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Sage103082: Over the night I was listing everything and I thought there might be a pattern to the names. It was just a theory I was playing with and without the last 2 names I could not see if there was something or I was just going nuts and bored. =)
I refer you back to post 222 (This time I don't want the scum to Snatch victory from me like they did in game #22.)

My name is Snatch

I had no night action against me.

Unless something drastic happens my vote will not change this time

Vote Krypsyn
Robbeasy: If Krypsyn flips town after lynch, then Dedo gets it tomorrow, and we only lose one day. The sacrifice of a Mafia player just to rid us of Krypsyn is not worth it - therefore I have to assume Dedo is telling the truth, and Krypsyn is scum.

Have we all checked in now? Good.

vote Krypsyn

If he flips town, Dedo is next. If he flips Mafia, we are in a massively strong position.
I agree with all of this 100% and I'm totally aware of the consequences if I have mislead you. I haven't.

CSPVG: One was wondering: Did you receive a PM with any flavour/ information indicating that you had been targeted?
Nice catch! I totally forgot about that. The night was way too long...

Vitek: @dedo; What type of results do you get? Non-town, Mafia, Olipsi?
Olipsi. As I wrote in my explanation post the result said the I have detected a non-Nisk, encrypted transmission and all evidence point to an Olipsi agent piloting the ship. Not neutral or anything else. Olipsi.
Obviously, I am already here. I'll put my vote whenever everyone is satisfied and are ready to move on. I believe we should be able to make the lynch on our own terms, so we can talk a little more before hammering if you believe this will be beneficial. We still haven't talked about HijacK's wagon.
mrkgnao: @dedo, I must confess that I consider your night action somewhat of a waste. It was pretty obvious that Krypsyn would be today's lynch target after HijacK flipped town, since we practically decided to go through the list of investigative roles and a watcher is less powerful than a cop. I do find your choice therefore a bit suspicious (sacrificing a near-dead scum buddy to "confirm" your claim?).
dedoporno: Fair enough, but I happen to disagree. In my eyes it's better to have something confirmed rather than make speculations about it, especially against a more experienced player. I have to say I find you somewhat suspicious now, but we'll have to see about that at a later stage.
But isn't it better to have something confirmed about someone other than the one we were most likely to lynch today even without confirmation, or were you afraid that you might get lynched before he did?

I was kind of hoping you would investigate me.
dedoporno: Fair enough, but I happen to disagree. In my eyes it's better to have something confirmed rather than make speculations about it, especially against a more experienced player. I have to say I find you somewhat suspicious now, but we'll have to see about that at a later stage.
mrkgnao: But isn't it better to have something confirmed about someone other than the one we were most likely to lynch today even without confirmation, or were you afraid that you might get lynched before he did?

I was kind of hoping you would investigate me.
If I had been in dedo's position I would have investigated whoever I was leaning more as mafia and was thinking of placing my vote on. In this case I would have done Krpsyn also. dedo can always scan you tonight if he feels you are the one to suspect next.
mrkgnao: I wonder what would have happened if the scum had killed CSPVG, would have Krypsyn seen the killer?
The thing about this is, dedo was likely kill target and that would amke him flip town and doom Krypsyn quite a lot even without scan. If not him, then it was Sage (mrkgnao would have to speak truth there and mafia for some rerason chose to kill neutral), mafia choose to not kill (seems like bad unreasonable move) or maybe they haven't sent their action on time. :-)
Only other option that comes to mind is that CSPVG is not doctor and has not in fact protected dedo. But it would only eliminate the most reasonable option from lack-of-night-kill possibilities so it's unlikely.

mrkgnao: Do you get any PM as a result of your night action?
Me? Yes, some usual stuff how I turn my scrambling antenas toward him and he is hidden from scanners now. Similar in spirit both nights but much more detailed N1.
dedoporno: Of course I am! I knew it was pointless to try and frame you... I find it funny, though, how you said you liked my play so far and you believed my claim, and suddenly BAM! I'm a liar. Oh my...
That was before HijacK flipped town.

Vitek: I picked him because I knew no town will investigate him so I wouldn't come in way of useful powers.
Funny, because on Day 2, you even stated that if the Watcher watches the Doctor and the Doctor protects the Watcher, then town cannot lose (or it is pretty certain, anyway). I agree and agreed, hence i watched CSPVG.

Its cool though. Regardless, of who gets lynched Today, I think scum is doomed.
mrkgnao: But isn't it better to have something confirmed about someone other than the one we were most likely to lynch today even without confirmation, or were you afraid that you might get lynched before he did?

I was kind of hoping you would investigate me.
That was my original plan, but two things happened, that tampered with it.

1. You claimed a very powerful role. With the doctor in town and non-counter-claimed cop it only made sense that I would be protected by CSPVG. My guess was that either CSPVG or you would be the NK target. I didn't want to risk the scan on you, considering the 50/50 chance.

2. HijacK flipped both Town and a Flavor Cop. I have to agree that this doesn't put me in the greatest light. I my scan was wasted (no result or a dead scanee), that would have most likely meant I was next. With the risk of sounding a bit narcissistic I believe we have a really important combo going on (Cop + Doctor) and it would have been a pity if that was wasted because of a couple of wrong moves.
mrkgnao: But isn't it better to have something confirmed about someone other than the one we were most likely to lynch today even without confirmation, or were you afraid that you might get lynched before he did?

I was kind of hoping you would investigate me.
dedoporno: That was my original plan, but two things happened, that tampered with it.

1. You claimed a very powerful role. With the doctor in town and non-counter-claimed cop it only made sense that I would be protected by CSPVG. My guess was that either CSPVG or you would be the NK target. I didn't want to risk the scan on you, considering the 50/50 chance.

