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So in the last ~15 hours, all that's happened is that sage and trent have now picked up votes? Which puts us back up to six different players with a vote on them, I believe.

Well, also, HijacK has taken off the pressure by role-claiming cop and promising to expose the Godfather.

Just another day at the office.
yogsloth: Well, also, HijacK has taken off the pressure by role-claiming cop.
Where did he role-claim cop?
Man, I'm tired. Still trying to sort out some more thoughts from the last half day's worth of stuff. Didn't sleep well last night... I just couldn't get around the owl this morning.

Sage103082: But Hijack is now hinting a power role and I am semi inclined to believe him at the moment. So between my two scum choices right now I would have to be trent.

vote trentonlf
Just quoting this vote for its terrible timing and total lack of reasoning. Booo.

yogsloth: Well, also, HijacK has taken off the pressure by role-claiming cop.
mrkgnao: Where did he role-claim cop?
I'm sure you have connected the same dots already. Is it somehow rude of me to say it out loud? Cop or Flavor Cop or some such variant.

Sorry, I know this annoying. I would just like to keep this info fresh for all to see. May we have vote count, please?
Shots keep being exchanged between Nisk and Olipsi fighters. The missing projectiles fly into the infinite, where they will eventually get grabbed by the gravitational field of whatever astronomical object, or, more likely, run their course forever. Who knows what unknown entity one might eventually impact, in how many eons, possibly ending one life in the most absurd and irrelevant manner. Who knows which wars one might randomly trigger, possibly millions of years after the original shooter having turned to dust. The metaphysical consequences of each missed shot are mind-boggling, and this war is producing them on unquantifiable quantities. Will they some day aggregate, at some end of spacetime's gravitational labyrinths ? Will they become, themselves, a celestial body on which life will eventually emerge, ironically born from the industry of death ? Would it, for its own fragility and uniqueness, from its own miraculous subjectivity, justify it, and reverse, through some unknowable yet absolute debt, any immanent moral judgement on the blind brutality of a cosmic war and its meaningless toll ?

Yeah, aaaaaanyway :

HijacK has 3 votes, by CSPVG, Mrkgnao and Yogsloth.
Vitek has 1 vote, by DarkoD13.
Trentonlf has 1 vote, by Sage103082.
Sage103082 has 1 vote, by Robbeasy.
Krypsyn has 1 vote, by Trentonlf.
DarkoD13 has 1 vote, by by Krypsyn.
CSPVG has 1 vote, by Hijack.

Robbeasy, Yogsloth, Mrkgnao and Dedoporno have no vote.

Vitek and Dedoporno are not voting.

The last days countdown starts, with 10 days to go. That is : in 10 days, nolynch.
Post edited November 06, 2014 by Telika
yogsloth: Just quoting this vote for its terrible timing and total lack of reasoning. Booo.
I did give my reasons for both trent and Hikack
SEVEN players with votes. I think I should change my vote to Mrkgano just so he feels more involved. And damn if Kyrpsyn didn't vote twice. ;)
I wonder where Krypsyn is. He has been very silent lately. Krypsyn care to come and give us your opinions on everything that is going on?
yogsloth: And damn if Kyrpsyn didn't vote twice. ;)
My subconscious is mercifully trying to spare me having to type Sage109374762620'23893873's name. :-(
yogsloth: Just quoting this vote for its terrible timing and total lack of reasoning.
I can see her reasoning for voting for me. Me and Hijack are her two primary suspects and I act all crazy after her post earlier and now come out defending Hijack. Looks suspect, so I don't fault her the vote.
yogsloth: And damn if Kyrpsyn didn't vote twice. ;)
Telika: My subconscious is mercifully trying to spare me having to type Sage109374762620'23893873's name. :-(
Sorry Sage was already taken when I registered. =)
Sage103082: Sorry Sage was already taken when I registered. =)
103081 TIMES !?
Sage103082: Sorry Sage was already taken when I registered. =)
Telika: 103081 TIMES !?
Yeah whoever has the nick really wanted the nick and no one else to have it. It was a long day of trying one number after another..
yogsloth: I'm sure you have connected the same dots already. Is it somehow rude of me to say it out loud? Cop or Flavor Cop or some such variant.
I think there comes a point when we can assume that mafia are not braindead and they can see the same hints we can.
Sage103082: I wonder where Krypsyn is. He has been very silent lately. Krypsyn care to come and give us your opinions on everything that is going on?
I miss one day, and you start wondering? Yeesh.

Regardless, I was planning to make a post now anyway, so you can stop wondering.

My reads have been in a topsy-turvy state since the CSPVG wagon and now the HijacK wagon. I was trying to put off posting until I cold make since of them, but they are still very much in flux.

The hilights:
1) My vote stays on DarkoD13
2) I am against voting for HijacK

Two notable changes in my reads, which may help explain why I am having trouble putting them in perspective:

1) Vitek is looking more neutral to me now. I like the way his posts have seemed to be more pro-active since the CSPVG wagon started, instead of reactionary. I am still not crazy about him using statistics as arguments so much, but at least he seems to be using them as a spring-board to support his opinions.

2) yogsloth is also looking more neutral to me. I have been giving him some huge town points for being third on the wagon for adaliabooks on Day 1, but their comes a point where even that becomes eclipsed. The way he came after me for voting for DarkoD13 took me a little off guard, but I was willing to take it stride as just a difference of opinion. But then, in post 1225 he comes after me with selective arguments that seemed only designed to misrepresent my stances. I responded to it in post 1242, so I won't belabor it here. This might be slightly OMGUS, I'll let you folks decide, but it really seems off to me.
Krypsyn: 2) yogsloth is also looking more neutral to me. I have been giving him some huge town points for being third on the wagon for adaliabooks on Day 1, but their comes a point where even that becomes eclipsed. The way he came after me for voting for DarkoD13 took me a little off guard, but I was willing to take it stride as just a difference of opinion. But then, in post 1225 he comes after me with selective arguments that seemed only designed to misrepresent my stances. I responded to it in post 1242, so I won't belabor it here. This might be slightly OMGUS, I'll let you folks decide, but it really seems off to me.
Fair enough, but can you explain which of your stances I attempted to misrepresent? I think that post (1225) was pretty straightforward in my read, and all I did was give my impressions from your direct quotes. What do you think I was trying to mis-represent? I continue find your voting pattern confusing.