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Telika: You spiral between enemy fighters, warships and projectile sprays, but your mind races about what happened to the Telika and what it implies. Reactions fill up the comm channel, but at this point it is just knee-jerk suspicions based on personalities and relations. As you stabilise your trajectory in a vast curve, you decide to start thinking about it more rationally and analytically...

Hijack has 1 vote, from DarkoD13
Trentonlf has 1 vote, from Krypsyn
Yogsloth has 1 vote, from Robbeasy
Sage103082 has 1 vote, from Vitek
Krypsyn has 1 vote, from Trentonlf
DarkoD13 has 1 vote, from Adaliabooks

Vitek, Robbeasy, Mrkgnao, Adaliabooks, CSPVG and Dedopono have no votes.
HijacK, Yogsloth, Mrkgnao, Sage103082, Flubbucket, CSPVG and Dedoporno are not voting.

With 13 active players, a lynch is decided at 7 votes.
Flubbucket has voted for his nutjob wife (post #17).
mrkgnao: Flubbucket has voted for his nutjob wife (post #17).
Yeah but he didn't tell me which one of you it is.

Clearly that was supposed to be:

Unvote DarkoD13

Teach me to post while playing Defenders Quest.
mrkgnao: Flubbucket has voted for his nutjob wife (post #17).
Telika: Yeah but he didn't tell me which one of you it is.
I suggested in post #27 that it must be Robbeasy and he didn't object. 'Nough said.
OK, so here's the thing.

I'm about to go offline for the day (and won't have too much access tomorrow, two baseball games, hockey practice, and family engagement), so the second day of this game in pretty much in the can, and there's been f***-all happening thus far. This is a game, and I play all games to have fun. I didn't sit at this poker table to stare at my cards and not bid, and I didn't go to this junior high prom so I could stand against the walls drinking punch. So, at possibly great risk to myself, I would like to just get something... anything started in terms of getting the game rolling. So here's my idea:

Since I'm still pretty new, I'm wondering what everyone thinks of the difference between a "role madness" game like we just saw in #23 and a more "standard" game... and what you think we have here. In my opinion, the madness games are a bit cluttered, but have more potential for fun if well-balanced. Game #23 I thought had a little too much going on, but the Masons made it interesting to the end. I'm guessing just from the flavor of this game (which I love, by the way) this will be more standard (I don't know how various roles would fit onto ships in a dogfight), but of course, I have very little real information to go on for that.

In fact, all we've got so far in two days of the usual "talk about nothing, oh btw, I'm town" herp-a-derp is Flub's "vanilla" avatar. (Sage and I also changed avatars, but hers is to Roger Wilco which is hardly informational, and mine is just a cool Alien dude.) Since that role claim is all we have, that's the only starting point.

Note that this is NOT an invitation to role claim. In fact, don't do that. This is just to start the ball rolling and get a sense of where we find ourselves.

If I'm privileged enough to get to play more Mafia games, you'll probably find this is my style - I don't want to be a complete wallflower, just hoping nobody notices me... that's utterly boring. Let's get this party started one way or the other!
yogsloth: ...
I'm all for getting the ball rolling and getting on with things, but we don't really have much to get on with at the moment.

The only 'clue' that's really come out is flubs possible vanilla claim. But assuming we take that at face value (which doesn't seem like the best idea) is he vanilla town or vanilla scum?

We rushed into things a little last game and lynched HijacK, and look where that got us: three townies dead after night one. Now I don't know whether we'll have anything like lovers in this game, but we really don't want to make that mistake again and I for one want a bit more information before we just start lynching people.
Totally agree. I am not pointing any suspicion at anyone, because how could we? The purpose of my lengthy post above is to get people talking to we can add some information. If all anyone ever posts about is video games and random merda there will never be any information and every (eventual) vote will be random.
yogsloth: So, at possibly great risk to myself, I would like to just get something... anything started in terms of getting the game rolling. So here's my idea:

Since I'm still pretty new, I'm wondering what everyone thinks of the difference between a "role madness" game like we just saw in #23 and a more "standard" game... and what you think we have here. I'm guessing just from the flavor of this game (which I love, by the way) this will be more standard (I don't know how various roles would fit onto ships in a dogfight), but of course, I have very little real information to go on for that.
I am glad you posted this. I believe sharing information (which is indeed usually not the same as role claiming) is the primary way for the town to win. I read your post as very pro-town.

