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mrkgnao: Am I the only one who thinks it bizarre that there are two paranoid roles in the game, and adalia claimed a third out of his fevered brain?
This should have been a meme, demmet! And no, you aren't the only one :)

mrkgnao: I am surprised that no one mentioned (unless I somehow missed it) the fact that after HijacK's claim quite a few people expected a cop, if present, to come forward, yet none did. I myself objected to that, and that might be the reason that dedo did not. Still, dedo, could you comment?
Like I said earlier, I wasn't really sure how to play the cop part. Here I can squish one thing I forgot about yesterday. Sage was the one to point out my play is somewhat different from last game. Most of this is really because of RL and the confusing nature of the current state of affairs, but part of it just this - I didn't want to become too attractive target for neither lynch, nor NK.

My goal was to try and use my ability to scan at least 2 people before biting it (or claiming). If Darko proved to be Mafia I was planning to claim right then and there, but he didn't so waited for N2. At the time being things looked a bit less confusing and I never planned on revealing myself (and I believe I did a pretty good job hiding :))

My first urge to claim was when HijacK did because I instantly believed his ship model, but I held back because I was pretty sure I would be able to survive N2 without doing so (too townie to lynch, too suspicious to NK. Also, at the time there was far more obvious targets for both actions).

In addition, there weren't THAT many people expecting the cop to claim or at least I didn't think so. And a couple of people aren't enough - for all I know they are the mafia trying to out the cop.

My next urge was when Krypsyn claimed. Another of the same ship looked a bit more suspicious to me. Also, Darko's move was developing then and suddenly some names that I conceived as allies were pointed as potential scum and that confused me quite a lot. I was considering to back up Darko with his Town result and Vitek had to come and say the cop should claim. I was so annoyed that the guy I had most beef with at the time and my vote on said I should claim. How could I? And you questioned him shortly after. This shook me even more, so I held back once more to think it through (I was at work at that moment and had more pressing matters).

After all I concluded two things:

1. The game was somewhat stagnant and as we were getting closer to the deadline (which is still an imminent danger) things got more and more confusing. Townies started (or continued to do so in more violent ways) to fight Townies.
2. The longer I waited, the less plausible my claim would be. At some point I as afraid that someone more Town-like might beat me to it and it was going to be harder for me to counter-claim even though I left breadcrumbs here and there, Darko being the strongest one. I was actually worried someone would question me on why I see him as mostly town in flub's list when we had out little dialogue and going for mostly town afterwards. I used the word "mostly" for this exact reason - to not appear too trustworthy of him at a time when he didn't do that much (sorry, Darko, but in my eyes, without the scan result you would have been neutral at best). If you go back, you'll see I started to use "strong town" only after you used it yourself (also trent pointed him as pretty townie with townlike investigations, which I used after), because it wasn't so exclusive opinion anymore.

So, yeah. Does this make sense?

