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Sage103082: I wonder where Krypsyn is. He has been very silent lately. Krypsyn care to come and give us your opinions on everything that is going on?
Krypsyn: I miss one day, and you start wondering? Yeesh.

Regardless, I was planning to make a post now anyway, so you can stop wondering.

My reads have been in a topsy-turvy state since the CSPVG wagon and now the HijacK wagon. I was trying to put off posting until I cold make since of them, but they are still very much in flux.

The hilights:
1) My vote stays on DarkoD13
2) I am against voting for HijacK

Two notable changes in my reads, which may help explain why I am having trouble putting them in perspective:

1) Vitek is looking more neutral to me now. I like the way his posts have seemed to be more pro-active since the CSPVG wagon started, instead of reactionary. I am still not crazy about him using statistics as arguments so much, but at least he seems to be using them as a spring-board to support his opinions.

2) yogsloth is also looking more neutral to me. I have been giving him some huge town points for being third on the wagon for adaliabooks on Day 1, but their comes a point where even that becomes eclipsed. The way he came after me for voting for DarkoD13 took me a little off guard, but I was willing to take it stride as just a difference of opinion. But then, in post 1225 he comes after me with selective arguments that seemed only designed to misrepresent my stances. I responded to it in post 1242, so I won't belabor it here. This might be slightly OMGUS, I'll let you folks decide, but it really seems off to me.
Call my view jaded as I already see you as scum, but I see no misrepresenting of you stances by yogsloth, the same way I saw no posts by Darko that were nitpicking, telling people how to play, etc... that you claim. Seems like you are pointing fingers to point fingers and cause confusion.
Ugh, I hate typos that the spellchecker doesn't catch and not being able to edit. That 'since' should be 'sense'. It is almost as bad as the their/there mistake I made later on. *shudder* Man, this is going to bug me for a while.

yogsloth: Fair enough, but can you explain which of your stances I attempted to misrepresent? I think that post (1225) was pretty straightforward in my read, and all I did was give my impressions from your direct quotes. What do you think I was trying to mis-represent? I continue find your voting pattern confusing.
I already did in post 1242, but I'll mention it again.

1) You stay that I switched my vote from DarkoD13 to Vitek, then back again without giving reasons. I did give reasons, and I noted the posts where I did with links in post 1242. It is almost as if you just ignored the posts where I gave my reasons, and instead went after only the posts which supported your argument that I was giving no reasons to move my vote.

2) You misrepresented my argument in my adaliabooks analysis post to make it seem like I was giving myself a free pass. As I said in post 1242 (and in my original reads post), positions 4 through 7 on the adalaibooks wagon could either be town or scum bussing and I can't make a better determination that that from vote position alone.

trentonlf: Call my view jaded as I already see you as scum, but I see no misrepresenting of you stances by yogsloth, the same way I saw no posts by Darko that were nitpicking, telling people how to play, etc... that you claim. Seems like you are pointing fingers to point fingers and cause confusion.
trentonlf: Somehow I have been on most everyone's scum list from the start and my attempts to change that opinion seemed to not work, and I tried for the longest time to change these opinions.
mrkgnao: I don't think that's a correct impression. I believe quite a few people have you as neutral. I'm not saying you're lying, just that you might be focusing on the dirty half of the glass.

trentonlf: Hijack's fascination with the Godfather role and scanning made it clear to me that during the first night I really was scanned, and I believe by him.
mrkgnao: I understand you believe HijacK scanned you, but why do you believe he's town? Mafia can also have scanning roles, as you well know from game #23.

@HijacK and @Robbeasy: I would appreciate updated gradient lists when you have time.
Covered in kids at moment, but when they are all tucked up in bed later I will do my best to supply a list for you...:)
mrkgnao: I don't think that's a correct impression. I believe quite a few people have you as neutral. I'm not saying you're lying, just that you might be focusing on the dirty half of the glass.

I understand you believe HijacK scanned you, but why do you believe he's town? Mafia can also have scanning roles, as you well know from game #23.

