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trentonlf: If anyone had hammered you before you had the chance to speak it would have been a scum who did it.
dedoporno: Which wouldn't automatically exonerate the one who gave them the hammer.
You seem to be insinuating that I am scum. I am not, not much else to say on the matter as I've already been over this and it's pointless for me to keep rehashing everything. If you have a specific question ask me, hinting at things is pointless too.
CSPVG: Yogsloth: How exactly did you stick your neck out to get the game started? I don't remember this at all. In fact, I feel that you are the player that has thus far contributed the least to the game, even though you've posted more frequently than some (myself included).
CSPVG: Last night I used my ability on yogsloth, as I felt that he may be a prime target for a night kill. This was because I felt that he had contributed well to the day one discussion, and as such may be a prime night kill candidate.
DarkoD13: Sorry to ask this again, but care to go over your case against Rob? I've always seen it as weak and I actually suspected you're a cop because of it.
My original suspicions of Robbeasy arose from nothing more than vague 'vibes'. We all, I think, have these intuitions about one another, and sometimes there may be a certain player we always feel leans towards scuminess. For Robbeasy (so much so that it has become a running joke) this usually appears to be nmillar. Rob is that person for me (sorry, Rob).

This 'vibe' made me look at everything Rob did as suspect, and so I took him to task over what I still feel could be very early busing of a fellow mafioso. This, I will admit, sounds ludicrous, but I felt it may be one of those 'so crazy it must be true' things.

This feeling was bolstered by mrk picking up on Rob's statement,"Do you see why I'm doing this?" I myself had not noted this, but regarded with my prior suspicions in mind, it seemed indicative to me of his scuminess.

Having given it some thought, I realised how ridiculous my initial busing claim seems. That being said, I cannot seem to override my initial impression of Rob, and there is still the matter of the,"Do you see why I'm doing this?" I feel that Rob hasn't explained why he said this well enough.
So, adalia's role claim never really swayed me. This one is different.

unvote CSPVG

Until I have some time (probably this afternoon) to work out the matrix on this one.
trentonlf: You seem to be insinuating that I am scum. I am not, not much else to say on the matter as I've already been over this and it's pointless for me to keep rehashing everything. If you have a specific question ask me, hinting at things is pointless too.
Well, nothing new there. I have said multiple times you are in my scum list since D1. I wasn't hinting at anything, I was saying that the hammer may or may not be scum, but since we most likely have more than one, pointing this out doesn't mean you are automatically town, because you "set" that potential trap. Also, if that was a trap, too, I don't appreciate throwing someone to the lions just to see who comes by.

As for CSPVG, this is either even better play than adaliabooks' or he is actually telling the truth. I'm more inclined to believe him, though and here is why.

Because of that ship model claim :) Brilliant play that ship model claim. Even if scum know their roles I think it's highly unlikely that they know their flavors (pilot names, ship models and ability details). I also don't believe scum are able to communicate during the day. Otherwise we would have been in even more trouble than now. This means that there is no way CSPVG would have known adaliabooks' role. To me it sounds very plausible that the two opposing inter-connected roles share the same ship model. After all the Strongman is the counter for the Doctor.
yogsloth: Thanks?
One is, as they say, crazy like a fox.
dedoporno: This means that there is no way CSPVG would have known adaliabooks' role.
This should read "ship model". I'm too excited and making even more mistakes than usual :)
One wise men said in the past: "You don't lynch uncoutnerclaimed doctor."

That person was very clever and so we should listen to it.
That person also wishes that our doctor played better and asks The Doctor for his reads.
CSPVG: One is, as they say, crazy like a fox.
Unless you have tentacles, you need to stop that.
dedoporno: To me it sounds very plausible that the two opposing inter-connected roles share the same ship model. After all the Strongman is the counter for the Doctor.
Yes. That has been my logic for quite some time now. I tried to dissuade the town from reaching this role claim, but my efforts have been foiled.

I believe CSPVG.
trentonlf: You seem to be insinuating that I am scum. I am not, not much else to say on the matter as I've already been over this and it's pointless for me to keep rehashing everything. If you have a specific question ask me, hinting at things is pointless too.
dedoporno: Well, nothing new there. I have said multiple times you are in my scum list since D1. I wasn't hinting at anything, I was saying that the hammer may or may not be scum, but since we most likely have more than one, pointing this out doesn't mean you are automatically town, because you "set" that potential trap. Also, if that was a trap, too, I don't appreciate throwing someone to the lions just to see who comes by.

As for CSPVG, this is either even better play than adaliabooks' or he is actually telling the truth. I'm more inclined to believe him, though and here is why.

Because of that ship model claim :) Brilliant play that ship model claim. Even if scum know their roles I think it's highly unlikely that they know their flavors (pilot names, ship models and ability details). I also don't believe scum are able to communicate during the day. Otherwise we would have been in even more trouble than now. This means that there is no way CSPVG would have known adaliabooks' role. To me it sounds very plausible that the two opposing inter-connected roles share the same ship model. After all the Strongman is the counter for the Doctor.
I was not throwing anyone to the lions, as I already said my point with the vote was to prod CSPVG to speak. Seems we have heard more from him now than anytime before in the game.

As for me being scum, I'll say again you're wrong. But since it seems you, mrkgnao, and CSPVG have it in your heads I am then go ahead and vote me, I'll proabanly get lynched. You'll be no closer to a victory, and will find out I was telling the complete truth on every aspect. All this dancing between everyone is getting us nowhere and I'm sure the scum are loving it, aren't you there Krypsyn.
trentonlf: As for me being scum, I'll say again you're wrong.
Bitch, I might be :) But I hope you realize and accept the fact that there is no way I can take only your own word for it.
Unvote Krypsyn
trentonlf: As for me being scum, I'll say again you're wrong.
dedoporno: Bitch, I might be :) But I hope you realize and accept the fact that there is no way I can take only your own word for it.
No, don't you remember - he role-claimed vanilla to prove he's town. *snicker* Just bustin' yer balls, trent.
BTW, (almost) totally unrelated, but I was at the Decapitated show last night. RIP Vitek. You were a hell of a drummer, but at least you can play Forum Mafia from the great beyond.