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dedoporno: Enabling HijacK because I'm nice like that.
So instead of listing your town/scum you would rather be sarcastic. I mean no reason for us to all list this so we can see who the majority tends to think is scum (I don't even care if it's me) so we can try and focus on two or three people instead of everyone dancing around posting theories and pointing fingers. So sure let's just keep doing that, it's working out great so far here in day 2. Once we have a focus we can list why we think he/she is scum and either come to a majority lynch or go to the next.

But sure, let's be sarcastic instead.
trentonlf: So instead of listing your town/scum you would rather be sarcastic.
No, no, no. That was a misunderstanding. I received a PM from HijacK who asked me to post because he wanted to add something. I gathered it was somewhat urgent and assumed he had one of them earth-shattering revelations, so I posted without looking at the thread first. After he didn't post anything I looked at his PM again and saw it was from an hour ago.
Robbeasy: question for CSPVG -whats the name of the ship you are flying?
Since he answered.


Telika: The Adaliabooks is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Twitch', a MAFIA STRONGMAN.
Telika: The Flubbucket is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Stutter', a VANILLA TOWNIE.
I'm not sure what that was supposed to prove.
dedoporno: I received a PM from HijacK who asked me to post because he wanted to add something.
Just to make sure we are clear about that. No need to get so alarmed. For once I didn't accuse you of anything :D
1365.jpeg (234 Kb)
Vitek: @Sage; Will you also try to draw some conclusion from your overview?
robbeasy votes
Vitek votes
hijacK votes
yogslogh votes
trenton votes
vitek unvotes

**CSPVG claims.

Out of my list and the reasons for everyone votes the one that stands out the most for me Hijack and trent.

Hijack for his reasoning in not being able to read CSPVG as town or scum and how another player played in the last game. I am all for going back and comparing games and seeing what can be learned but to cast your vote because of someone else's game play from another game seems off to me. These are different people and have different play styles, it would be different if Hijack was comparing CSPVG to CSVPG from another game.

trent for his complete lack of a real reason at all to cast his vote. Mentions a few things that everyone has already pointed out. Does not add anything new or any real reason CSPVG has stood out to him. And the biggest thing that I find off here is that he believes CSPVG has a power role. Why would you vote for someone you think has a power role - to me this is very scummy. Backs off of Krypyn since it seems he will not get anyone on his wagon right now. Also instead of asking CSPVG to chime in before casting his vote he votes first then asks. If you really would like a answer why not wait to vote, knowing all that was needed was 1 more vote to seal his fate.
Vitek: @Sage; Will you also try to draw some conclusion from your overview?
Sage103082: Votes-
robbeasy votes
Vitek votes
hijacK votes
yogslogh votes
trenton votes
vitek unvotes

**CSPVG claims.

Out of my list and the reasons for everyone votes the one that stands out the most for me Hijack and trent.

Hijack for his reasoning in not being able to read CSPVG as town or scum and how another player played in the last game. I am all for going back and comparing games and seeing what can be learned but to cast your vote because of someone else's game play from another game seems off to me. These are different people and have different play styles, it would be different if Hijack was comparing CSPVG to CSVPG from another game.

trent for his complete lack of a real reason at all to cast his vote. Mentions a few things that everyone has already pointed out. Does not add anything new or any real reason CSPVG has stood out to him. And the biggest thing that I find off here is that he believes CSPVG has a power role. Why would you vote for someone you think has a power role - to me this is very scummy. Backs off of Krypyn since it seems he will not get anyone on his wagon right now. Also instead of asking CSPVG to chime in before casting his vote he votes first then asks. If you really would like a answer why not wait to vote, knowing all that was needed was 1 more vote to seal his fate.
As I already have said twice, I voted to apply pressure so CSPVG would talk, if he was paying attention and seen himself at -1 he would speak up. it seems to have worked.

