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I know how scummy CSPVG looks, but I can't in good conscience vote for him. If necessary, I feel we could revisit his behavior Tomorrow.
The fact that Vitek has him as his prime suspect doesn't help. I also think the case against Robbeasy is weak, I wouldn't vote for him.

Vitek remains the only alternative to Krypsyn for me. His playstyle seems to have become increasingly lazy throughout the game. From his "let's lynch the lurker" to him mentioning different playstyles as a scum tell, but forgetting to mention that in his read of HijacK (and even considering that I had to mention myself that I had a different approach this time before he even tried to use it as an argument) he has steadily become more scummy in my eyes. He hasn't even bothered claiming words like "interesting" and "honestly" are scum tells. Those all seem very unlike him.
So he's the only person I would switch my vote to at the moment.
Just popped in to let you know my wife is returning today from a two-week family visit abroad. I will be spending the day with her rather than with you. I hope you're not too jealous.
I'll still try to post tonight.
Krypsyn, were you ever lynched as town?

Not too fond of HijacK's lurker lynch of CSPVG and I can't say I really see yog's case on Sage. I have not played with her yet, though, so might be missing it because of it but, I can't support it now.
I am also (obviously) baffled how many people find dedo firm town and personally I don't see where they are coming from at all.

I said what I find odd with your style, you then said that you are trying different approach. It's not like you came out all by yourself, (not that it would be different anyway) you mentioned after someone stated that he dislikes your play. I just see different approach to game as scummy and as excuse. Anyway, you dislike my new approach therefore you are more likely to be scum is pure OMGUS.
I don't see HijacK as trying different approach and I don't think he ever did.

Why would I claim "honestly" and "interesting" as scummy? Only because I did it some time in the past, it stuck with you and you used it on purpose in this game because of it? Have you also noticed that I haven't used it in recent games at all and even defended others when someone else tried it? You know why? Because I played a lot of games and it never proved for me to bear any weight.
Seriously, this is one of the most bullshit reasons you were able to come up with.

I find "getting progressively lazy" accusation both funny and outrageous. I barely paid any attention to the game during most of D1 and I finally started to play as D2 went on.

In case someone is interested I made stats in my laziness of how many mafia usually join lynchwagons. Link is here.
I made it with no agenda so I am not posting it here, but if we relate it to this game, it shows that statistically it is unlikely that both buddies were voting adalia but it is quite possible there was 1 of them. Not that it says us much, I only wanted to made it more appealing to check it. ;-)
Vitek: I am also (obviously) baffled how many people find dedo firm town and personally I don't see where they are coming from at all.
Hi Vitek! I'm hacking through your analysis of previous games. My head spins, but thanks for putting all that together.

I know I owe the group my CSPVG post, but quick detour - apologies, can you elaborate again your case against dedo? Or at least link to it?
Sage103082: I doubt you will ever see me pushing my opinion down someones throat to try to make them see my way on things. Check out my last two games and see if I ever tried to persuade anyone into voting a certain way or to change their mind on someone just because I felt a certain way. I will state my reasons for my feelings and posts and what I find off. If someone agrees or disagrees that is up to them. I find that scum would be the ones trying to persuade others into siding with them. Town should be going over the facts and discussing things.

Can you explain more how I am being bullied or what I have been forced to say? No there is no cockiness here I really would like to know. Yes, I have answered questions from others but why would I not?
Ooops, sorry, didn't mean to skip over this. I acknowledge this could all just be a feeling on my part born from playstyle differences, and not actual scum behavior. I only mention it to bring it forward for others to comment on.

Examples of being "bullied": Told to stop copying comments, did so. Told to post notes, did so. Challenged on nature of notes, gets a little defensive (post 1113, 1140). Note that I'm not especially bothered at your suspicion of me (after all, it's cordially mutual!), just wish you would take a stronger stance one way or the other and not feel like you have to re-justify everything you post. Again, this could just be our two playstyles in clash.
Vitek: Seriously, this is one of the most bullshit reasons you were able to come up with.
It was indeed, but it finally got a decent response out of you.

Vitek: @Darko;
I said what I find odd with your style, you then said that you are trying different approach. It's not like you came out all by yourself, (not that it would be different anyway) you mentioned after someone stated that he dislikes your play. I just see different approach to game as scummy and as excuse. Anyway, you dislike my new approach therefore you are more likely to be scum is pure OMGUS.
I don't see HijacK as trying different approach and I don't think he ever did.
So much bullshit. You never noticed there was anything different about me. I actually excused your analysis to mrkgnao by saying why my style could be perceived that the way you saw it, since he was insinuating you were sheeping Krypsyn. When did I ever say that you're scum because you dislike my new approach? Stop pulling stuff out of your ass, it's disgusting.
As for HijacK, I don't know what to say. I guess comments about having different personas in every game are open to interpretation. So it's not laziness as I saw it, it's another case of selective amnesia.

