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If it was a true rap battle Vanilla Ice would win as he was a rap artist in his younger years and was actually decent. I know he now has a show on the DIY(do it yourself) network where he is redoing million dollar homes.

As for playstyle, it's hard not to base what someone is doing now from previous games. But, doing only that can also get the wrong person lynched as it would be easy for someone to act a certain way to make themselves seem town when they are not. It is better to gauge what they are saying and how they are acting.

I can also say that outside the forums Hijack is a very personable and nice guy. He is fun to hang out with and play games or just talk about life in general.

Dedo is one of my best friends in the forums, he is a dedicated father and a all around cool guy.

Sage is another of my best friends in the forums. She is a sweet person with a lot on her plate, but she is strong enough to handle it.

Knowing all this about others makes it hard to judge how they play so I try and not focus on that. I try and focus on what their motivations are for what they say and do in the game. As for the other people in the game, I have not interacted with any of them much outside the mafia game itself. But, I do the same thing and evaluate what they say and do as best I can.

That being said I believe it is still a little too early to say who is or is not town. To me it seems like at the moment mrkgnao is behaving the most like town. The rest I am still debating on.
One has not commented in two days because one has not really felt the need to, and did not want to post something akin to, "Hello, I'm still here."

I have little to add to any of the current discussions, the most pressing of which seems to be the possibility that HijacK may be posting in a tone so far perceived as less bullish. There is, of course, the possibility that he may be hiding behind a veneer of civility to survive as a scum player; or there may also be the chance that he has simply decided to act in what is perceived as a more civil manner for the time being, and that the somewhat harsher HijacK may present himself later.

Having said this, I don't really know what line of inquiry to take. While it seems to have been decided by the group that we are somehow out of RVS, nothing has really recommended itself that would usually indict this change. No one has made a silly slip, or voted for an already fast moving wagon, or some such incident.

One is also baffled by the fact that you all did not answer flubbucket's question about the possibility of me being scum. While it was posed in a somewhat joking manner, I thought it would have received at least some sort of response.

Perhaps now would be a good time to draw up a top three scummiest list. Thoughts on this, my fellow scum hunter?

One would place trentonlf on the top of such a list, purely for writing the sentence, "If it was a true rap battle Vanilla Ice would win as he was a rap artist in his younger years and was actually decent." Actually decent? You, sir, need to reassess much of your life if you hold such opinions *makes the sign of the cross*.
Sage103082: snip
HijacK: Not really sure how well you read this thread given those observations and their wording.
Yeah it has been a hard few days. I am feeling more like myself today and will be re reading and posting later today. I do apologize if my absent and lack of adding much is hurting the game. I do not feel I should ask to leave with it only being day one and I can now focus more on the game. I have several buyers coming out today for my car so I will only be on here and there until it sells.
Sage103082: snip
HijacK: Not really sure how well you read this thread given those observations and their wording.
So HijacK you think Sage's braless assessment was not supported with facts?

Do you think she's simply stuffing the thread with tissue thin posts in order to look town/look involved?

Or is this kind of padding the norm for Day One??

( . Y . ) <------------------------ I don't know what that is.
I did state that I did not have much to add that was not already talked about before in the thread. But I am a list person and that is how I play. I go through the thread and write down anything that stands out to me good or bad.
CSPVG: ................

One would place trentonlf on the top of such a list, purely for writing the sentence, "If it was a true rap battle Vanilla Ice would win as he was a rap artist in his younger years and was actually decent." Actually decent? You, sir, need to reassess much of your life if you hold such opinions *makes the sign of the cross*.
+1... Thank you, I laugh out loud at this!!

Sage103082: I did state that I did not have much to add that was not already talked about before in the thread. But I am a list person and that is how I play. I go through the thread and write down anything that stands out to me good or bad.
Oh I was just trying to make as many bra puns as possible. How many did you find??

Good luck selling your car and please don't quit the game, we want to lynch you good and proper.
CSPVG: I have little to add to any of the current discussions, the most pressing of which seems to be the possibility that HijacK may be posting in a tone so far perceived as less bullish. There is, of course, the possibility that he may be hiding behind a veneer of civility to survive as a scum player; or there may also be the chance that he has simply decided to act in what is perceived as a more civil manner for the time being, and that the somewhat harsher HijacK may present himself later.
I'm sorry to say that my observations so far are mostly meta based, which I don't really like, but still...