@HijacK and @Robbeasy: I would appreciate updated gradient lists when you have time.
Robbeasy: Covered in kids at moment, but when they are all tucked up in bed later I will do my best to supply a list for you...:)
Enjoy the kids, way more important than this game!
Krypsyn: 1) You stay that I switched my vote from DarkoD13 to Vitek, then back again without giving reasons. I did give reasons, and I noted the posts where I did with links in post 1242. It is almost as if you just ignored the posts where I gave my reasons, and instead went after only the posts which supported your argument that I was giving no reasons to move my vote.

2) You misrepresented my argument in my adaliabooks analysis post to make it seem like I was giving myself a free pass. As I said in post 1242 (and in my original reads post), positions 4 through 7 on the adalaibooks wagon could either be town or scum bussing and I can't make a better determination that that from vote position alone.
So... your "reasons" for the vote flopping are explained here?

My comment was that this seams like no quality reasoning at all. That's not mis-representing you. That's commentary... and it stands. I believe your post shows unsatisfactory reasoning for the vote, vote, vote flips you made. I don't know why you're doing it. I don't know why you seem to be "Darko or bust" at this point, when you continue to know that there is almost zero chance for a Darko lynch.

As to the vote placement on the adalia wagon, my commentary there stands as well. It still seems lightweight, but not necessarily directly scummy.
trentonlf: I also think Hijack knew CSPVG had a power role as I'm willing to bet Hijack's ship model is a Mark IV also. Why he wanted to lynch CSPVG at first I can understand (although I would have chosen to go with a night scan against him to see what his role was), but after CSPVG's role claim (I believe it is true) not sure why he did not let it go unless he really does not believe him for some reason.
Actually, I'm getting none of that from his actions in the game so far.
I do want to hear his claim before I make any decision, more specifically his night action. If both HijacK and CSPVG are town they have targets on their backs already.
Personally, at this point I think Vitek should vote for dedo, dedo should vote for Robb, and me and mrk should change our votes to each other.

Then we all go get drunk.
trentonlf: I also think Hijack knew CSPVG had a power role as I'm willing to bet Hijack's ship model is a Mark IV also. Why he wanted to lynch CSPVG at first I can understand (although I would have chosen to go with a night scan against him to see what his role was), but after CSPVG's role claim (I believe it is true) not sure why he did not let it go unless he really does not believe him for some reason.
DarkoD13: Actually, I'm getting none of that from his actions in the game so far.
I do want to hear his claim before I make any decision, more specifically his night action. If both HijacK and CSPVG are town they have targets on their backs already.
I am not justifying his actions, especially wanting to put CSPVG up for a vote for curiosity of whether or not CSPVG had a role, I can just see why he did. I like the category mrkgnao put him in called anti-town. A lot of his actions have skewed that way. The only concern I have about my theory is that hijack was so against a scan at first. If he did scan me why was he so against it being a scan? My thought was that he was trying to deflect attention from that.
yogsloth: Then we all go get drunk.
^ This.
yogsloth: My comment was that this seams like no quality reasoning at all. That's not mis-representing you. That's commentary... and it stands.
But, you neglected to even mention that I did in fact give reasons. You implied that I hadn't given any at all. Reasons you disagree with =/= no reasons.

yogsloth: I believe your post shows unsatisfactory reasoning for the vote, vote, vote flips you made. I don't know why you're doing it. I don't know why you seem to be "Darko or bust" at this point, when you continue to know that there is almost zero chance for a Darko lynch.
So, you believe I should vote for someone whom I believe is not the most scummy? Perhaps if we were closer to a deadline, and under a legitimate threat of a nolynch, I might see your reasoning. However, as it stands currently, I see no good reason to move my vote to a player I believe less likely to be scum.

yogsloth: As to the vote placement on the adalia wagon, my commentary there stands as well. It still seems lightweight, but not necessarily directly scummy.
But, that wasn't your argument. Had you said you thought my reasoning was weak, I would have disagreed but accepted it. Instead, you try to insinuate that I am trying to do something nefarious with it by misrepresenting what I wrote.
okidoki - a gradient of scum to town.

