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HijacK: As far as my suspicion of CSPVG, it is because in the PM I received it said her ship can be used for retrieval, transport, support, and field hospital.

Her ship lacks maneuverability, and the weaponry is basic, which is why for me her ship seemed more fit to a Doctor than to CSPVG's.
Sage? Any doctoring abilities?
HijacK: Affirmative. As far as The Ship model, mark and usefulness of the ship go. Her alignment and name were never given to me. I guess it's obvious why.

As far as my suspicion of CSPVG, it is because in the PM I received it said her ship can be used for retrieval, transport, support, and field hospital.

Her ship lacks maneuverability, and the weaponry is basic, which is why for me her ship seemed more fit to a Doctor than to CSPVG's.
DarkoD13: Thanks. Telika seems to like complications. Another critical question to me. What kind of mechanism do you use to get that info?
I use a long-range optical survey device. That's all he told me about it.
HijacK: I use a long-range optical survey device. That's all he told me about it.
I see. I assume it's the same device used by the mafia flavor cop.
I can actually see why you were confused based on the flavor you got. So the point of your strategy was truly to see if scum all had mark IV's?
I do want to add that as when this game started I was a little unsure about how to go about playing as a neutral and decided to play as town because that is what was comfortable to me and I wanted to help. I did get quiet bc of the video game talk and then things with Mom did take a bad turn.. I even sent a pm over to Telika that if she had to go back into the hospital I would need to be replaced. But only if that happened.
HijacK: I use a long-range optical survey device. That's all he told me about it.
DarkoD13: I see. I assume it's the same device used by the mafia flavor cop.
I literally laughed out loud.
HijacK: As far as my suspicion of CSPVG, it is because in the PM I received it said her ship can be used for retrieval, transport, support, and field hospital.

Her ship lacks maneuverability, and the weaponry is basic, which is why for me her ship seemed more fit to a Doctor than to CSPVG's.
yogsloth: Sage? Any doctoring abilities?
No I have no doctor abilities at all. I didn't even know my ship lacks maneuvering skills.
yogsloth: I literally laughed out loud.
I don't know if that came off as sarcastic, it's 6:30 am here and I'm sleepy, but this all sounds plausible, especially if no one counterclaims. And in this case I think they should given how complex things have gotten.
I'll have to sleep on it, but it's probably back to good old Vitek for me. :D
My only objection would be as to why one person (trent) would be notified about the scan and the other person (Sage) wouldn't, again assuming we're talking about similar devices.
yogsloth: I literally laughed out loud.
DarkoD13: I don't know if that came off as sarcastic, it's 6:30 am here and I'm sleepy, but this all sounds plausible, especially if no one counterclaims. And in this case I think they should given how complex things have gotten.
I'll have to sleep on it, but it's probably back to good old Vitek for me. :D
My only objection would be as to why one person (trent) would be notified about the scan and the other person (Sage) wouldn't, again assuming we're talking about similar devices.
I thought about this too after Hijack hinted he scanned me.
I need to return to MaGog work. Going to be a long night.
I need to think about everything we just learned.
HijacK: I use a long-range optical survey device. That's all he told me about it.
DarkoD13: I see. I assume it's the same device used by the mafia flavor cop.
I can actually see why you were confused based on the flavor you got. So the point of your strategy was truly to see if scum all had mark IV's?
I actually had 2 theories. My worst fear what that Scum all have different ship models and marks, basically reducing my role to seeing whether someone has a power role or not.

Here's the 2 strategies: If CSPVG flipped scum, this would literally prove scum have the same ship model and mark, which makes my role effective to finding scum.

My worst fear was that he would flip town, and a power role at that, which would disprove my theory of ships and marks and it basically reduces my role to a gambling game.
HijacK: I actually had 2 theories. My worst fear what that Scum all have different ship models and marks, basically reducing my role to seeing whether someone has a power role or not.

Here's the 2 strategies: If CSPVG flipped scum, this would literally prove scum have the same ship model and mark, which makes my role effective to finding scum.

My worst fear was that he would flip town, and a power role at that, which would disprove my theory of ships and marks and it basically reduces my role to a gambling game.
May I ask - what is the exact name of your role?
HijacK: I actually had 2 theories. My worst fear what that Scum all have different ship models and marks, basically reducing my role to seeing whether someone has a power role or not.

Here's the 2 strategies: If CSPVG flipped scum, this would literally prove scum have the same ship model and mark, which makes my role effective to finding scum.

My worst fear was that he would flip town, and a power role at that, which would disprove my theory of ships and marks and it basically reduces my role to a gambling game.
yogsloth: May I ask - what is the exact name of your role?
yogsloth: May I ask - what is the exact name of your role?
HijacK: Redfingers
Sorry, role, not pilot name.
HijacK: Redfingers
yogsloth: Sorry, role, not pilot name.
In case it wasn't obvious, I'm Town Flavor Cop.
Robbeasy: So my list will concentrate on these 5 for now - I'll deal with the other 6 at a later time.
mrkgnao: Would it be too difficult for you to briefly mention your opinion about the other five at this point? (I believe I already know your stance about Robbeasy)

Robbeasy: HijacK. The change of usual style right at the start of the game threw me somewhat, but he has made some good contributions and some good well constructed posts. Also defended himself well when attacked. Has hinted at a role , but pulled back from a full claim. We already have the doctor out in the open, if CSPVG be believed (and with no counter claim, its hard not to). Any more claiming is definitely to be frowned upon - lets not give Mafia any more info, we already got them reeling with first lynch. So a bit of good and bad from Hijack, neutral.
mrkgnao: So you have no problem with him publicly declaring that CSPVG has a power role (see my underline in post #983)?

Robbeasy: Trentolf. To be honest, I've not seen one really bad post from him at all. Has been consistent and forthright in his views. Leaning Town for me.
mrkgnao: So you have no problem with him claiming vanilla back in day #1? Do you think all vanillas should step forward and claim?
1) other 6 - it was 7 to lynch Adalia.... and I'm at work now, but when I get home tonight - look for it about 12 hours from now

2) hmmm I see your point - that was very much undue pressure.

3) Again - forgotten about that. Scum points accrued.

You can tell I dont keep notes can't you..:)

One good thing about it though is old indiscretions by players get brought up again and re-evaluated, as people point out to this old codger all the stuff I should really have remembered....