Sorry it took a bit of time. Daybreak was at 4:30 PM or so on a Friday afternoon my time, so I'm stealing some time away to post here.

As I stated in my role-reveal post, I regard my role as being so anti-town, my sole objective with it is to "do no harm". I'm not interested in landing a lucky shot on scum, as I think if I targeted a power role, the odds are just that I would hit town. So I'm shooting vanilla role claims, because either a) the claim is true, and I do no harm, or b) the claim is a lie, in which case the liar is scum and I actually do some good. By that reasoning, you and Robb were basically equal in my eyes. I am nearly certain you are both town, so it didn't really matter to me who went first. Sorry if you're bent out of shape you went first... Robb will be tonight. Sage the next night, unless something changes.

I do want to point out that Krypsyn took great pains to let us know that when he watched CSPVG, he "did see Vitek in the area".

Tell me, when in a game of forum mafia, have you ever heard of a player being role-blocked, and told via moderator PM who did the blocking?

I won't be online too much this weekend. I'd like to give flub and hijack a chance to chime in from the grave, but that's all I would be waiting for. Then I too will vote for Kryspyn, as I should have done yesterday.
So you have your next 2 targets figured out and they still don't include Vitek. The player that, by his own claim, can only hurt the town at this point.
Given your fondness of decision matrices I'm having troubling believing that you weighed your options and saw me as the best possible target. I'm getting the feeling you were more interested in me confirming your power than doing something that would actually be beneficial to town.
So anyway, during the fight with the Olipsi, I was attacked head-on by a Nisk wingman. I couldn't identify him because I was blinded by the flares from his shots, but his projectiles barely scratched my armor.

I'll be off for today in a bit, so

Vote Krypsyn

I'm totally not enjoying this. Pinky swear.

I'd be curious to hear from Sage who adalia says the NK target was. For the lulz.
mrkgnao: What do you mean Sage? You aren't seriously considering killing her role???
You should at least target Vitek and me first.
I assume you cannot repeat a target.
I'm pretty sure shooting sage won't kill her role, as she doesn't have one! Let me re-explain in flavor terms:

My weapon, when it hits your ship, destroys all special external equipment. If you have a special torpedo, or antenna, etc. Sage specifically says she doesn't have this. Her ability to communicate with the "dead" has nothing to do with external equipment. My weapon should be useless against her, as her role as Survivor is not something I can change.

DarkoD13: So you have your next 2 targets figured out and they still don't include Vitek. The player that, by his own claim, can only hurt the town at this point.
Given your fondness of decision matrices I'm having troubling believing that you weighed your options and saw me as the best possible target. I'm getting the feeling you were more interested in me confirming your power than doing something that would actually be beneficial to town.
Well... I'm sorry you feel that way. For good or bad, I decided to articulate and stick with my "Do no harm" policy. That means no shooting claimed power roles until I'm out of other targets. I don't see where Vitek "can only hurt the town" via his scrambler role. If he hurts the town, it's not by waving his scrambly bits about.
yogsloth: I don't see where Vitek "can only hurt the town" via his scrambler role.
Ehm, sure, whatever you say. He can always save us from investigating scum looking for power roles.
mrkgnao: What do you mean Sage? You aren't seriously considering killing her role???
You should at least target Vitek and me first.
I assume you cannot repeat a target.
yogsloth: I'm pretty sure shooting sage won't kill her role, as she doesn't have one! Let me re-explain in flavor terms:

My weapon, when it hits your ship, destroys all special external equipment. If you have a special torpedo, or antenna, etc. Sage specifically says she doesn't have this. Her ability to communicate with the "dead" has nothing to do with external equipment. My weapon should be useless against her, as her role as Survivor is not something I can change.
I wouldn't take the chance.
Seriously, target me first. I don't know whether you'll kill one shot or all my shots, but it's still better than Sage.
Not to mention Vitek, whose role is practically meaningless. Do you really expect the scum to use their role cop (which is what I assume they have) for anything?
Krypsyn: Funny, because on Day 2, you even stated that if the Watcher watches the Doctor and the Doctor protects the Watcher, then town cannot lose (or it is pretty certain, anyway). I agree and agreed, hence i watched CSPVG.
I believed it won't affect you for reasons I described (how my and your roel supposedly works) and I also believed you are very likely to be scum, so I doubted you will honor it anyway. ;-)
So, we have mrkgnao, robbeasy, Vitek, trentonlf, and DarkoD13 voting for me? That puts me at L-1?

DarkoD13: I'm totally not enjoying this. Pinky swear.
Why not? I am:

Unvote: dedoporno
Vote: Krypsyn

That should be lynch, unless I missed someone unvote somewhere.
Bastard! Is that legal? Can you do that? Lol.

So Krpsyn tries to self-hammer in order to stifle conversation. The last dying shot from El Scummo. Well, the basic order of night actions should be obvious.
The ships gather, one ship explode, the ships scatter.

Well, that was fast.

Krypsyn was lynched, by Mrkgnao, Vitek, Robbeasy, Trentonlf, DarkoD13 and Krypsyn.

He was

Wait, what was he. One minute.

Yeah, there :

He was Crosseyes, Mafia Watcher, piloting a Lokitop Mark II recon ship.

IT IS NOW NIGHT 3 because clearly i wasn't busy enough. I HATE YOU ALL.
Post edited November 22, 2014 by Telika
yogsloth: My weapon, when it hits your ship, destroys all special external equipment. If you have a special torpedo, or antenna, etc. Sage specifically says she doesn't have this. Her ability to communicate with the "dead" has nothing to do with external equipment. My weapon should be useless against her, as her role as Survivor is not something I can change.
I am not sure it makes a difference but I am able to collect the downed pilots with my extractor arms. I was told this in my first night pm when I was given the QT info. It does say they are fragile but effective.

as for the Qt
I am a bit worried about Flub as he has not posted at all since yesterday morning. I just hope all is ok with him.

Hijack thinks yogs sorry was a load of bs and that Krypsyn needs to be voted for an pressure applied to him and of course town make some stupid choices but at least every one can see he was right in his facts and his actions. He also just posted about yogs going after me being a role killer he could kill me and could kill the communication i have with the downed pilots. (and of course there are a few stupids in there too)
He is also not keen on trent and that fact his list is still the same and not much has change since he flipped town.

Books said that they did consider a self NK - but he didnt see how this would have gotten them anywhere.
That they went after Dedo. He would have choosen CSPVG himself. They had to try it to pick someone that would leave them with even less of a chance at winning if he was kept around,

(side note: I do believe they did pick Dedo but anything books says has to be taking lightly as it can be purposely used to try to turn us in the wrong direction) also I will be going into work for a few hours and will be back on later today and if we are still in day I will post with any other comments as they come in.
BOOM! My torment is at an end, the voices have finally stopping bantering...
... except for Sage. Dangit, Sage, stop that! :)
(/deathpost addendum, sue me)
Just to let you know that I will be on the road Wednesday through Saturday with limited internet, if at all (probably only my cell phone and only at night (PST)).
mrkgnao: Just to let you know that I will be on the road Wednesday through Saturday with limited internet, if at all (probably only my cell phone and only at night (PST)).
Be careful and have fun!!