I will confess I dont really have anyone mailed as scum anymore, since my theory about CSPVg (and by association, mrkgnao) fell apart.

What I really really should do is go back and read the whole thread again, but I haven't got the willpower, to be honest.

So it's off with a whole new look at things. Back to the non-voters on Adalias lynch - I flat refuse to believe all mafia were on adalia - it just doesn't make logical sense.

Why look at the non-voters rather than the voters I hear you say? Its just as likely theres a scum bussing?? Indeed there is. Its simple - theres less to choose from. 6 on the voting, 5 on the non-voting. Makes sense to start there.

Which means one of Hijack, Vitek, Trentolf, Sage, DarkoD13 is Mafia, and possibly more. So my list will concentrate on these 5 for now - I'll deal with the other 6 at a later time.

Out of those, most scummy is Sage for me. Nothing of real scum hunting for me, just a post of 'thoughts' and 'notes' with no real commitment to anything or anyone, for a long time.

Next scummy , and this is more because of an overall feeling than anyting else - DarkoD13. This is because I mainly keep most things from the game in my head, remembering stuff that stands out. And I can't remember anything of real note form Darko. Someone who has slipped completely under the radar with careful play. Town play is to make waves, create conversation, get discussion going. Not got that vibe from Darko at all. I'm sure you will all pipe up with many examples where he's been hard at it in arguments and controversial posts, but thats the vibe im getting.

Next - Vitek. Pretty nuetral at moment, but has defended himself pretty well under some strong attacks from a few people.

HijacK. The change of usual style right at the start of the game threw me somewhat, but he has made some good contributions and some good well constructed posts. Also defended himself well when attacked. Has hinted at a role , but pulled back from a full claim. We already have the doctor out in the open, if CSPVG be believed (and with no counter claim, its hard not to). Any more claiming is definitely to be frowned upon - lets not give Mafia any more info, we already got them reeling with first lynch. So a bit of good and bad from Hijack, neutral.

Trentolf. To be honest, I've not seen one really bad post from him at all. Has been consistent and forthright in his views. Leaning Town for me.

We need together and decide on a likely candidate for lynch - I've offered my pick of 5, and I prefer Sage on posts so far.
Krypsyn: But, you neglected to even mention that I did in fact give reasons. You implied that I hadn't given any at all. Reasons you disagree with =/= no reasons.
Oh goodness, that's certainly not true. I linked directly to your posts where you voted so everyone could read them (and your logic/reasons) themselves. And yes, I am saying - not implying - straight out telling you - those don't appear to be reasons at all. I'm not saying I disagree with your reasoning - I'm saying I don't see reasoning. Just for giggles, here's your post where you re-vote Darko. Dragon points? Barbed wire? Are these references to something? This appears to be literal nonsense.

Krypsyn: So, you believe I should vote for someone whom I believe is not the most scummy? Perhaps if we were closer to a deadline, and under a legitimate threat of a nolynch, I might see your reasoning. However, as it stands currently, I see no good reason to move my vote to a player I believe less likely to be scum.
That's precisely what I'm saying, and have been saying, since I unvoted Hijack a few days ago. There are almost certainly multiple scum left on the table. If you vote for a candidate who has no other support, has garnered no other votes, give a paucity of reasoning yourself, and make no further attempts to explain or develop your case, it becomes clear your goal is something other than the lynch of the candidate you have presented.

Can you tell me: What is your goal for Day 2?

Krypsyn: But, that wasn't your argument. Had you said you thought my reasoning was weak, I would have disagreed but accepted it. Instead, you try to insinuate that I am trying to do something nefarious with it by misrepresenting what I wrote.
Again, in what way have I misrepresented what you wrote, when I am directly quoting it and simply offering my commentary?

I feel like a setup is coming. I feel like I'm asking pretty clear, succinct questions here, and it's not me that's mis-directing things.

