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dedoporno: Are you up for some action on the side? You said something about putting one's money where one's mouth is :)
I know you aren't serious. At least I hope you are not.

In any case, read this.

In particular Games Rules point #2.
I also didn't think it would be useful to add the "no betting" rule that is traditionally added to the list in Mafia games.

But, no betting.

Edit : ah, yeah, sorry gogfather, I thought you were pointing at the "hosting rule" 2 for some reason. But, yeah, game rules, below.

Redundant post of mine.
Post edited November 15, 2014 by Telika
sorry, because of stuff on my side, this will take a couple more days
Telika: sorry, because of stuff on my side, this will take a couple more days
Ah, c'mon!

Your little "online" green light was lit for almost an hour!
yogsloth: Your little "online" green light was lit for almost an hour!
Well, not sure what it means technically, but I haven't been browsing gog for an hour, although I've quickly checked the promo a couple of times (hope I haven't missed too much).

Anyway, sorry 'bout that. am writing the result PMs right now. They will be a tad less self-indulging than my usual ones, so, apologies for the more pithy style (if flavor is important to anyone).
After this episode, embarrassing for everyone (yes) the squadron regroups. Everyone seems to be still here.

This is now day 3. You may post.
Sorry for the impatience. Hope everything was OK. And yes, flavor is wonderful, so we'll get more in Day 4. :)
Yay! No night kill! I don't know who the target was, but thank you CSPVG or whoever protected whoever.

HijacK flipped Town, which is an unpleasant development, I really saw his role as a redundancy to mine, but we shall see why that was.

But first things first.

VOTE KRYPSYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dedoporno: VOTE KRYPSYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slow down there, hoss.

Forgetting something?
yogsloth: Slow down there, hoss.

Forgetting something?
I was too pleased with my nightly scan results.

But, please, enlighten me.
Spit it out!
yogsloth: Spit it out!
You didn't enlighten me, but I assume you meant the wagon analysis. I figured that should be a bit easier after I said what I had to say.

My dilemma for a night scan was between three people: Vitek, Mrkgnao and Krypsyn.

I may have gone with Mrkgnao if he didn't claim that all powerful Jack-of-all-trades. My concern was that if he is truly Town he may end up getting NKed and my scan - wasted, so I passed him.

Between Vitek and Krypsyn, the latter seemed with a bit more useful/dangerous ability, so both confirmation for a strong ally and exposure of cunning enemy sounded like the better deal.

I went with Krypsyn. Between his communication signal my equipment detected an encrypted one that is using protocols that are non-Nisk. Last sentence states that the ship is piloted by an Olipsi impostor.
That's what I was looking for.

I shot Darko, as I said I would.

I would like to hear about everyone's night actions before casting a vote.

I would also like to put it out there that I feel a little guilty about the way Day 2 ended... I'm guilty of voting with my ego and not my logical skills. I wanted to have been right about HijacK so badly (based on my early Day 2 behavior) that I took a chance and voted him with "my gut" instead of my brain. I even knew in my heart at the time he probably wasn't the most logical choice. Chalk it up to a learned lesson, with apologies to HijacK that it came at his expense. Apologies to everyone else if you think it's scummy to say - it was just bugging me the first couple of days.

Looking forward to Day 3 - I think this one will go very quick, especially given the now-certainty that it's Krypsyn or dedo.
dedoporno: I may have gone with Mrkgnao if he didn't claim that all powerful Jack-of-all-trades. My concern was that if he is truly Town he may end up getting NKed and my scan - wasted, so I passed him.

I went with Krypsyn. Between his communication signal my equipment detected an encrypted one that is using protocols that are non-Nisk. Last sentence states that the ship is piloted by an Olipsi impostor.
Well, no point debating your claim. If you're lying, we'll know soon enough.

I, too, was for a while quite afraid of dying tonight, but decided to risk my night action anyhow.
My night action: x-shot babysitter on Sage.
As I said in #1919, I see her game as fully town, despite her neutral alignment.
I consider her by far the most powerful of us, as she is our conduit to the downed pilots.
I didn't expect CSPVG to protect her (given his vote on day #2), so decided to do it myself.
I wonder if she was the target or whomever CSPVG protected (waiting to hear from him).

@dedo, I must confess that I consider your night action somewhat of a waste. It was pretty obvious that Krypsyn would be today's lynch target after HijacK flipped town, since we practically decided to go through the list of investigative roles and a watcher is less powerful than a cop. I do find your choice therefore a bit suspicious (sacrificing a near-dead scum buddy to "confirm" your claim?).

VOTE Krypsyn
Am I dreaming or is this really on again?

It's 10 players so 6 to lynch right?
In that case let's start the day the way I ended the last one. Vote Krypsyn.
Let's not lynch him, though, before he hear from CSPVG and him. I would like to hear their targets (CSPVG's mostly).

Still think mrkgnao is scum too.