Defending myself over and over for every little post I make is getting old. I am at the I don't give a shit point. Vote me don't vote me doesn't matter. I will just place my vote and every couple of days drop in a little post that says hi. Want to use that as an excuse to lynch me go for it, I don't really care anymore. Might be a good thing to lynch me so everyone can actually focus on finding the real scum instead of nit picking me to death.

Vote Krypsyn
trentonlf: Defending myself over and over for every little post I make is getting old. I am at the I don't give a shit point. Vote me don't vote me doesn't matter. I will just place my vote and every couple of days drop in a little post that says hi.
Nah, don't give up.

Although I understand where you're coming from. The day is going so badly that everybody is getting poked, and you more than most.

I, myself, am at a loss as to what to do next. I'm out of suspects I'm scumfortable with. (HA! Just coined that too. You can use it, but you may owe royalties.)

Taken at face value, CSPVG's last few posts do very little to convince me he is not scum.

CSPVG: As for my reads, I've been mulling over them since your question to me. I would, however, like to preface what I am about to write by saying that these are my 'soft' reads. In other words, these reads are based on my impressions and memories of the past two days, and that I have not gone back and reread the thread in order to see if these are one-hundred-percent accurate to everyone's actions in the game.
Well, that just fills me with confidence. Because, hey, why start reading now?

However, there is no counter-claim, and it’s hard to argue with that math. To believe he is scum now, you must either believe that there is no doctor in the game AND that scum somehow either knew that or thought it an appropriate gamble… or that there is a real doctor who is deciding to screw everything up for everybody by staying silent AND scum knew or gambled that would happen. The numbers just aren't there. With no counter-claim, I’m forced to concede the probability he’s town is too great to vote.

To make things worse, no fewer than three of the players on my town list made some questionable comments in the wake of the wagon/role claim:

DarkoD13: He didn't vote CSPVG. I believe it's a safe assumption that at least one scum is on CSPVG's wagon.
dedoporno: I also don't believe scum are able to communicate during the day. Otherwise we would have been in even more trouble than now.
Robbeasy: A claim from a desperate scum, for me. If he was town , he would have been hammered by now. The delay at L-1 says it all.
So here is my list. For now, I’m removing labels, and just ranking in general descending order of towniness:

yogsloth: ...
Scum love their bandwagons. You'll know when you've played as one. Or maybe you know that already.
Mind blown. Or whatever. I still like Vitek the most, but now HijacK has climbed up the ladder of scumminess a lot. I'll give my thoughts on the when I'm not watching TV shows. Soonish.
trentonlf: Defending myself over and over for every little post I make is getting old. I am at the I don't give a shit point. Vote me don't vote me doesn't matter. I will just place my vote and every couple of days drop in a little post that says hi. Want to use that as an excuse to lynch me go for it, I don't really care anymore. Might be a good thing to lynch me so everyone can actually focus on finding the real scum instead of nit picking me to death.
Don't give up. I hear you. This game is dragging on and I'm tired too. It's not much fun anymore.
I just noticed that we posted almost 800 posts in day #2 so far. That's ~200 more than the entire game #22.
I believe Telika's 2.5 days x number of players deadline rule is way too much and it's driving us to stagnation.
Nevertheless, please hang in there.
trentonlf: Defending myself over and over for every little post I make is getting old. I am at the I don't give a shit point.
Don't be like that, my friend. Remember that it's only a game. It does get a bit ugly every now and then, but I believe everyone here is aware of that and no one is immune. Do you remember what you told me before I signed up for #23 (my first mafia game ever)? "It can get frustrating sometimes when people gang up on you, but it's tons of fun nonetheless" - the wording is probably way off, since that was 2-3 months ago, but that was the general idea.

Anyway, my point was to not let your morale go down just because everyone seems to be breathing down your neck.

So... I may seem a bit like a dick here, kicking a dead horse (and I'm saying dead just because I think this is the correct idiom for this situation), but after CSPVG's claim Vitek kind of moved a bit back on my scum list. Not too much, he is still top 2, but now trent is on top. I really didn't like putting CSPVG at L-1 for making him talk. This is the natural way things happen anyway. Trent practically gave greenlight for his execution like this. It took others to actually give him time to react. If you are doing it only to make him talk you should be the one standing by to back off as soon as possible (if needed).

