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Vitek: I am curious myself so go ahead.
I assume you are talking to me (hint: it really helps a lot if you use the reply button).

The main reason I think Vitek is town is because he seems to be doing these small "mistakes" or "suspicious moves", which I read as attempts to see who would pounce on them. He seems to be be trying to lure out the scum, which to me registers as townie behaviour.

Two examples:
- He wrote "before this one I was town in 10 games in row" without mentioning this game. Then when Krypsyn asked "Only before?", he still failed to mention this game ("Yeah. I haven't played any game after"). The fact that Krypsyn didn't react to it doesn't tell much, because I know that Krypsyn is experienced enough not to fall for such a move.
- After I linked Madagascar (vanilla) with Mafia he silently changed his country from Tanzania to Madagascar.

As for Sage, well, the problem is that she is posting in other threads. And she should know better because she used that very argument against budejovice in game #23. So, it makes me wonder.
trentonlf: Vitex
Vitek: Don't bring other guys into this.
Sorry, typing on a phone and misspelled your name *damn fat fingers*, I will also apologize to whoever Vitex is too :-)
mrkgnao: Where in the world is Sage Santiago?
trentonlf: I was wondering the same. It could just be a busy weekend for her, but she is usually pretty active.
Her and CSPVG have both been absent since some time yesterday as far as I can see. CSPVG was lurky last game, but Sage is usually more active. And as mrkgnao said shes active elsewhere.

It could be a coincidence, but I don't think they've posted since things started getting a bit more serious (I'm on my phone so I could have missed a post when looking back through the thread)
mrkgnao: ...............

I think the impression was (at least in my case) that when you said 'there are things to look for, just pay close attention', you were referring to something specific that you had already noticed and were for some reason reluctant to reveal.
Oh I got it clear as crystal.

I also noticed his vote.

DarkoD13: P.S. I hadn't read the last part of the OP about Telika getting killed, so I was a bit surprised when I read the vote count flavor. I guess Telika likes killing himself first in his games. :D
Telika: Killing JoeSapphire would have depressed me. :-(
I know Joe is ditherproof, so I would be keen to find out if he is invulnerable....perhaps another day?

Vitek: Don't bring other guys into this.
trentonlf: Sorry, typing on a phone and misspelled your name *damn fat fingers*, I will also apologize to whoever Vitex is too :-)
Vitex is an herbal supplement to help you get pregnant, unlike Vitek which is a guy who scares away women.

I'm just sayin'...
Vitek: Why do you think I left it out?
I have no idea ... or perhaps too many:

1) You are scum and you made a slip. (I attempted to test for this, but the test was inconclusive for me)
2) It was just the vagaries of word choice, and there was nothing meant by it besides what you wrote.
3) You intentionally left your statement with a hole in it to see what, if anything, would happen.
4) You didn't want to go down the rabbit-hole of what you are or are not in this game, thus instigating talk about the current set-up.

That is not an exhaustive list, but I think you probably fall under one of those four possibilities. The first one is scummy, the second and third are neutral, and the last one is fairly pro-town.
Vitek: I am curious myself so go ahead.
mrkgnao: I assume you are talking to me (hint: it really helps a lot if you use the reply button).

The main reason I think Vitek is town is because he seems to be doing these small "mistakes" or "suspicious moves", which I read as attempts to see who would pounce on them. He seems to be be trying to lure out the scum, which to me registers as townie behaviour.

Two examples:
- He wrote "before this one I was town in 10 games in row" without mentioning this game. Then when Krypsyn asked "Only before?", he still failed to mention this game ("Yeah. I haven't played any game after"). The fact that Krypsyn didn't react to it doesn't tell much, because I know that Krypsyn is experienced enough not to fall for such a move.
- After I linked Madagascar (vanilla) with Mafia he silently changed his country from Tanzania to Madagascar.

As for Sage, well, the problem is that she is posting in other threads. And she should know better because she used that very argument against budejovice in game #23. So, it makes me wonder.
Assuming such a scenario is true, you've pretty much warned scum not to jump on him with this post. Again, assuming your scenario is true. It may as well be he is scum, and if this is the case, your post attempts to gain him credibility as town.
mrkgnao: I assume you are talking to me (hint: it really helps a lot if you use the reply button).

The main reason I think Vitek is town is because he seems to be doing these small "mistakes" or "suspicious moves", which I read as attempts to see who would pounce on them. He seems to be be trying to lure out the scum, which to me registers as townie behaviour.

