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Telika: VVitek
Typo maintained for posterity.
CSPVG: ...
Was the "one" supposed to mean something?
Good grief, it seems I can't put together one post without messing something up.

When I stated,"Yes, one* thinks so, too."

I meant to explain my use 'one' at the bottom of my post, but I became rather flustered and posted before I had added this bit to my post.

To answer Sage, however, my usage of one is something that I do a lot in RL, but have not really incorporated into my posts before this game. I am not really sure why I have begun to do so, but I have.

I do not think it is that common in American English, nor do I think it is still much used in British English, but as I understand it, one is used as a formal, gender neutral pronoun. There isn't much to it other than the fact that I like using it.
CSPVG: Good grief, it seems I can't put together one post without messing something up.

When I stated,"Yes, one* thinks so, too."

I meant to explain my use 'one' at the bottom of my post, but I became rather flustered and posted before I had added this bit to my post.

To answer Sage, however, my usage of one is something that I do a lot in RL, but have not really incorporated into my posts before this game. I am not really sure why I have begun to do so, but I have.

I do not think it is that common in American English, nor do I think it is still much used in British English, but as I understand it, one is used as a formal, gender neutral pronoun. There isn't much to it other than the fact that I like using it.
I hate you so much. :)

Robbeasy: ...
What do you think?
Robbeasy: I believe that puts him at L-1 actually.
My bad, I miscounted that we still need 7 votes. Now I don't like this even more.

Robbeasy: I am Bottomsup, an Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber, the Town Doctor.
Oooh! Development! Before something else happens I would like to ask yogsloth something. Did you feel something during N1? Let me make it clearer, did you receive a PM from Telika, similar to the one trentonlf claimed he did?
DarkoD13: I hate you so much. :)
I dislike myself just as much after writing,"...explain my use 'one' at the bottom of my post," when what I meant was, "...explain my use of 'one' at the bottom of my post," and now think that I shall go off and enact some sort of grave punishment on myself.
Post because dem misquotes.
And of course, the second quote in #1281 isn't Robbeasy's but CSPVG's.
trentonlf: Vote CSPVG

Now before anything is hammered I would like to hear from CSPVG.
dedoporno: Funny thing how you shoot first and ask questions later. Please, remind me, what happened the last time you said you want to hear from others before the hammer? If you really want to hear from CSPVG, is it really that good idea to put him at L-2?
I put CSPVG at L-1 when I voted to prod him to speak, seems to have worked.

Day one I said I wanted to hear from others before a lynch happened. Everyone did post and the lynch went through after CSPVG voted (he was the last to speak up), not sure what that matters at this point.

@CSPVG, as I said my whole point when I voted was to prod you to speak. If anyone had hammered you before you had the chance to speak it would have been a scum who did it.
Sorry, I made that "facepalm" comment immediately upon reading role claim, and hadn't seen anything below it.

No, I received zero flavor from moderator. But the way he has phrased it to us is that he "escorts" his target. Well written, so that if there is no nightkill attempt, there won't be any text, right?
CSPVG: ...
Sorry to ask this again, but care to go over your case against Rob? I've always seen it as weak and I actually suspected you're a cop because of it.
trentonlf: If anyone had hammered you before you had the chance to speak it would have been a scum who did it.
Which wouldn't automatically exonerate the one who gave them the hammer.
CSPVG: On to the claim, then. I am Bottomsup, an Iniurfas Mark IV fighterbomber, the Town Doctor. My flavour states that I have a rapid-fire target system and exceptional piloting skills, making me a good support fighter. I can choose to escort a specific target every night.

Last night I used my ability on yogsloth, as I felt that he may be a prime target for a night kill. This was because I felt that he had contributed well to the day one discussion, and as such may be a prime night kill candidate.
I am inclined to believe him.