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I guess it's a good idea to say that I will be attending 2 day tabletop gaming convention this weekend, but I'll be available in the evenings (around this time of day), which is pretty much what is happening right now, that shouldn't be that big of a problem.
dedoporno: I guess it's a good idea to say that I will be attending 2 day tabletop gaming convention this weekend, but I'll be available in the evenings (around this time of day), which is pretty much what is happening right now, that shouldn't be that big of a problem.
I am jealous and want to go with you!!

Mrkgnao I will post a link to my posts later when I get home on my laptop.
Oops. Didn't unvote.

UNVOTE Robbeasy
VOTE Vitek

I don't much like the way this is going, but as it looks like its going to be a straight fight between Vitek and Krypsyn, i shall for the moment

unvote hijack

Between the two, I have Krypsyn leaning town more than Vitek, and currently Vitek is the lurkiest of the lurkers, but I cant believe its a deliberate lurk - I want to give him time to defend himself and return (hopefully) before any voting.

c'mon Vitek - return to us - MOD, any sign?
Robbeasy: currently Vitek is the lurkiest of the lurkers, but I cant believe its a deliberate lurk - I want to give him time to defend himself and return (hopefully) before any voting.
Yeah, I have the feeling he would have shown up by now if he was around. RL can be a bitch like that sometimes. At least I hope he's being distracted by something enjoyable rather than unpleasant.
I haven't seen his green online bar a single time in the last ~4 days.
yogsloth: Vote count again, please. Thank you!
Vote count again, please. Thank you!

(not sure if it needs to be in bold or not but just to be sure.
mrkgnao: [I also remember trentonlf made a long post on Krypsyn, but I must have missed it; could you add a link to it, trent?]
Post 1161 is the one you are looking for I believe
mrkgnao: [I also remember trentonlf made a long post on Krypsyn, but I must have missed it; could you add a link to it, trent?]
trentonlf: Post 1161 is the one you are looking for I believe
You're right. But I now see that I had it on my list. I must have been confused.
The Vitek doesn't seem to be answering. Aboard the mothership, fingers are tapping the microphones. Heels are kicking some replacement pilot's bunk beds. Throats are growling with miscontentment. Hopefully it's just a radio issue or something.

In the meantime.

Vitek has 3 votes, by DarkoD13, Dedoporno and Mrkgnao.
Robbeasy has 1 vote, by Hijack.
Yogsloth has 1 vote, by Krypsyn.
Sage103082 has 1 vote, by CSPVG.
Krypsyn has 3 votes, by Yogsloth, Sage103082 and Trentonlf.

The others have zero votes.

Vitek and Robbeasy aren't voting.

Krypsyn and Vitek are at L-3.
Nolynch is at D-4.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by Telika
I am deeply ad sincerely sorry, guys.
I am rarely absent from GOG forums for so long and unfortunately it happened right in the middle of this game. I got here for few minutes on Monday and while I even had post (apology) in the process, it somewhat fizzled out.
I had important... event yesterday, and needed to prepare for it. (I was also fed up with all people in the world recently)

I see people already started to use my absence.
At least Rob is willing to give chance to defend myself from my absence. Great.
Sooo, hmmm, I am not scum I was gone. Is it good enough defense?
I still need to read last 2 pages, I wanted to get this out quickly as people seem to be waitning for me. I'll post more in few (I promise!).
When is the deadline?
Vitek: When is the deadline?
In 4 days.
dedoporno: In 4 days.
Wasn't yog fearmongering with having no time somehwere last week? Pfft.

I find the thing Darko did with trent and Robb fairly useful and I am willing to assume those 3 people know what tehy are talking about and speak truth.
That moves them all more toward town (although trent and Rob were there quite a lot already). (It also shows why some sites put vanilla PM into OP so it can't be used that way or do every vanilla text different)
Not sure why yog added his question to trent about word that was already answered by someone else. Seemed to me a bit like he butted in only to gain some credit as well.

@trent; Everyone has role. Doctor and such are power roles but even vanilla is role. ;-)
Or do you think you don't pay any role at all in this game? :-)

i don't like dedo's chain lynching, where after I flip town he has way to go after trent.
I would also like to know why he believes we are of different alignment.
Obviously I still think he is scum.

I also don't support CSPVG's post about Sage lynch giving us info on HijacK. What will we learn? I don't see anything it will tell us about HijcaK at all. He believes both of them but somehow think it will inform us about HijacK's reads.
Still he is doctor, so no scum points here.

As for Sage, I still don't think she is ideal lynch for today but I also remembered this. (The part about mafia jess claiming survivor)

I am not sure about yogsloth x Krypsyn fight, but somewhat I get feeling it's not really town x town fight.
I think yog made a lot of unconvincing points and I don't see Krypsyn slinging votes without reasoning. And as matter of fact, I tend to see Krypsyn explain his votes more as mafia then town because he is too concerned they will be attacked.
Also yog, you explain how his not voting the player with more votes and then changing vote seevral tiems is scummy but could you say why? What would mafia gain from it and waht amkes it scummy?