Two examples:
- He wrote "before this one I was town in 10 games in row" without mentioning this game. Then when Krypsyn asked "Only before?", he still failed to mention this game ("Yeah. I haven't played any game after"). The fact that Krypsyn didn't react to it doesn't tell much, because I know that Krypsyn is experienced enough not to fall for such a move.
- After I linked Madagascar (vanilla) with Mafia he silently changed his country from Tanzania to Madagascar.

As for Sage, well, the problem is that she is posting in other threads. And she should know better because she used that very argument against budejovice in game #23. So, it makes me wonder.
HijacK: Assuming such a scenario is true, you've pretty much warned scum not to jump on him with this post. Again, assuming your scenario is true. It may as well be he is scum, and if this is the case, your post attempts to gain him credibility as town.
That's exactly why I asked Vitek before answering dedoporno (my post #160).
@ Vitek...and Robbeasy...and DarkoD13

What do you think of the kinder gentler HijacK?

I'm not a "meta" player because I think it leaves too much room for error. However, would the arrogant-cavalier-no-holds-barred attitude of the past games be less than conducive to a scumHijacK than a townHijacK??

I would like to direct attention to posts #136 and #137 and #139.
flubbucket: kinder gentler
That's only your impression. Mistaking calmness for kindness and gentleness can be a crucial mistake in such games.
flubbucket: kinder gentler
HijacK: That's only your impression. Mistaking calmness for kindness and gentleness can be a crucial mistake in such games.
flubbucket: kinder gentler
HijacK: That's only your impression. Mistaking calmness for kindness and gentleness can be a crucial mistake in such games.
You state that you believe I post useless chatter to gain credibility. There is where we differ in how we garner information. What you call useless chatter is in my opinion a tool to get others to talk. You seem to think that the only way to play the game is your way and that is not the case. Also, I rather enjoy the "useless chatter" in the game as it is a way to make friends. You might see this as only a game, but I see it as more. To me it is a group of friends getting together and having fun, and that entails talking about anything.

Unvote Krypsyn
It has been a long 2 days at work BC of mom I can only go in when my father is off. Also for some reason it took me over a hour to sign in on my phone tonight. There is some mom stuff going on today. I am sorry for not posting. I have not really been able to read the thread so I have not posted today. I am waiting to sell my car now and will be on later and I will read and post.
HijacK: That's only your impression. Mistaking calmness for kindness and gentleness can be a crucial mistake in such games.
trentonlf: You state that you believe I post useless chatter to gain credibility. There is where we differ in how we garner information. What you call useless chatter is in my opinion a tool to get others to talk. You seem to think that the only way to play the game is your way and that is not the case. Also, I rather enjoy the "useless chatter" in the game as it is a way to make friends. You might see this as only a game, but I see it as more. To me it is a group of friends getting together and having fun, and that entails talking about anything.

Unvote Krypsyn
Last game you clearly chatted a lot with Sage to gain her trust. That was obvious. And as far as gathering information goes, when the topic is not remotely related to the game, I don't think the information you gather is very useful. But hey, you might actually find something.
ok so I did not post for a bit because the conversation went into games. Games I have no idea what they are or what they are about. So why try to put my two cents in. Yesterday and today I was at work most of the day. I was able to pop on a few minutes here and there but not enough time to really read through the thread. Plus I am cranky and over whelmed with personal stuff and in all honesty have not had much to contribute.

One thing that did peak my interest was books commenting on 3 to 4 scum. Though it is not anything I would jump up and down and yell scum about. It is a observation.

Hijack is playing differently then the 2 previous games I have played with him. Is this because he actually wants to stay in the game longer then one day? Again someone else touched on this already so nothing major to add.

yogsloth makes a post about getting away from RVS and moving the game along. Is this a first time player excited to play or are we excited to go to night and kill someone. (I enjoyed the role madness game. ) 2 posts after his lets get the ball rolling post he explains he wants to get people talking. I get this. The whole video game thing had me lost.

Flub - new avatar (vanilla something or other) is not a 100 percent not scum give away. But once again it is nothing to worry about until we get more information or he jumps up and down yells he is scum or maybe drunk posts it.

mrkgnao - stated something along the lines that town should share information with eachother. Then in post 160 he seems to shy away from telling us his feeling on Vitek. Why not share? Why ask if it is ok to share?

Vitek - seems he got everyone talking about his wording in previous games as town. Not sure I can add anything to this that others have not.

Trents playing reminds me of the last game as compared to the game before. But it way to early to tell anything from this.

all in all not much to add that has not already been touched on. I also promise to get a good nights sleep and get back to my cheery self.
Thanks for the write up Saggy.

Cranky girl....definitely town tell <.< ... >.>