Anyway, you made him talk. That's cool and stuff, but you didn't really do much with that information afterwards. You didn't share your opinion whether or not you believe him. You only said he is either a great liar or the actual doctor, but that is pretty obvious.

So basically, trent didn't really move in my list, he mostly strengthened his spot and Vitek gained some points, resulting in trentonlf taking the spotlight right now.
Oh, yeah. My vote.

Unvote Vitek for now. I won't place it on trent yet, but these two guys are my top picks right now. No change in the other reads (except CSPVG is not neutral anymore, but Town - as I said, I believe his claim at the moment).
Vote Vitek

Some thoughts:

Robbeasy - I find some of his posts problematic and I'm not sure how to reply to some of his comments, but his position on the adalia wagon still manages to keep him on the town's side.
Trent - I still think he's town for several reasons, some of which I've already mentioned. His vote against CSPVG didn't help, but I can actually see why he would want to get on the wagon this time given the amount of pressure he got for unvoting adalia on Day 1.
yogsloth - Adalia's big Day 1 target. His first serious Day 1 post remains the scummiest thing I've seen so far from him. Given his newish status in the game, I can't blame him for voting CSPVG, his reasons seem valid. Still town for me.
HijacK - Adalia's big Day 1 fight. He baffles me. Probably the one person that has shifted the most on the scumminess meter for me. From an ill-thought strategy to his responses after CSPVG's claim, I'm still struggling to figure out if a scum would after a power role so aggressively. Not that CSPVG doesn't bear a huge part of the blame for his behavior, but still. Why is a doctor out of place in a "space opera" but a paranoid gun owner is OK? I'd probably vote for him at this point.
Vitek - The song remains the same. His unvote of CSPVG doesn't tell me anything one way or the other. It's just him being consistent. I still believe he's scum for reasons I've mentioned before. One of the two other (alive) people that have seen CSPVG pull pretty much the same needless early claim stunt a couple of games back (the other one being Robbeasy).
dedoporno: No change in the other reads (except CSPVG is not neutral anymore, but Town - as I said, I believe his claim at the moment).
As a matter of fact, scratch that. I'm not too fond of HijacK anymore, either. Still not as scummy as the top 2 contenders, but I didn't like the whole attitude on putting a target on CSPVG's back for some plan, that we still haven't heard anything else afterwards. Also, it looked weird how after the doctor claim HijacK seemed to bash CSPVG for the smallest thing (the pilot/ship mixup). Almost as if he got a bit too annoyed of that Doctor claim (maybe it put a wrench in the works of his plan) threw at CSPVG whatever was available then and there. Still, not as scummy, but noteworthy to say the least.
Thanks for the post.

That should read

DarkoD13: if a scum would go after a power role
Well, we sure are a morose bunch of blankety-blanks, aren’t we? (Well, some of you may be pretty happy…)

Here’s how I read the #1 candidate on everyone’s list, regardless of existing vote:

Player; Candidate; Post # for reference
yogsloth – HijacK - 1372
mrkgnao – unknown (Robbeasy still?)
DarkoD13 - Vitek - 1377
dedoporno - trentonlf - 1375
Vitek - unknown (DarkoD13?)
Robbeasy - (none) - 1351
trentonlf – Krypsyn - 1371
Krypsyn - DarkoD13 - (numerous posts going back days)
Sage103082 - trentonlf - 1373
CSPVG - HijacK - 1353
HijacK – CSPVG - 1346

No fewer than six names up there. This is still remarkable fragmentation. That's still insane fragmentation. Can anyone of the "vets" point me to a past game that was this bad? I'd like to study it. I feel like we're breaking futility records here. That said, I'm sure the list above isn't set in stone, so please, everyone feel free to give updated reads.

If nothing new breaks soon, I'll make a case all over again... if anybody will bother to read it.