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mrkgnao: This leaves me with two scenarios which until now I had considered as unlikely:
1) Both Robbeasy and trentonlf are town vanilla
2) There is a mafia vanilla
I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.

Yes. I know. I am in "crazy theory" territory, but Vitek's not around, so I'm allowed.
mrkgnao: I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.
I've read this four times and I still don't get it.

There could be a flavor cop (screw u!) that scans... subtitles instead of models. OK. What does that have to do with impersonating vanilla? Who does the impersonating... the scanner or the scan-e? I'm confused.
mrkgnao: I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.
yogsloth: I've read this four times and I still don't get it.

There could be a flavor cop (screw u!) that scans... subtitles instead of models. OK. What does that have to do with impersonating vanilla? Who does the impersonating... the scanner or the scan-e? I'm confused.
Imagine there is a flavour cop that gets the subtitle (that's the "password" text that Darko has been asking about). On night #1 he just happens to scan a vanilla. Now he knows the vanilla "password" and can answer Darko's questions without really being a vanilla. Of course, he probably isn't an Iniurfas Mark II, but a Lokitop Mark II, so HijacK might be able to identify him as non-vanilla (assuming we believe HijacK), but the "password" test won't.
Gotcha. Yep, that's nuts. :)
Sage103082: I have been keeping an eye on you from day one (as I am doing with everyone) But your distance has me looking more at you.
So nothing new, then. OK, thanks for answering. I won't repeat what I wrote before to defend myself, I just wanted to know if I missed something.

mrkgnao: Am I invisible?
mrkgnao: This leaves me with two scenarios which until now I had considered as unlikely:
1) Both Robbeasy and trentonlf are town vanilla
2) There is a mafia vanilla
mrkgnao: I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.

Yes. I know. I am in "crazy theory" territory, but Vitek's not around, so I'm allowed.
Going on that. What about a Role cop? Wouldn't they get more information than just a flavor (yes I spell it this way too) cop would?

If I remember correctly there was talking about a flavor cop being usually mafia aligned. Yet, states : Flavor Cops are usually pro-Town.
Role Cops have been seen aligned with Town and scum, and is actually a somewhat popular Mafia role in games with many power roles.
(Yes every game is different)
mrkgnao: If you think about it a bit, based just on the three words already known, you will see why the text for all vanillas would likely be the same, regardless of faction.
dedoporno: You didn't answer my question.
If you mean your #1670 question, I thought I answered it at #1672. I will consider Vitek, Krypsyn, and HijacK, probably in that order. But I will elaborate.

I don't expect we will uncover anything new about them.

At the moment, the most convincing arguments I have heard about any of them were about Vitek (made by dedo, Darko, Krypsyn and myself ages ago), but his handling of the CSPVG episode has cast doubts in my mind.

The only thing I have about Krypsyn is his "weird" behaviour episode (Darko-Vitek-Darko voting), which isn't much. BTW, I believe (based on my memory; didn't go back to check) the people who found it weird were trentonlf, yogsloth, Sage, mrkgnao; the ones who did not were Robbeasy, CSPVG, Vitek. See a pattern there? Hint: new generation, old generation?

And, HijacK, well, I still cannot understand why he would scan Sage as mafia. On the other hand, his role is pretty much obsolete by now, given that we seem to be able to identify vanilla without him. And I'm not sure we care about ship models much otherwise.

I will vote for anyone of them to avoid a non-lynch.

I need to re-read some of the recent arguments about all three. I expect I will vote for Vitek, but would love to hear arguments about all three of them from others.
yogsloth: Gotcha. Yep, that's nuts. :)
I find it funny you said that. xD

Not done with my reads post quite yet, but actually enjoying the nutty theories flying around. Not that they are not plausible, but this is a very dynamic game. :P
mrkgnao: I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.

Yes. I know. I am in "crazy theory" territory, but Vitek's not around, so I'm allowed.
Sage103082: Going on that. What about a Role cop? Wouldn't they get more information than just a flavor (yes I spell it this way too) cop would?

If I remember correctly there was talking about a flavor cop being usually mafia aligned. Yet, states : Flavor Cops are usually pro-Town.
Role Cops have been seen aligned with Town and scum, and is actually a somewhat popular Mafia role in games with many power roles.
(Yes every game is different)
I guess that's possible. I don't see what we can do with it now, though.
yogsloth: Gotcha. Yep, that's nuts. :)
HijacK: I find it funny you said that. xD
Hey, I got everything I wanted out of my tree-screaming phase!

