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CSPVG: Yes, Sage's actions do make much more sense now (and for that explanation, I am at least grateful), but I feel that HijacK claimed far too soon and while under no real pressure. What I find even more odd, is Sage's mention that she did not even know that she had no idea about her maneuverability (or lack there of). My PM is quite specific about things like my piloting skills and firing system (although, given, it does not say much about my maneuverability), going as far as mentioning a model for the latter.
My pm has absolutely nothing when it comes to firing devices flying ability or my skills.
WTH, how many "roles" are there. I realize there is probably 3 scum and they have roles, and I believe Sage's claim as a Survivor. But, does that mean town has 4 roles? CSPVG as doctor, Hijack as some form of cop, whatever yogsloth is, and whatever Vitek is?

Krypsyn: I am still not sure how DarkoD13 narrowed the remaining mafia roles to only Godfather or Favor Cop, but I do agree with him that Flavor Cop is usually a mafia role. I am more amazed that right after DarkoD13 mentioned a Mafia Flavor Cop again in 1503, HijacK claimed a Town Flavor Cop. The WIFOM in that is just ... bleh.
I just literally copied what it is in my PM. Except Telika had some kind of urge to put my role in caps.
mrkgnao: @HijacK, since you've revealed everything else, do you think you should also reveal your ship model?
Lokitop Mark II

mrkgnao: @HijacK, if you're not mafia, for the next game you're a flavour cop in, from the little I know, I believe it is safe enough to assume that flavour cop is a pretty meh role, no need to out others and reveal yourself in order to verify this.
CSPVG: Well, now that my reads are thrown into total disarray, I'm going to have to Unovte: HijacK.

I'm not really happy with the way this claim went down though, and the fact that a possible mass claim has been called for. I have, in the past, claimed at the the drop of a hat, but I acknowledge that often times this is the incorrect course of action. In HijacK's case, I think it even more so.

Yes, Sage's actions do make much more sense now (and for that explanation, I am at least grateful), but I feel that HijacK claimed far too soon and while under no real pressure. What I find even more odd, is Sage's mention that she did not even know that she had no idea about her maneuverability (or lack there of). My PM is quite specific about things like my piloting skills and firing system (although, given, it does not say much about my maneuverability), going as far as mentioning a model for the latter.

I'm going to have some serious thinking to do.
Some people suggested a full claim before L-1. I provided one.
mrkgnao: @HijacK, since you've revealed everything else, do you think you should also reveal your ship model?
HijacK: Lokitop Mark II
Lokitop = Look It Up.
Not really on par with the other puns, but perhaps Telika got a bit lazy for your role. Definitely plausible.
If there's an investigative role out there and you're not a Lokitop, you should probably step up.
But I can't really see why HijacK would lie about it, even if he is mafia.
Probably nobody but him can verify it anyway.

In hindsight, I shouldn't have revealed the Iniurfas = In Your Face pun. Sorry. My mistake.

Mark II is a bit puzzling. Until this point, I assumed all roles will have at least Mark III and only vanilla will be Mark II.
It's interesting that Sage, who ostensibly doesn't really have a role (not a night role at least) is Mark III, while HijacK is Mark II with a role, if we are to believe them. Sounds weird.
However, again I can't see why bother to lie about it.

Why did you choose to scan Sage?
mrkgnao: Hmm.
Lokitop = Look It Up.
Not really on par with the other puns, but perhaps Telika got a bit lazy for your role. Definitely plausible.
If there's an investigative role out there and you're not a Lokitop, you should probably step up.
But I can't really see why HijacK would lie about it, even if he is mafia.
Probably nobody but him can verify it anyway.

In hindsight, I shouldn't have revealed the Iniurfas = In Your Face pun. Sorry. My mistake.

Mark II is a bit puzzling. Until this point, I assumed all roles will have at least Mark III and only vanilla will be Mark II.
It's interesting that Sage, who ostensibly doesn't really have a role (not a night role at least) is Mark III, while HijacK is Mark II with a role, if we are to believe them. Sounds weird.
However, again I can't see why bother to lie about it.

Why did you choose to scan Sage?
I would see it more as Lock it up, but that's just me.
mrkgnao: Mark II is a bit puzzling. Until this point, I assumed all roles will have at least Mark III and only vanilla will be Mark II.
It's interesting that Sage, who ostensibly doesn't really have a role (not a night role at least) is Mark III, while HijacK is Mark II with a role, if we are to believe them. Sounds weird.
However, again I can't see why bother to lie about it.
I don't think Marks have anything to do with roles unless they are from the same model.

mrkgnao: Why did you choose to scan Sage?
Night 1 I decided to choose someone from the 4 other people who didn't vote for adalia, since I assumed there would be at least a scum among them, and choosing from 4 instead of 7(the number of voters) meant I had higher chances to stumble upon a mafia player, given the fact day 1 is always riddled with inconsistencies and while I did suspect quite a few of the voters of adalia, I still thought I had better chances with choosing someone that did not vote. My Night 1 pick was between trent and Sage. I went with Sage simply because she seemed less helpful on Day 1. At least to me.
If we're really going with "In Your Face" and "Look it Up", which both sound at least nominally reasonable, I'm not satisfied with what Yugmi should be. "Why You... ?"

Probably all one big joke at our expense anyway.
trentonlf: I would see it more as Lock it up, but that's just me.
That was my first thought, Look it Up my second, I started typing and then saw we were in page 32 already. :D

mrkgnao: Mark II is a bit puzzling. Until this point, I assumed all roles will have at least Mark III and only vanilla will be Mark II.
Indeed. Ships are more complicated than I thought. Seems like class is just as important as mark.
trentonlf: I would see it more as Lock it up, but that's just me.
DarkoD13: That was my first thought, Look it Up my second, I started typing and then saw we were in page 32 already. :D

mrkgnao: Mark II is a bit puzzling. Until this point, I assumed all roles will have at least Mark III and only vanilla will be Mark II.
DarkoD13: Indeed. Ships are more complicated than I thought. Seems like class is just as important as mark.
Page 78 for me.
HijacK: Page 78 for me.
Pros see 50 posts per page. :P
DarkoD13: That was my first thought, Look it Up my second, I started typing and then saw we were in page 32 already. :D

Indeed. Ships are more complicated than I thought. Seems like class is just as important as mark.
HijacK: Page 78 for me.
depends on how many posts you have showing per page, mine is also at 78
DarkoD13: Pros see 50 posts per page. :P
Well, since Sage claimed neutral, and no counter claim for CSPVG..... Unvote CSPVG.
If I may, what was the original number of players for this game before it got extended? Was it 11? Because if that's the case, is it possible there to be 2 neutral roles among us? I begun having this suspicion after I kind of convinced myself Sage is neutral.