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Sage103082: Wont give me a straight answer about where he learned of his scum buddies roles. (He can still see the QT but not post in it. Hey scum make sure to give him a wave over night)
Just marking this one. Interesting that dead scum can "still" see the scumchat QT. Hope that word wasn't paraphrased too far from the original. Implies ability to talk during the day, which I have had some suspicion of.

Unvote Sage

Really do appreciate this, Sage. Might have come a little earlier, but hey. Please continue when possible.

Really hope flub can help out, too, as that's probably even more benefit. Hey Stutter! (waves)

BTW, I'm fairly certain you are in the observer thread. I don't think you guys pile up 700+ posts if there is a competing observer QT to boot.
Sage103082: Wont give me a straight answer about where he learned of his scum buddies roles. (He can still see the QT but not post in it. Hey scum make sure to give him a wave over night)
yogsloth: Just marking this one. Interesting that dead scum can "still" see the scumchat QT. Hope that word wasn't paraphrased too far from the original. Implies ability to talk during the day, which I have had some suspicion of.

Unvote Sage

Really do appreciate this, Sage. Might have come a little earlier, but hey. Please continue when possible.

Really hope flub can help out, too, as that's probably even more benefit. Hey Stutter! (waves)

BTW, I'm fairly certain you are in the observer thread. I don't think you guys pile up 700+ posts if there is a competing observer QT to boot.
I ask about that later. He says its closed during the day. There are only 3 of us in there and all the posts have numbers and they are all us. But the others maybe able to see it but not post. I have no idea.
yogsloth: Just marking this one. Interesting that dead scum can "still" see the scumchat QT.
There is nothing strange about this. Mafia are given link to QT and you can't ungive it. :-) You would have to erase their memory. Or create new one after each mafia death but it would be quite complicated and useless.

Sage103082: Plus he says that his posts were to confuse me and confound me for the most part...
Sage103082: he did not talk about Mrk cause he was on his pro town list the whole game up until very recently.
I get felling like he know realsied you can share his words with everyone and tries to mitigate everything he did.
Vitek: There is nothing strange about this. Mafia are given link to QT and you can't ungive it. :-) You would have to erase their memory. Or create new one after each mafia death but it would be quite complicated and useless.
No, you misunderstand. I know he gets the link to the QT. I was commenting on the fact he could "still" see it, meaning, there was a previous era when he could see it the first time.

Because if he is lynched Day 1, and there was no Night 0, then he was never allowed to use the thread, correct? Meaning he would probably say he can see it, just not participate. Instead, he says he can "still" see it.

Thin semantic difference, I know, but just a possible tell that scum could chat in Day 1, and even though he is dead, he can "still" see the thread he could participate in before.

Ahh, as I type all this out, maybe it's not so helpful. Anyway. Just trying to find anything useful in what Sage reports he said.
yogsloth: qt
Well, he most likely got the link in his role PM so he could always see it. ;-)
Question would be if he could ever post there.
If everyone is on board with the dr claim - it looks poorly on trent hijack and yogs why is no one voting..
wonders if the DR claim is based off dedos comments
why protect trent? There were better targets
its quiet in the thread
rob is still going after cspvg
thinks cspvg clam true with no counter. Mrk and Vitek might be on to something with DR for mafia
Why lynch him.. there had to be a dr to go with his role. Scum would be to smart to claim dr and get themselves killed.
He thinks Darko, dedo and MrK are the best to take the lead bc of placement on town lists but then counters they are scum lists as well. than states he cant see it happening (a rally around either of them)
unless we start to figure things out scum is going to win
cspvg is the best NK -he would go after a town leaning player next
Flub talks about power roles and cop and jailer comes up. (this is general talk about WIFOM)
books says leave the dr alive then follow the cop if there is one.
not sure why Hijack is still voted on cspvg..unless he is scum and doing it on purpose
going to kill a town PR with the way this is going
we are talking about Hijack starting to call me out.
says hijack is a flavour cop. Wont tell me how he knows.
Flub bring up flavor is town and role in mafia in his past games
books agrees they can go both ways and says trent is lost but mentions his (books) interest in the night PM
Krypyn play is something to think about. Unique play style
I ask how the mafia thread is finding all this drama and books responds with its is closed but it would be nice to know what they were thinking.
after 3 claims it back to fighting.
krypsyn and rob might be the next to be lynched then hijack and trent, no one is really voting anyone
no one is using day 1 info to figure out how to vote now, its random right now
even if we took out scum we would talk ourselves into a town lynch tomorrow
flub points out over 600 posts here =)
If darko and trent got things together they would win for town

Stopping at 615 for a few minutes.
Nolan and his 3-hour movies.
CSPVG just lit up as online for the first time in ~3 days.

Hope you chime in. Desperate for input at this point.
Be glad he is not watching Director's cut of Once upon a time in America.
yogsloth: CSPVG just lit up as online for the first time in ~3 days.

Hope you chime in. Desperate for input at this point.
...and he's back offline.

If he somehow survives the NK, I am going to ask for formal replacement.

With his role and alignment all-but-confirmed, and the near-total lack of participation from beginning to end, I think someone else will be able to step in and pick up the pieces.
last one.

Darko asking about words- Has anyone asked him. He could just agree knowing they will give the right answer and make himself look like town
comments about how convinced people are when they are wrong
pushing for my lynch would just leave us at the same place tomorrow same with hijack and cspvg
books is getting annoyed at the long day.
I talk about my felling on dedo and books mentions a possible role for him because of his reaction of trent (I am not including the role. I will not give dedo any ideas and I want to hear his claim)
the pm sharing has left the game with a all mason feel
Mrk - He is now unsure of your gender. =) after you comment back to flub
never gave away the scum and tried to keep his posts away from slipping anything
I threw him off with my comment about MrK. (Which at this point I am nto at all sure of myself)
He felt he was pro-town and only started to doubt in the recent fight with darko
mentions dedo half claim - mentions a possibility if his claim is what he thinks it is and it might all be over if so. (left vague on purpose I think he might be bread crumbing me into something or you guys if I share it.. I kinda smell a set up here..)
I'm back. I need to read what happened after I made my move.

In order not to keep you in the dark any longer allow myself to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Sponge. Your friendly Town Cop. Proud pilot of the Dedoporno, a Wokitoc Mark II (yes, I'm sure about the model).
I can scan one other ship every night to check if they are using non-regular frequencies (make note that both my model and scanning mechanism differ from HijacK's).

@trentonlf, thank you for putting words into my mouth and getting defensive all of a sudden. I didn't say you lied. My point was that I wasn't the one who scanned you. CSPVG wasn't the one who protected you. At the time being HijacK still hasn't claimed.

On N1 I scanned Darko and he resulted as Town.

I'll be back after I read all that happened after my previous post. In the meantime feel free to ask me questions or make accusations. I'll be around for a while and I'll try to answer everything.
dedoporno: I scanned Darko and he resulted as Town.
Well, that was a waste.
So the obvious question is: if we have you on our side, why do we need HijacK?
what exactly did the pm come back with. Just town or anything else?
And why would we need watcher with cop around. It is quite certain that at least one of them is lying.

@dedo; why you chose Darko?