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What happened here? I read the last few posts twice and I seem to be missing something very important. Mrkgnao + Krypsyn + Yogsloth? Uhm... What? I need to re-read again in the morning.
Robbeasy: vote mrkgnao
Oh good. Because, hey why not, right?
mrkgnao: What equipment was mentioned by trent/Krypsyn?
yogsloth: I believe he meant the "light weaponry" mentioned by trent and the LIDAR mentioned by Krypsyn. That's how I took it anyway.

One flavorless, and the other pure speculation.
Thank you. I didn't understand that. I thought he meant the fifth word or the ninth word.
dedoporno: What happened here? I read the last few posts twice and I seem to be missing something very important.
I felt that way while writing half of it too.

I'll delineate my stance on vanilla-gate:

1.1) DarkoD13 is either vanilla (along with Robbeasy and trentonlf), or has some reason to know the text of the PMs.
1.2) I tend to agree with Robbeasy that the chances of a Mafia Goon (aka mafia vanilla) role PM being identical to a Town Vanilla role PM is slim. Perhaps the actually role mechanics might be cut and pasted, but I don't see the flavor staying identical.
1.3) Robbeasy and trentonlf are probably both town. I just don't see any other likely scenario. It would take collusion of at least 3 people (Robbeasy, trentonlf, and DarkoD13) for multiple scum to pull off this ruse, and I don't think 3 more scum existing in this game currently is probable.

2.1) We know that trentonlf was targeted (possibly scanned) on Night 1.
2.2) DarkoD13 has reacted interestingly and interested regarding investigation discussions (HijacK, LIDAR supposition, etc)
2.3) It is very possible that DarkoD13 is a some sort of role-cop (or similar) and scanned trentonlf Night 1 for the vanilla role information.
2.4) This says nothing about his alignment, in and of itself, if true. However, a role-cop and a flavor-cop in the same game might have some interesting implications.

dedoporno: Mrkgnao + Krypsyn + Yogsloth? Uhm... What? I need to re-read again in the morning.
Krypsyn: 2.3) It is very possible that DarkoD13 is a some sort of role-cop (or similar) and scanned trentonlf Night 1 for the vanilla role information.
Point me to an existing example where a cop got the whole introductory PM of his investigation target.
from the mafia site:

Inspect - Role PM
You may target a player to be inspected, thus discovering their role PM. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing their role PM.
And then go the extra mile and tell me how that can fit the setting.

Vote Krypsyn

Loving 1.3, btw, totally fits with your recently-expressed opinion of trent.
DarkoD13: And then go the extra mile and tell me how that can fit the setting.

Vote Krypsyn

Loving 1.3, btw, totally fits with your recently-expressed opinion of trent.
Maybe some type of pilot inspector.

If the second line is for me .. I don't get it.
Sage103082: Maybe some type of pilot inspector.

If the second line is for me .. I don't get it.
No, it's all for Krypsyn, you just posted in between.
Sage103082: from the mafia site:

Inspect - Role PM
You may target a player to be inspected, thus discovering their role PM. You will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing their role PM.
Link please. I can't find that. I must say, though, that I'm actually starting to hate that site. I've been using it for initial information, but it's starting to feel more like a crutch or distraction as we keep dipping back into it for every little hypothetical.

Credit to Krypsyn for post 1789, as that's more of the type of thing I was hoping for all along. :) I'm still not sure what I think about the whole "vanillagate", but I'm keeping an open mind.

It is under role PMs.

I went through the list of inspection type role and came up with nothing.
DarkoD13: Point me to an existing example where a cop got the whole introductory PM of his investigation target.
I have no fraggin' idea. I am just writing out things that make sense of the data I am seeing.

DarkoD13: Loving 1.3, btw, totally fits with your recently-expressed opinion of trent.
It doesn't. I actually made the post of my reads after skimming a day or so of posts. I missed the exchange between you and trentonlf until I went back and I read it in more depth while mrkgnao was questioning you.