This is a bit wifom, because unlike others I have interacted with HijacK a bit more outside of the mafia game and I know he's not that stupid to actually change the way he's playing if he is scum and wants to appear more town. Of course, HijacK also knows this and may be counting on us to perceive it this way and leave him alone, but once again, such attempt seems too childish and silly. My read on this is that it's most likely for him to be town again and tries to stay around for longer by teasing our curiosity on what may happen if we play along.

So far, trentonlf's posts have been reminding me of #23, where he was a brutal mafia brawler and actually crushed my puny body :D Last time's tone of his game was different than #22 where he was actually town, so this makes me wonder what is going on now.
A quote of a favorite movie of mine comes to quote:

"In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero. And most times they're friends, like you and me!"

I hope we are both on the town's side this time around, but only time will tell.

I don't really have much to say on the others, especially CSPVG. Last time I was fast to judge and that got us in a bad spot, so I won't make the same mistake (at least not as fast :) ).

Off-topic: Does anyone else have problems with Barefoot Essentials's hotkey combos? I'm forced to write the format tags manually when I quick-respond, since the combinations don't seem to work (chrome).

flubbucket: ( . Y . ) <------------------------ I don't know what that is.
These are honey-gathering insects that try to jump-scare you.
flubbucket: Vitex is an herbal supplement to help you get pregnant, unlike Vitek which is a guy who scares away women.

I'm just sayin'...
You made me cry. :'-(
I want to be Vitex now.

Sage103082: ok so I did not post for a bit because the conversation went into games. Games I have no idea what they are or what they are about.
Then how did you get on this forum? >_>

I would understand you were busy but is it true you were posting elsewhere? How come?

adaliabooks: I think Vitek's 'slip' was probably intended to incite a reaction and see who jumped on it / what was said. I gather he's quite an experienced player and it seems unlikely he would make such an obvious mistake on day 1.
Because of this perspective it makes Krypsyn take on it not too favourable. If you, who never played with me, think it would be too easy slip and I am too experienced for it, then it is strange that Krypsyn, who is around for few years and played several games with me already, would think I made the slip and tries to dig into it.

flubbucket: @ Vitek...and Robbeasy...and DarkoD13
So far I don't see it as indicative of changed alignment.
In only because it would be too obvious to change behaviour so much only because he is scum.
I am with Robbeasy on this one. Sorry, Darko, I am not gonna meta this one. And overall there is so many players I know only of one alignment that it's really hard to pull off. And no one listens to it anyway.

As for Shatner x Vanilla Ice I am not going to choose. I fear I would make slip here. It can't be decided before I hear Shatner's version of Ice, ice baby.
Vitek: As for Shatner x Vanilla Ice I am not going to choose. I fear I would make slip here. It can't be decided before I hear Shatner's version of Ice, ice baby.
Just threw up in my mouth....
dedoporno: This is a bit wifom, because unlike others I have interacted with HijacK a bit more outside of the mafia game and I know he's not that stupid to actually change the way he's playing if he is scum and wants to appear more town. Of course, HijacK also knows this and may be counting on us to perceive it this way and leave him alone, but once again, such attempt seems too childish and silly. My read on this is that it's most likely for him to be town again and tries to stay around for longer by teasing our curiosity on what may happen if we play along.
I don't really follow your logic. You say that HijacK is not stupid enough to change his behaviour as a result of being scum. I agree. But then you deduce that he's therefore probably town, which is something of a leap.

Suppose he were scum and suppose he were not stupid, what would you want him to do? Play as he did in the last two games? We all know he likely wouldn't have survived a day.

I think the best we can say is that we don't know why he changed his style. I am with Robbeasy here in giving him the benefit of the doubt for now.

dedoporno: Off-topic: Does anyone else have problems with Barefoot Essentials's hotkey combos? I'm forced to write the format tags manually when I quick-respond, since the combinations don't seem to work (chrome).
No problem (but firefox).
Vitek: Because of this perspective it makes Krypsyn take on it not too favourable. If you, who never played with me, think it would be too easy slip and I am too experienced for it, then it is strange that Krypsyn, who is around for few years and played several games with me already, would think I made the slip and tries to dig into it.
mrkgnao: I don't really follow your logic. You say that HijacK is not stupid enough to change his behaviour as a result of being scum. I agree. But then you deduce that he's therefore probably town, which is something of a leap.

Suppose he were scum and suppose he were not stupid, what would you want him to do? Play as he did in the last two games? We all know he likely wouldn't have survived a day.