@Robbeasy, I forgot you were here :D Fun things happening lately!
mrkgnao: HijacK, if you're town and you see one, shout!
Assuming I survive and I see something inconsistent in flavors and ship claims, and of course if I don't end up scanning someone who is blocked from being scanned.
mrkgnao: Hijack: A role cop can easily pass himself as a flavour cop, under the assumption that a role cop gets the role, the ship model, perhaps even (as Sage mentioned and suits my crazy theories) the subtitle, all wrapped up in a nice Telika story. So, HijacK could be a role cop, except that I myself still cannot find a reason why a mafia HijacK would pick Sage as a target.
Quick question: Do role cops get any flavor info? Like at all? Because if not, then it kind of defeats the possibility of me being one considering how much flavor I shared on Sage. I got stuff that not even she supposedly knew about, like weaponry and maneuverability.
HijacK: Quick question: Do role cops get any flavor info? Like at all? Because if not, then it kind of defeats the possibility of me being one considering how much flavor I shared on Sage. I got stuff that not even she supposedly knew about, like weaponry and maneuverability.
I'm thinking the exact same thing and I believe you are a flavor rather than a role cop. What worried me more was the inconsistency with last game's flavor cop abilities. Back then Quadralien (it was him, right?) seemed to get (or at least stated so) too little information, like me getting straight A's and mrkgnao having pompoms. That seemed pretty useless on it's own, especially for the mafia. I'm not sure if Quadralien was making this up, maybe trent can help here. HijacK's ability seems to give a lot more information and even hint at potential abilities, without giving solid data.
HijacK: Quick question: Do role cops get any flavor info? Like at all? Because if not, then it kind of defeats the possibility of me being one considering how much flavor I shared on Sage. I got stuff that not even she supposedly knew about, like weaponry and maneuverability.
dedoporno: I'm thinking the exact same thing and I believe you are a flavor rather than a role cop. What worried me more was the inconsistency with last game's flavor cop abilities. Back then Quadralien (it was him, right?) seemed to get (or at least stated so) too little information, like me getting straight A's and mrkgnao having pompoms. That seemed pretty useless on it's own, especially for the mafia. I'm not sure if Quadralien was making this up, maybe trent can help here. HijacK's ability seems to give a lot more information and even hint at potential abilities, without giving solid data.
Bedejovice was the mafia flavor cop, and he actually did not scan you or mrkgnao. He made both reads up to sound legitimate.
trentonlf: Bedejovice was the mafia flavor cop, and he actually did not scan you or mrkgnao. He made both reads up to sound legitimate.
Ah, yes! Budejovice. Do you know who he scanned and what info he got from that?

Sorry about the off-topic, I'm just curious. As a matter of fact I almost told him he is making that role up because I never heard of such a thing (almost all other role or ability exists in some form in Ultimate Werewolf), but saw it in mafiawiki.
trentonlf: Bedejovice was the mafia flavor cop, and he actually did not scan you or mrkgnao. He made both reads up to sound legitimate.
dedoporno: Ah, yes! Budejovice. Do you know who he scanned and what info he got from that?

Sorry about the off-topic, I'm just curious. As a matter of fact I almost told him he is making that role up because I never heard of such a thing (almost all other role or ability exists in some form in Ultimate Werewolf), but saw it in mafiawiki.
He never said what was found. The first night he scanned Robb, and he was killed by a crazy vigilante ;-)
I can't remener she he scanned the second night, but he was lynched before he could say what he found.
trentonlf: He never said what was found. The first night he scanned Robb, and he was killed by a crazy vigilante ;-)
I can't remener she he scanned the second night, but he was lynched before he could say what he found.
So there may or may not be inconsistency. OK, thanks!
mrkgnao: Hijack: A role cop can easily pass himself as a flavour cop, under the assumption that a role cop gets the role, the ship model, perhaps even (as Sage mentioned and suits my crazy theories) the subtitle, all wrapped up in a nice Telika story. So, HijacK could be a role cop, except that I myself still cannot find a reason why a mafia HijacK would pick Sage as a target.
HijacK: Quick question: Do role cops get any flavor info? Like at all? Because if not, then it kind of defeats the possibility of me being one considering how much flavor I shared on Sage. I got stuff that not even she supposedly knew about, like weaponry and maneuverability.
I believe it depends on Telika, so we can't really know.
But perhaps Vitek has some experience.
dedoporno: My first urge to claim was when HijacK did because I instantly believed his ship model, but I held back because I was pretty sure I would be able to survive N2 without doing so (too townie to lynch, too suspicious to NK. Also, at the time there was far more obvious targets for both actions).
What's pretty unique in this game is that, assuming you're town, even if you did not reveal your role and scan today and ended up dead tonight, you could still share your night #1 scan with the town through Sage.

If there were such a mechanism in game #23, adalia could have shared his watcher reads from the hospital, which, if I remember correctly, were proof that RWarehall was lying. Not to mention that someone in the observer thread also noticed RWarehall's slip about Quadr alternately jailing both the masons, while no one in the game thread did.
mrkgnao: What's pretty unique in this game is that, assuming you're town, even if you did not reveal your role and scan today and ended up dead tonight, you could still share your night #1 scan with the town through Sage.
By the way, is this legal? It feels a bit like cheating to me. In Ultimate Werewolf there is a role (Ghost was it?!) that starts dead I think and communicates with the living people, but gives a single letter each day and they may interpret it however they can.