My vote stays on HijacK. Might as well hear the grand reveal there. My mind is certainly open to whatever he has to say. I hope you feel satified in your own probings of me, Krypsyn, as you've forced me to now eye you with suspicion. I hope you're not scum, but I am now forced to consider it.
yogsloth: Oh goodness, that's certainly not true. I linked directly to your posts where you voted so everyone could read them (and your logic/reasons) themselves.
And yes, I am saying - not implying - straight out telling you - those don't appear to be reasons at all. I'm not saying I disagree with your reasoning - I'm saying I don't see reasoning. Just for giggles, 's your post where you re-vote Darko. Dragon points? Barbed wire? Are these references to something? This appears to be literal nonsense. <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> The posts in which I voted are not the ones in which I clarified my reasons. This is why I linked the posts with my reasons in <i>my</i> response. Again, I will link it, since you seem incapable of actually reading all of my posts: [url=]Posy 1203

Heck, the dragon points one was a direct call-back to a reply I made to one of your posts for similar reasons!

yogsloth: That's precisely what I'm saying, and have been saying, since I unvoted Hijack a few days ago. There are almost certainly multiple scum left on the table. If you vote for a candidate who has no other support, has garnered no other votes, give a paucity of reasoning yourself, and make no further attempts to explain or develop your case, it becomes clear your goal is something other than the lynch of the candidate you have presented.
Interesting. So you want me to vote for someone else to speed up their lynch? Why the impatience?

yogsloth: Can you tell me: What is your goal for Day 2?
Scum-hunting. To this end I place my vote on the person I feel is the most scummy at any given time.

yogsloth: Again, in what way have I misrepresented what you wrote, when I am directly quoting it and simply offering my commentary?
In post 1225, you write:

yogsloth: I’m not bothered by Krypsyn voting in this position; I’m bothered by him not calling attention in his wagon-analysis post that he acknowledges [his voting position] as a highly scum-likely position to be in."
I never said, or acknowledged as you put it, that positions 4 through 7 were 'highly scum-likely', those are [i[your[/i] words misrepresenting what I wrote. I said that it could either be scum bussing or town voting legitimate concerns with adaliabooks play.

yogsloth: I feel like a setup is coming. I feel like I'm asking pretty clear, succinct questions here, and it's not me that's mis-directing things.
I'll let others be the judge of it. I am done arguing it at this point.

yogsloth: My vote stays on HijacK. Might as well hear the grand reveal there. My mind is certainly open to whatever he has to say. I hope you feel satified in your own probings of me, Krypsyn, as you've forced me to now eye you with suspicion. I hope you're not scum, but I am now forced to consider it.
Wait? You weren't eying me before as scum? Your arguments seemed to suggest otherwise. Strange argument to make at this point, I think.
Robbeasy: Town play is to make waves, create conversation, get discussion going. Not got that vibe from Darko at all.
I love it when people give definitions of town-ness that they can't even fit themselves. The one thing I can remember from you all Day is that you proposed to get yourself lynched as some sort of argument against CSPVG (and/or mrkgnao?). That was particularly helpful. Oh, and your attempt to "gotcha" CSPVG with the spaceship thing. Epic.

What surprises me is how many people suddenly seem willing to take HijacK at his word for whatever it is he's said and just move on. I'm considering possible scenarios on why he's done/said some things Today and things just don't add up.
Krypsyn: I'll let others be the judge of it. I am done arguing it at this point.

Wait? You weren't eying me before as scum? Your arguments seemed to suggest otherwise. Strange argument to make at this point, I think.
In my big long post from days ago, I said this:

yogsloth: This is not a scum overtly trying to confuse the game – we were there already. This is designed for some other purpose. I feel he was trying to pull some quick votes to him, and he certainly seems to be excited that he’s succeeded, and has put zero effort into defending himself.
And so I’ve had you on my neutral list ever since, waiting to find out the purpose to all this.

But you are correct, our argument should cease. I’m sure we’re boring the others… and adding to the general aimless confusion that seems to be the scum plan for the day.