Vitek: Not too fond of HijacK's lurker lynch of CSPVG
Oh, the hypocrisy of this. Do you really not see why I have a problem wtih what you say in this game?

Vitek: If I was to vote someone right now, it would be Krypsyn, if only for his excessive lurkiness.
Do you really believe I would lynch him for it?

DarkoD13: It was indeed, but it finally got a decent response out of you.
It was bullshit but you tried to use it anyway?

DarkoD13: So much bullshit. You never noticed there was anything different about me.
And here I thought my problem with you was your play in this game.

yogsloth: I know I owe the group my CSPVG post, but quick detour - apologies, can you elaborate again your case against dedo? Or at least link to it?
He is not my top pick (3rd spot right now I would say).
But why I suspect him is for his , [url=]nolynch proposal, and how he comes up with suspect only when others mention them, without mentioning them before at all. , [url=]me, Krypsyn and Sage.
He also tried to avoid answering me and over-reacted quite a lot but I am not including that as it can be viewed as too subjective opinion. ;-)
Vitek: It was bullshit but you tried to use it anyway?
Yes. You've been tiptoeing through the tulips for days now, with most of your posts, even those that are kind of trying to build cases against people (myself included) ending with smiley faces. I know you hate it when people doubt your meta tells and was hoping that would provoke you to make a more serious response to the issues I have with you. I think it was worth it.

Vitek: Do you really believe I would lynch him for it?
Who are we talking about?
I find interesting (have one from me) how you were the one in background for so long, never voting and staying low and when 2 people mentioned you as scum you came out swinging against both of them, finally voting and even willing vote both of them.
Vitek: I find interesting (have one from me) how you were the one in background for so long, never voting and staying low and when 2 people mentioned you as scum you came out swinging against both of them, finally voting and even willing vote both of them.
I know, right?
DarkoD13: Who are we talking about?
yogsloth: I’m not bothered by Krypsyn voting in this position; I’m bothered by him not calling attention in his wagon-analysis post that he acknowledges it as a highly scum-likely position to be in. Instead, he glosses right over it by saying:

Krypsyn: ((After this point, I think it was inevitable that adaliabooks was going to get lynched. Folks were ready for the Day to end, and adaliabooks was the obvious target. For this reason, everyone else more of a shade of gray, whether or not they are on or off the wagon. Scum could have easily voted for adaliabooks here, guilt-free, or sat on the sidelines to let town do their dirty work.))
yogsloth: He could have been more direct about the fact that he, himself, was in the single most scum-likely spot on the wagon.
I wasn't 'direct' about it, because I don't believe it. As I said in your quote above, I think the positions after the 3rd vote are harder to get a read on. Adaliabooks was acting very scummy, so votes 4 through 7 are either townies agreeing or scum bussing; it is a toss up. The people who thought adaliaboosk was scummy but didn't vote are at least as much, if not more, interesting, as are folks that hopped off the wagon towards the end.

yogsloth: I read all three of the referenced posts and simply did not get it. I don’t see what he’s talking about here. But, fair enough, let’s say with experience and talent he sees things I do not, and believes those referenced posts to be scum-worthy.
I think DarkoD13 is scum, and I gave reasons why. It really has been like poking an ant's nest, which is interesting to me.

yogsloth: He quickly changes his vote to Vitek – for what literally appears to be no reason.

Then just as quickly changes it back to Darko… again for some cryptic reason. (Dragon points? Barbed wire?)

Here. At the end.

Vitek: Krypsyn, were you ever lynched as town?
On GOG forum? I can't remember ever being lynched, period. If I have been, it wasn't recent, at any rate.
Vitek: nmillar.

Oops, missed a quote on the previous post:

"Then just as quickly changes it back to Darko… again for some cryptic reason. (Dragon points? Barbed wire?)" should be attributed to yogsloth, and my next line a response to it.

Also, the relevant part of post 1203 isn't just at the end, it is the entire thing, my mistake.
Vitek: role-fishing
Wow, role-fishing. Nice! Let me use your approach here. You never accused me of this on D1, how come you bring it up now?

Please, refrain from putting words in other people's... well, posts. I have never proposed such a thing. I said I would consider in that specific moment. Let me use your approach here. Please, provide evidence where I proposed no lynch. Thank you.