It was like Picasso's Blue Period. Oh, to be so young again!
dedoporno: Am I invisible?
Sorry. Still at work, so tend to delay the longer answers. Anyhow, I believe I answered your question now in #1687.
mrkgnao: This leaves me with two scenarios which until now I had considered as unlikely:
1) Both Robbeasy and trentonlf are town vanilla
2) There is a mafia vanilla
mrkgnao: I thought of a third scenario, but it is even less likely than the other two, so I am just mentioning it for completeness.
3) There could be another flavour cop (town or mafia) that gets the "subtitle" (the sentence under the role), instead of the ship model, and can thus impersonate a vanilla if he scans one.

Yes. I know. I am in "crazy theory" territory, but Vitek's not around, so I'm allowed.
And you've been calling some of my theories!..;)
mrkgnao: Sorry. Still at work, so tend to delay the longer answers. Anyhow, I believe I answered your question now in #1687.
Thank you. You answered just fine.

After sleeping on it I came to the following conclusions:

I don't want to vote for Robbeasy anymore. I believe he is Vanilla adn more importantly, I believe he is Town. I can't convince myself to believe that a Vanilla Mafia will be the driver of the bus that will most likely hit a fellow power rule pedal-to-the-metal style. This is seems like the greatest and riskiest gamble ever made and I don't see it happening.

No vote for Robbeasy


My next in line was trentonlf. I now believe he is also Vanilla. I'm still not sure about his alignment, but I'm inclined to take a chance and skip him for the sake of another. The thing that bothers me most about trent right now is his damn night episode. What happened there?! Since he is vanilla he didn't survive an attack on his own, so he was either scanned or protected. If he was scanned we either have another scanner around (whatever alignment), HijacK lied about scanning Sage (which will automatically mean she lied as well and they are in cahoots) or CSPVG lied about protecting yogsloth.

From these, CSPVG makes the least sense. Why lie about the person you protected?

HijacK + Sage seems a bit farfetched, too. This would mean they planned this entire operation during N1, maybe as a contingency plan, maybe as the default strategy. It seems too convoluted, but it is plausible, I guess. If we can't agree on anything else before the deadline hits I'm willing to vote for Sage, because this will bring only benefits:

1. We confirm HijacK
2. We take mafia Sage out and condemn HijacK by extension
3. We dispose of the Neutral Sage who says she's on board right now but may turn on us at any point
4. We don't take out a fellow Townie

The scenario where Sage flips Town seems too improbable and doesn't make any sense to me, so I won't pay attention to it.

[i]I don't want to vote for trentonlf right now.
No vote for HijacK today.
I'm OK with voting for Sage if the deadline is around the corner and nolynch seems too real. (This is not an OMGUS vote, by the way :))[/i]


I have no idea about Krypsyn. I haven't really interacted with him so far and all my views are mostly based on observations made by others who paid more attention to him.

If we are under the threat of nolynch and no one backs my suggestion about Sage I would be OK with voting for Krypsyn.


I slept on it and right now I'm pretty much back to square one - Vitek. My strongest readings were about him. Afterwards everything
was pretty much going with the flow and the next best thing, since pretty much no one really backed me up (except Darko, but I think he had his own reasoning for that) and it didn't seem it would be enough. Vitek did some pro-town stuff around CSPVG's claim, but that may have been just dust in our eyes to make us look elsewhere.

Vitek hinted he had access to some (exclusive?) information about both factions having scanners. I'm kind of interested how that happened. Where did the second scanner come from? Assumptions based on trentolf + HijacK?

I also had the feeling that trentonlf and Vitek were from opposing factions for quite some time now. It's just a feeling, it may be wrong, but still... If we lynch him and he flips Town I will have to reconsider trentonlf once again (which has to happen sooner or later, anyway).

vote Vitek
I apologise for my three day absence, but must say that this time it was through no fault of my own. My internet was disconnected for three days (a router problem, I believe), and has only been reconnected a few minutes ago.

I will be attempting to catch up on all of the new posts that have accrued, and will hopefully be able to post something of merit (or at the very least, a vote) within a few hours.
Dunno watcha guys doing here, but anyway:
In case you like mafia