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yogsloth: ... I think he could just be playing weirdo town, like krypsyn.
Krypsyn: Setting aside the weirdo part, which I disagree with, this is an interesting thing to say about someone for whom you have voted. Any particular reason you have voted for me if you think I am town?

Vote: yogsloth
Although, as I have said repeatedly, I've never put you at full scum position, you are the next closest to my scum list, and even if you flip town, I think that will shed light on Darko and vitek at the least. I take it you don't want to take one for the team? Lol

Still on mobile, wife is doing important shit on the computer, seeing what her friends had for lunch on Facebook you understand
yogsloth: even if you flip town, I think that will shed light on Darko and vitek at the least.
Ehm, how would a town flip do that?

trentonlf: ...
Without giving away the whole description of your role, since you need to keep in mind that others may attempt to claim vanilla in the future, could you give me the very first word Telika uses to describe your role? The very first word beneath the name of your role and only that.
Robbeasy: 1.) Whats usually done at this stage - and we can afford it as we have nailed scum first day - is that we look at lynching not necessarily who looks scummiest (especially as we cant agree on any one suspect between us) , but at lynching who would reveal the most information. Who has claimed, fingered others, revealed other info, had info corroborated by others.

I think this is the only way forward.

All of which points at HijacK. He is a suspect to me, I don't like his claim much, and lynching him will reveal more information about todays events than lynching anyone else.

My preferred scum target is Sage, but I really dont think lynching her will reveal the info lynching Hijack would.
I do not agree with lynching Hiajck, I do not see any major information to be gained and we would be lynching a power role that can help town if he around to be able too. I for one do not feel comfortable with it at all. If we lynch someone else we would learn their information and be able to use that to compare to what we already know. Hijack has already supplied his.

Robbeasy: 1.) the only reason im suggesting this is to try and get some sort of pulling together between us all.

2.) We are meandering towards either a rushed lynch, or a no lynch. We can all see this coming, yet people keep coming up with reasons to continue the debating, to continue the fractured nature of our discussions.

I tell you now, look closely at these people who continually question and try to divert away from any sort of bandwagon forming.

2.) Why HijacK? Hes claimed, his claim is not a safe one. Yes, i said i had him neutral, and he's not my choice target , as I have said, but I do think the most info could be gathered from him - the validity of his claim, the fact he's been closest to lynch already this day, and the fact he's been quite vocal - plenty of rereading of his days posts to go on, no matter which way he flips.

It's not ideal, but at this late stage of the day when theres no real target there doesn't seem to me to be any other way to rescue this day - there's no way between now and end of day that we are going to get enough of a slip from anyone to make peoples minds up.

If you think I'm talking bollocks, then lynch me. I'd be happy to sacrifice myself if it helps town, and I would implore people to take time to read back through and look at those that try to stop any idea of what , at his stage of the day, is a sensible and pro town move.

For fecks sake people, lets have some minds made up and some knobs put on the block..

unvote sage

vote hijack
1. Is it because this is what is done at this stage or is you want to get everyone on the same page?

2. I do agree that a no lynch is not a good idea and that a rush lynched is not a good idea either. Both should not happen.

3. Yes we can confirm his claim with a lynch, but your other reason seem very scummy to me. Just because he is the closet to a lynch - seems like a flimsy reason to me, because he is vocal - I thought trying to help and speak up was a good thing. I know I have my eyes a bit on some of the ones that are riding the side lines and only joining the conversation when questions are asked or to latch on with someone else ideas. If he flips town (And I believe he will) I am not sure what his posts would gain us. He has already revealed his plans for cspvg and his thoughts and actions against me. Also with 2 possible power roles scum will have to decide which one to go after and leave the other to help town for another night.


I am not sure if you are just a very frustrated town or are you scum. As of right now I am open to lynching Rob, kyspyn, dedo or trent but only as a last resort being he has claimed vanilla town - I am starting to believe his claim and would like to see someone elses information in hopes of learning something new.

unvote trentonlf

vote Krypsn
Disregard the bold - I was going to bold all points but changed my mind.
and this 2.) Why HijacK?..... part should be number 3.

Now I am exhausted and going to bed.
So, you say

yogsloth: I think we will learn more from flipping Krypsyn, but I'll vote Robb, dedo, Darko, Vitek, or even mrk.
because you just want to get things done already and then you say

yogsloth: I completely agree Robb has been utterly scummy since about midway point day 2. I am happy to vote for him, but given day 1 info, I think he could just be playing weirdo town, like krypsyn.
You are ready to vote pretty much everyone other than trentonlf just for the sake of the vote, including Robb who you see as rather scummy as of late, but you don't want to vote him because little to no information? Is this sentence the most contradictory shit ever or am I missing something?

On the voting part - I'm down with lynching Robbeasy. He was leaning town before, but no more. His views on the HijacK lynch doesn't look good at all. If we are to vote blindly we may have more luck with one of the other players rather than with HijacK. Robb is neutral at best right now and I'm OK jumping on a neutral wagon.

unvote trentonlf

Vote Robbeasy

If this wagon fails to pick up, this will be my fallback list in order of most wanted to less wanted options:

Sage (she is here only in the case where we can't agree on a target - if we are to waste a lynch on "nolynch" we may just take her out and be done with it, maybe learn something from it)