I think the best we can say is that we don't know why he changed his style. I am with Robbeasy here in giving him the benefit of the doubt for now.
There are many ways to play as scum and given the chance to be one I would've played the exact same way in such a manner to get lynched but have the other scum on my vote wagon to gain them credibility. Wouldn't those that haven't voted for me stand out, in spite of being town? Then it's all easy. Eradicate at night town that were on y vote wagon, and attempt to put the blame on those that look fishy. Fairly mediocre plan, but I am sure it would work here.
CSPVG: One has not commented in two days because one has not really felt the need to, and did not want to post something akin to, "Hello, I'm still here."

I have little to add to any of the current discussions, the most pressing of which seems to be the possibility that HijacK may be posting in a tone so far perceived as less bullish. There is, of course, the possibility that he may be hiding behind a veneer of civility to survive as a scum player; or there may also be the chance that he has simply decided to act in what is perceived as a more civil manner for the time being, and that the somewhat harsher HijacK may present himself later.

Having said this, I don't really know what line of inquiry to take. While it seems to have been decided by the group that we are somehow out of RVS, nothing has really recommended itself that would usually indict this change. No one has made a silly slip, or voted for an already fast moving wagon, or some such incident.

One is also baffled by the fact that you all did not answer flubbucket's question about the possibility of me being scum. While it was posed in a somewhat joking manner, I thought it would have received at least some sort of response.

Perhaps now would be a good time to draw up a top three scummiest list. Thoughts on this, my fellow scum hunter?

One would place trentonlf on the top of such a list, purely for writing the sentence, "If it was a true rap battle Vanilla Ice would win as he was a rap artist in his younger years and was actually decent." Actually decent? You, sir, need to reassess much of your life if you hold such opinions *makes the sign of the cross*.
I feel like I'm on the same page. We seem to have decided the game is on... but we're still all just fumbling around in the dark with nothing to go on. Last game we had HijacK's hippie slip and subsequent behaviour to lead us into voting and discussion, but we've had nothing concrete at all yet.

Are you wanting us to consider you as scum? It seems a bit strange to draw attention to this...

I agree about trent, any kind of support of Vanilla Ice is clearly scummy. ;)

If I was pushed to make a list...

yogsloth - for trying to push us out of RVS, perhaps to make us vote foolishly and lynch a townie?
HijacK - because his sudden change of play style is somewhat suspicious

And I'm not sure I can find a third right now. Everyone else seems to have a few slight behaviour anomalies but nothing that comes off as largely anti town.
CSPVG: One has not commented in two days because one has not really felt the need to, and did not want to post something akin to, "Hello, I'm still here."
Generally speaking, I think it's a good idea to post such "still here" messages on a daily basis. It allows others to react to them and open a dialogue with you, instead of us thinking of you as "the one who does not post". That's assuming you're town. If you're scum, feel free not to post anything.

CSPVG: Having said this, I don't really know what line of inquiry to take. While it seems to have been decided by the group that we are somehow out of RVS, nothing has really recommended itself that would usually indict this change. No one has made a silly slip, or voted for an already fast moving wagon, or some such incident.
I find this a bit of a mixed message. To my mind the person who moved us out of RVS is you, when in post #106 you asked for a vote count when it was clear everybody had only been RVS'ing. I commented on that in post #115.

CSPVG: One is also baffled by the fact that you all did not answer flubbucket's question about the possibility of me being scum. While it was posed in a somewhat joking manner, I thought it would have received at least some sort of response.
I had to go back and find what you were talking about (post #113 I assume). I didn't give it much attention as it didn't appear to be serious, unbacked as it was by any argument. I saw it as banter to your #112. You may have been more sensitive to it as it touches upon you.

CSPVG: Perhaps now would be a good time to draw up a top three scummiest list. Thoughts on this, my fellow scum hunter?
Again I am a bit puzzled by your approach. Most everybody has been stating that they have hardly anything to work with as yet, so to come up with 3 scums?
adaliabooks: yogsloth - for trying to push us out of RVS, perhaps to make us vote foolishly and lynch a townie?
HijacK - because his sudden change of play style is somewhat suspicious
I am fining your accusations outrageous and foolish.

First - it's day 1 and you're hanging on straws.
Second - your reasons have little logic, especially in yogloth's case. Lynch a townie? Really? I see it more as information hunt and I believe that should have been logical.
Third - are you implying I'm stupid? Get out. Now.