Anyway, I think that puts me at L-2? I suppose it is time for me to claim.

My pilot is Crosseye (or Crosseyes, both are in my role PM), and I am a Town Watcher. I actually bread-crumbed this in my infamous "It's a fair Cop" post found here. It was amusing, because I was so intent on wording the part about "...I am content to just watch things unfold for a bit. " that I didn't pay any attention to the "fair cop bit" until it became a 'thing'.

I am the same ship as HijacK: a Lokitop Mark II recon ship. I lampshaded that here when asking what after-market features HijacK got on his. sort of like "I have one of those to, what extras did you get?!".

I investigated mrkgnao Night 1, but I saw nothing. Either nobody visited him or I was blocked by someone.

I investigated mrkgnao through process of elimination, while trying to figure out the most likely target for a NK. The dawn result was maddening, because I nearly chose flubbucket instead of mrkgnao.

I thought flubbucket might have some sort of power role from the way he was playing, and I thought scum might think so as well. However, mrkgnao has been on the winning team for two games in a row, so I figured he might also be a prime target. That he voted second on the adaliabooks wagon would have also possibly brought him to the attention of scum for a NK as a dangerous player.
DarkoD13: Point me to an existing example where a cop got the whole introductory PM of his investigation target.
Krypsyn: I have no fraggin' idea. I am just writing out things that make sense of the data I am seeing.

DarkoD13: Loving 1.3, btw, totally fits with your recently-expressed opinion of trent.
Krypsyn: It doesn't. I actually made the post of my reads after skimming a day or so of posts. I missed the exchange between you and trentonlf until I went back and I read it in more depth while mrkgnao was questioning you.


Anyway, I think that puts me at L-2? I suppose it is time for me to claim.

My pilot is Crosseye (or Crosseyes, both are in my role PM), and I am a Town Watcher. I actually bread-crumbed this in my infamous "It's a fair Cop" post found here. It was amusing, because I was so intent on wording the part about "...I am content to just watch things unfold for a bit. " that I didn't pay any attention to the "fair cop bit" until it became a 'thing'.

I am the same ship as HijacK: a Lokitop Mark II recon ship. I lampshaded that here when asking what after-market features HijacK got on his. sort of like "I have one of those to, what extras did you get?!".

I investigated mrkgnao Night 1, but I saw nothing. Either nobody visited him or I was blocked by someone.

I investigated mrkgnao through process of elimination, while trying to figure out the most likely target for a NK. The dawn result was maddening, because I nearly chose flubbucket instead of mrkgnao.

I thought flubbucket might have some sort of power role from the way he was playing, and I thought scum might think so as well. However, mrkgnao has been on the winning team for two games in a row, so I figured he might also be a prime target. That he voted second on the adaliabooks wagon would have also possibly brought him to the attention of scum for a NK as a dangerous player.
So CSPVG a doctor
Krpsyn Town Watcher
Hijack a Cop
Sage a Survivor
Yogsloth a power role not revealed yet
Vitek a power role hinted at
Robb, Darko, and Me Vanilla
Dedo who knows
mrkgnao who knows

Someone is lying somewhere or Dedo and mrkgnao are scum
Krypsyn: ...
So why did I have to give a 3rd freaking word from my PM only for you to reach the same conclusion as before?
Unvote Krypsyn for now.

The watcher claim seems like a risky move and it is entirely plausible that town could have such a role.

The most interesting thing for me was how the mrkgnao/yogsloth/Krypsyn pile-on went down. Demanding answers that proved nothing one way or the other, it did throw some dirt on the vanilla claims by further establishing mrkgnao's theory of a cop that gets someone's role description (or the whole PM according to Krypsyn) in our collective consciousness. If HijacK is to be believed, such a role would obviously not be town-aligned. So the feeling I'm getting is that this is at least partly mafia setting the stage for Tomorrow's lynch.