I am overall unconvinced by yog D2 but there is still his interactions with adlaia on D1.
On the other hand he said something in the line how he would have to be genius newbie to concot the D1 fight with adalia, but it is also possible he got into that town with buddy and haven't found any way out later when it picked up.
Still, I don't know, but I think he could get my vote instead of darko.
Form current wagon's, one of them I am surely not going to support. :-)
The Krypsyn's one, I am not much fan of but would possibly join if nolynch became real threat. But it's not like they are only the options possible. There is still enough time to get another one moving. (I already see how this will get used against me:-))

If I were to take Darko's investigation (in the thread) as telling, it would leave me with 6 remaining candidates for mafia. HijacK, yogsloth, mrkgnao, Sage, Krypsyn and dedo (listed in OP order, not on T/S scale). I think my top 2 from those are clear. I think Sage is more likely to be neutral, although as Krypsyn said, there could be more to her role then she admits.

Yeah, so this is quick post to get myself invovlved a bit. I will try to stay active today and add more as I process things.
Vitek: i don't like dedo's chain lynching, where after I flip town he has way to go after trent.
Both of you have been in mu scum list for the entire D2. I already have a way to go after trent if I decide I want to. Even if I didn't think you were from different factions I would still go after my next in line if there is no new, usable information with the first lynch. Also, you are twisting my words. I didn't say I would go after trent, I said I would have to consider him once again. A lynch and a NK will more likely bring new stuff to the table. Also, I can't be certain I'll be around to go after anybody on the next day.

Vitek: I would also like to know why he believes we are of different alignment.
I already said a couple of times that this is based simply on gut feeling and vibes and may, of course, be wrong.

Vitek: Obviously I still think he is scum.
Hey, I feel the same way about you! High-five!

Conspiracy theory time!

Vitek: I think Sage is more likely to be neutral, although as Krypsyn said, there could be more to her role then she admits.
This made me think of something crazy (my alter-ego mrkgnao speaks through me, once again). HijacK said something about field hospital? Can't remember the exact wording and can't be bothered to search for it right now. Is it possible for her to be X-shot doctor/blocker as well? I'm still puzzled with trentonlf's night episode. I just remembered last game Sage was Doctor and she decided to protect trentonlf for whatever reason (my guess was that she did because she was more familiar with him from before rather then the others, I can't remember if and what reason she gave afterwards). It's entirely possible she did the same this time if she had such power. I don't see much sense in a Survivor saving someone, considering their goal, but still... The blocker part seems a bit more-sensible, but it doesn't connect that good with the field hospital thing. And if some of this is true, my guess is that the X in X-shot is more than 1, otherwise there would be no reason for her not to say anything about it, considering she claims she will play as Town.
Vitek: i don't like dedo's chain lynching, where after I flip town he has way to go after trent.
dedoporno: Both of you have been in mu scum list for the entire D2. I already have a way to go after trent if I decide I want to. Even if I didn't think you were from different factions I would still go after my next in line if there is no new, usable information with the first lynch. Also, you are twisting my words. I didn't say I would go after trent, I said I would have to consider him once again. A lynch and a NK will more likely bring new stuff to the table. Also, I can't be certain I'll be around to go after anybody on the next day.

Vitek: I would also like to know why he believes we are of different alignment.
dedoporno: I already said a couple of times that this is based simply on gut feeling and vibes and may, of course, be wrong.

Vitek: Obviously I still think he is scum.
dedoporno: Hey, I feel the same way about you! High-five!

Conspiracy theory time!

Vitek: I think Sage is more likely to be neutral, although as Krypsyn said, there could be more to her role then she admits.
dedoporno: This made me think of something crazy (my alter-ego mrkgnao speaks through me, once again). HijacK said something about field hospital? Can't remember the exact wording and can't be bothered to search for it right now. Is it possible for her to be X-shot doctor/blocker as well? I'm still puzzled with trentonlf's night episode. I just remembered last game Sage was Doctor and she decided to protect trentonlf for whatever reason (my guess was that she did because she was more familiar with him from before rather then the others, I can't remember if and what reason she gave afterwards). It's entirely possible she did the same this time if she had such power. I don't see much sense in a Survivor saving someone, considering their goal, but still... The blocker part seems a bit more-sensible, but it doesn't connect that good with the field hospital thing. And if some of this is true, my guess is that the X in X-shot is more than 1, otherwise there would be no reason for her not to say anything about it, considering she claims she will play as Town.
Her reasoning for protecting me the first night was because the game before I had it right and she thought that would make me a target that game. She did not suspect me yet that first night or I'm sure she would not have protected me.

Your theory is interesting, although last game when I was protected I received no PM about it. Does not mean anything since I'm sure everyone runs their games differently.