But this is an interesting point. How do actions resolves? If I'm to be NKed, will I get my scan reading anyway or will the kill precede it?
Hi Telika- vote count please, and apologies, we may need them refreshed regularly here near the deadline if votes start changing a lot.
mrkgnao: What's pretty unique in this game is that, assuming you're town, even if you did not reveal your role and scan today and ended up dead tonight, you could still share your night #1 scan with the town through Sage.
dedoporno: By the way, is this legal? It feels a bit like cheating to me. In Ultimate Werewolf there is a role (Ghost was it?!) that starts dead I think and communicates with the living people, but gives a single letter each day and they may interpret it however they can.

But this is an interesting point. How do actions resolves? If I'm to be NKed, will I get my scan reading anyway or will the kill precede it?
That's probably up to the host, but I would say if you were NK'd you don't get your scan. Last game whoever budejovice scanned he did not get the info until the next day started and could not share it with us until the next night. So If you are NK'd I would guess the scan is lost.
mrkgnao: I am the opposite of 'paranoid' (i.e. can use or not use my abilities). I can quote the term if people wish me to.
Is it the child of an egalitarian marriage?


Sage, in the notes you posted about your QT, I am confused about their origins. Are they all from flubbucket (you said adalaibooks was fairly close lipped), are they a mix of the two, or are they just your thoughts? If they are your thoughts, were you reacting to both adaliabooks and flubbucket? I ask, because whether the note is based on something flubbucket (confirmed town) or adaliabooks (confirmed scum) said changes how the note should be interepreted quite a bit.


As for the rest of the posts.... yeesh.

Unvote: Yogsloth

As some others have mentioned, I agree that one of dedoporno, HijacK, or myself must be lying with our claims; we cannot all be town.

As I posted in my reads list a while ago, I found HijacK's role/ship claim to be 100% plausible and 90% probable (because a recon ship fit the role, and the model matched my own). I have always been skeptical about his alignment, however, because a Watcher and Flavor Cop on the same team was possibly sketchy.

Dedoporno has seemed pro-town to me all game. I like his play (especially regarding DarkoD13) even more since his role-claim. It seems to fit for me, so I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here. He could be scum making a ballsy play by claiming cop, but I am not getting that feeling.

Vote: HijacK

I am also a little troubled by the claims Vitek/Yogsloth. Both claims seem fairly anti-town by their nature, but no more-so than a Vigilante. The fact that they are both paranoid, and both in the same ship model, is also interesting. I am willing to bet one or the other of them is lying about their alignment. It just makes sense to me from a game-design stand-point.

As for the rest of it...

If what dedoporno says about DarkoD13 is correct, then that just about takes all doubts out of my mind about him, trentonlf, and Robbeasy (not that there was much doubt left for me).

Sage's claim seems too weird to be fabricated, and I see her claim as neutral hospital ship the a QT for survivors plausible.

Mrkgnao's claim is interesting, and I will need to read through his post a few more times (the formatting in it was... ugh ;))
mrkgnao: What's pretty unique in this game is that, assuming you're town, even if you did not reveal your role and scan today and ended up dead tonight, you could still share your night #1 scan with the town through Sage.
dedoporno: By the way, is this legal? It feels a bit like cheating to me. In Ultimate Werewolf there is a role (Ghost was it?!) that starts dead I think and communicates with the living people, but gives a single letter each day and they may interpret it however they can.
There's no legal in a mafia game. It's all up to the mod. Telika is the only law.

dedoporno: But this is an interesting point. How do actions resolves? If I'm to be NKed, will I get my scan reading anyway or will the kill precede it?
Again, it depends on Telika.
However, I seem to remember reading somewhere that mafia night-kills are usually resolved last, so one may actually even have the reading of the night one dies on to share.