That said, I have a problem with your question of comparing this game to a role madness game. Each of us knows only his or her role (or lack thereof). The fact that you asked this question leads me to believe that you might well be vanilla, for otherwise why would you think this is not another role madness game?

I am not at all sure the flavour precludes role madness. We could have a hospital ship, a spy ship, a jail ship, etc.

I too have been wracking my brains how to get this day moving.
In game #22 it got moving when I placed the second vote on SentinelWolf (riding on an RVS), but that was because I was a wolf and didn't really care who got lynched and because almost everybody was new and raring to go.
In game #23 it got moving when I wrongly accused HijacK about the "bullies" comment and quite a few people joined because of HijacK's self-proclaimed trolling. But HijacK has been real good (too good?) so far. And nobody has made any false move yet that I could detect.

I don't think I will repeat this pattern a third time.
mrkgnao: But HijacK has been real good (too good?) so far. And nobody has made any false move yet that I could detect.
I noticed the same thing. Based on what players from #22 said, HijacK's attitude and play-style was pretty similar in both #22 and #23, where he was pretty aggressive and cocky. Everyone, including himself, said that this is the way he plays the game. But I don't see this now and am wondering what does that mean, if anything... But this time around I would also prefer to not be too fast to judge and sign death warrants.
mrkgnao: But HijacK has been real good (too good?) so far. And nobody has made any false move yet that I could detect.
dedoporno: I noticed the same thing. Based on what players from #22 said, HijacK's attitude and play-style was pretty similar in both #22 and #23, where he was pretty aggressive and cocky. Everyone, including himself, said that this is the way he plays the game. But I don't see this now and am wondering what does that mean, if anything... But this time around I would also prefer to not be too fast to judge and sign death warrants.
I don't know whether you've read the observer thread in game #23, but HijacK was pretty active there in much the same way he had been in day #1 of game #23, and a few of the other participants tried to show him "the error of his ways". Perhaps they convinced him to be try an alternative. Or perhaps he needs to make sure he survives to game end this time.

HijacK, care to comment?
adaliabooks: I'm a train. Chu chu!
I sense false-claim. :-)

DarkoD13: How come you knew that HijacK's avatar was an orc, yet you didn't pick up on the whole vanilla discussion and flub's avatar?
Because I am dork and haven't realised at all it was about avatars. I mentioned other after it got explained. I also examined HijacK's avatar in the past already so I knew what's on it.

Krypsyn: Only before?
Yeah. I haven't played any game after. I am not sure why. 0:-)

yogsloth: Totally agree. I am not pointing any suspicion at anyone, because how could we?.

mrkgnao: HijacK, care to comment?
Would you like him to act the same way as last time?
mrkgnao: I don't know whether you've read the observer thread in game #23, but HijacK was pretty active there in much the same way he had been in day #1 of game #23, and a few of the other participants tried to show him "the error of his ways". Perhaps they convinced him to be try an alternative. Or perhaps he needs to make sure he survives to game end this time.

HijacK, care to comment?
I did read it and talked to others and this is the only reason I don't really want to rush things in this direction.
yogsloth: Game #23 I thought had a little too much going on, but the Masons made it interesting to the end.
Too much going on? No such thing.
The fact that yogsloth was asking if we thought this might be another role madness game makes it seem as if he has a role and is trying to prode others to see if they do too. And if you have a role it's not advisable to point that out as it makes you look scummy. Anyone else think this might be the case?
trentonlf: The fact that yogsloth was asking if we thought this might be another role madness game makes it seem as if he has a role and is trying to prode others to see if they do too. And if you have a role it's not advisable to point that out as it makes you look scummy. Anyone else think this might be the case?
Scum can easily hide behind such a "innocent" question in order to gin clues as to who might have a power role among town. My advise to everyone is take every post with a grain of salt. It's easy to sugar coat things.