At this moment I don't want to vote for anyone else. I have 5 possible people I would place my vote on just because they have a chance of a wagon forming and that should be more than enough.
dedoporno: Is this sentence the most contradictory shit ever or am I missing something?
I now realize this may be read as me being insulting. I don't call your posting shit, but used it as template phrase: "best/worst/xxxx shit ever". I apologize if I offended you with my wording.
dedoporno: I don't call your posting shit, but used it as template phrase: "best/worst/xxxx shit ever".
Aw, I was taking the word literally. Does it mean I should also read this as a metaphor :

yogsloth: Still on mobile, wife is doing important shit on the computer,
yogsloth: Although, as I have said repeatedly, I've never put you at full scum position, you are the next closest to my scum list, and even if you flip town, I think that will shed light on Darko and vitek at the least. I take it you don't want to take one for the team? Lol
You have cast aspersions on what I have said right and left, but you refrain from coming out and calling me scum definitively (aka fence-sitting). Then after you actually vote for me, you admit you think I am town, not neutral as you state above. I think what you said about Robbeasy and me, that were are just playing as "weirdo" town, was a slip. I think you are scum going after targets that seem easiest to you.
dedoporno: So, you say

yogsloth: I think we will learn more from flipping Krypsyn, but I'll vote Robb, dedo, Darko, Vitek, or even mrk.
dedoporno: because you just want to get things done already and then you say

yogsloth: I completely agree Robb has been utterly scummy since about midway point day 2. I am happy to vote for him, but given day 1 info, I think he could just be playing weirdo town, like krypsyn.
dedoporno: You are ready to vote pretty much everyone other than trentonlf just for the sake of the vote, including Robb who you see as rather scummy as of late, but you don't want to vote him because little to no information? Is this sentence the most contradictory shit ever or am I missing something?
dedoporno: I now realize this may be read as me being insulting. I don't call your posting shit, but used it as template phrase: "best/worst/xxxx shit ever". I apologize if I offended you with my wording.
Hey, no worries from me! Although I do think you might have misunderstood what I said. Robb isn't my top target now because of "day 1 info", not "little to no" info. As in, I still give him a fair amount of credit for his role in the adalia lynch. In fact, it looks like you and I are approaching this day-end lynch in a very similar manner, with just a different ordering to the list.

Krypsyn: You have cast aspersions on what I have said right and left, but you refrain from coming out and calling me scum definitively (aka fence-sitting). Then after you actually vote for me, you admit you think I am town, not neutral as you state above. I think what you said about Robbeasy and me, that were are just playing as "weirdo" town, was a slip. I think you are scum going after targets that seem easiest to you.
Hey, wow, this sounds like you've really latched on to me here. Are you going to doggedly pursue me the rest of the game, like the detective going against the Chief's orders, determined to pursue justice no matter the cost?

SUH-weeeeet! It's going to be like having a fan club.

A fan club that believes that in my very first ever Forum Mafia game on any platform, I carefully and deliberately pre-planned to bus my scum buddy adalia... And that all of my Day 2 activities have been carefully laid out and led up to this moment... this one magic moment... where I could finally cast my vote for Krypsyn the Innocent. Who then promptly casts a rote OMGUS vote.

Look, I get the reasoning ain't the best. But I tell you what... as soon as you or anybody else comes up with a convincing, annotated, carefully reasoned argument why somebody still in this room is scum, I'll buy in and switch. That means no dragon points, no gut feelings, no OMGUS simplicity... but instead, a real, concrete plan. Because so far I don't have one myself, and I'm not swayed by what little is out there. So here we are. You're the least-worst option for me at this point.

Would it REALLY make your nose hairs flair if I said I also thought it would be funny that if you are lynched as a townie, it will be your first time ever? LOL.
Telika: ...
Can we have a vote count please?
yogsloth: Who then promptly casts a rote OMGUS vote.
No, I didn't care that you voted for me, I cared how you voted for me when you clarified after the fact. Had you voted for anyone else in a similar fashion, I would have called you on it as well. Hence, OMGUS does not apply.

yogsloth: So here we are. You're the least-worst option for me at this point.
So, you believe I am the most likely to be scum? Hence, I am your best bet for scum? It is okay to say so, if you feel that way, it is very pro-town to vote for the person you believe is most scummy. There is no need to hedge and sit on the fence, unless you have good reason to believe this analysis might later prove to be wrong.

yogsloth: Would it REALLY make your nose hairs flair if I said I also thought it would be funny that if you are lynched as a townie, it will be your first time ever? LOL.
Nah, that would actually amuse me too. As long as it is for a legitimate reason, and not this ridiculous farce you have set up for voting for me. All this "he is playing in a weird way" that a few of you have been spouting to vote for me is getting old and tired. I ask for clarification, and I get nothing; just more wishy-washy reasoning, if I get an answer at all. It would be nice if I got some concrete reasons from folks using this as an excuse to vote for me. Something definite and on the record for later Days would be super.
I feel so ignored.

yogsloth: Although, as I have said repeatedly, I've never put you at full scum position, you are the next closest to my scum list, and even if you flip town, I think that will shed light on Darko and vitek at the least.
So could you expand on how a Krypsyn town flip would shed light on Vitek and me?
Ah, sorry Darko.

Since you and vitek have been subjects of krypsyn's scrutiny, learning his alignment and role (if any) may help either focus more attention on you, or help clear you. No offense!
yogsloth: Ah, sorry Darko.

Since you and vitek have been subjects of krypsyn's scrutiny, learning his alignment and role (if any) may help either focus more attention on you, or help clear you. No offense!
Unless he flips town cop I don't see the logic behind that. And if he flips scum I don't believe that that would clear me in any way.
I've seen Rob mention something similar and I don't understand why any lynched townie's reads would become Scripture after their death. I certainly don't want my reads to be viewed that way whenever I die. Flipping a coin to help you decide would make more sense to me.
yogsloth: no dragon points
Ugh, a loot council sympathizer...