2. HijacK flipped both Town and a Flavor Cop. I have to agree that this doesn't put me in the greatest light. I my scan was wasted (no result or a dead scanee), that would have most likely meant I was next. With the risk of sounding a bit narcissistic I believe we have a really important combo going on (Cop + Doctor) and it would have been a pity if that was wasted because of a couple of wrong moves.
Assuming you are town (i.e. there were two cops on the town side, which I still find hard to believe), I agree that a doctor + cop is a very strong combination. Even if the mafia kill CSPVG tonight and you tomorrow night, it still gives you two more scans (I assume Telika uses the convention of "mafia kills last", so you could still report your second scan from aboard the Sage). Hopefully, two scans would be plenty to work with, even if you don't happen to land on the mafia.
mrkgnao: Assuming you are town (i.e. there were two cops on the town side, which I still find hard to believe), I agree that a doctor + cop is a very strong combination. Even if the mafia kill CSPVG tonight and you tomorrow night, it still gives you two more scans (I assume Telika uses the convention of "mafia kills last", so you could still report your second scan from aboard the Sage). Hopefully, two scans would be plenty to work with, even if you don't happen to land on the mafia.
My point exactly. The only thing I look at differently is Sage. I don't like the idea of counting on her and the messages from beyond. All of this is assumed (especially the part where I gain knowledge first and get blow away later) and I prefer to put my money on the safer bet.

Even if I happen to expire before the game ends I would be happy if I did enough damage to the mafia team and Town wins more or less because of this. I did the same thing last game (inflicting as much damage as possible before biting it) and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I believe we have very good chances for the same things once again.
mrkgnao: Assuming you are town (i.e. there were two cops on the town side, which I still find hard to believe), I agree that a doctor + cop is a very strong combination. Even if the mafia kill CSPVG tonight and you tomorrow night, it still gives you two more scans (I assume Telika uses the convention of "mafia kills last", so you could still report your second scan from aboard the Sage). Hopefully, two scans would be plenty to work with, even if you don't happen to land on the mafia.
dedoporno: My point exactly. The only thing I look at differently is Sage. I don't like the idea of counting on her and the messages from beyond. All of this is assumed (especially the part where I gain knowledge first and get blow away later) and I prefer to put my money on the safer bet.

Even if I happen to expire before the game ends I would be happy if I did enough damage to the mafia team and Town wins more or less because of this. I did the same thing last game (inflicting as much damage as possible before biting it) and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I believe we have very good chances for the same things once again.
Well, I knew Sage was probably safe tonight as I was protecting her (unless they targetted me, which I considered less likely than you did). Assuming Krypsyn flips scum, I agree that you have inflicted quite a bit of damage on the mafia. And if he doesn't, you have inflicted even more. So anyway, good show!

Still, the question remains, how many nights until you scan Robbeasy?
dedoporno: My point exactly. The only thing I look at differently is Sage. I don't like the idea of counting on her and the messages from beyond. All of this is assumed (especially the part where I gain knowledge first and get blow away later) and I prefer to put my money on the safer bet.

Even if I happen to expire before the game ends I would be happy if I did enough damage to the mafia team and Town wins more or less because of this. I did the same thing last game (inflicting as much damage as possible before biting it) and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I believe we have very good chances for the same things once again.
mrkgnao: Well, I knew Sage was probably safe tonight as I was protecting her (unless they targetted me, which I considered less likely than you did). Assuming Krypsyn flips scum, I agree that you have inflicted quite a bit of damage on the mafia. And if he doesn't, you have inflicted even more. So anyway, good show!

Still, the question remains, how many nights until you scan Robbeasy?
If you are telling the truth on your role it answers a question I had, and that's why Sage was not the NK. I thought she would have been.
trentonlf: If you are telling the truth on your role it answers a question I had, and that's why Sage was not the NK. I thought she would have been.
So did I. I hope I have indeed been instrumental in keeping her alive.
DarkoD13: I'll wait to hear yogsloth's reasoning first.
Sure thing! Sorry it took a bit of time. Daybreak was at 4:30 PM or so on a Friday afternoon my time, so I'm stealing some time away to post here.

As I stated in my role-reveal post, I regard my role as being so anti-town, my sole objective with it is to "do no harm". I'm not interested in landing a lucky shot on scum, as I think if I targeted a power role, the odds are just that I would hit town. So I'm shooting vanilla role claims, because either a) the claim is true, and I do no harm, or b) the claim is a lie, in which case the liar is scum and I actually do some good. By that reasoning, you and Robb were basically equal in my eyes. I am nearly certain you are both town, so it didn't really matter to me who went first. Sorry if you're bent out of shape you went first... Robb will be tonight. Sage the next night, unless something changes.

I do want to point out that Krypsyn took great pains to let us know that when he watched CSPVG, he "did see Vitek in the area".

Tell me, when in a game of forum mafia, have you ever heard of a player being role-blocked, and told via moderator PM who did the blocking?

I won't be online too much this weekend. I'd like to give flub and hijack a chance to chime in from the grave, but that's all I would be waiting for. Then I too will vote for Kryspyn, as I should have done yesterday.
yogsloth: Sage the next night, unless something changes.
What do you mean Sage? You aren't seriously considering killing her role???
You should at least target Vitek and me first.
I assume you cannot repeat a target.

yogsloth: I do want to point out that Krypsyn took great pains to let us know that when he watched CSPVG, he "did see Vitek in the area".

Tell me, when in a game of forum mafia, have you ever heard of a player being role-blocked, and told via moderator PM who did the blocking?
Based on Vitek's role claim, Krypsyn wasn't role blocked. CSPVG was shrouded from investigation. It's not the same thing.