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mrkgnao: - Robbeasy
No change. I slightly modified my read of the day #1 events concerning him and adalia, but I won't bother anyone with the details, as I don't believe there's much interest at the moment.
Sage103082: Not sure I like the last sentence. You mentioned Yogs talking and posting is a good thing as it gets everyone talking, But you do not want to explain what changed in your review of Rob. Why? Other then you feel no one is interested. You are normally very open to talking about your feeling and reasoning. not sure why the sudden change here.
By all means, if you're interested. I now tend to believe that Robbeasy's first vote (the "train" one) may not have been a bussing attempt but rather an attempt to distance himself from adalia, an attempt that may have gone wrong when adalia misunderstood or panicked. After adalia became entangled and suspected by many, Robbeasy's second vote was the real bussing. It's still based primarily on the "Can you see why I'm doing this?" comment.

P.S. Been out and about all day. Still need to read the Darko chronicles, as promised, but given Krypsyn's wierd behaviour I presume it's all a red herring.
Sage103082: I was just working on going back to see Viteks opinion on Hijack change
That he's a smart & fancy persian?
Next game I'll try CSPVG's playstyle and see how much controversy can that stir.
OK. I reread all of Darko's posts and couldn't find anything to convince me of Krypsyn's reading. Given Krypsyn's bizarre behaviour, I get a feeling that I had volunteered for a wild goose chase.

Anyhow, since I've done all the reading and while waiting for Krypsyn's next move, I might as well ask you some questions, Darko, mostly to feed my curiosity:

In post #151 you write: "but I do have someone I'm fairly certain they're town"
I asked you about it back then and you wouldn't answer. Care to answer now (even if you no longer hold that opinion)?

In post #193 you write: "from my own past games I did tend to be somewhat more aggressive as town"
How would you rate your game so far, aggressiveness-wise?

In post #272 you write: "If Vitek and Krypsyn are in cahoots (scum) as you say, we're doomed"
Do you still think we're doomed if that is the case?

In post #824 you write: "But if I had to name my suspects now, they would be Dedo and Sage"
Throughout most of day #2 (before and after this post) you focus has been on Vitek (because of the adalia interaction and the lynch all lurkers approach, I believe), yet when you come to post this (your non-gradient list), you do not name him as suspect. How come?

In post #1168 you write: "I'm trying a more JMichian approach to the game"
Since all I ever did with JMich in the games I played with him was kill him bright and early, what is a "JMichian approach"?

Red herring of the day: Flubbucket has a new avatar with #723 on it.
Sage103082: Not sure about everyone else but I am piloting a ship..
Vitek: Does your spaceship has any name? Because mine does. ;-) (I am not talking about class)
This is post #723. Now, let's analyse.
Very busy weekend with baby's grandparents. I'll be back this evening and I'll try to go back and read more on the more interesting people right now and share my thoughts.

Just a quick note - so far I see a couple of people disappointed at how disorganized and divided we are, and how we need to get together because this is bad, no lynch sucks, blah blah blah. And yet everyone seems to end their posts with something along the lines of "Yeah, I won't change my vote". Succeeding in this predicament will require some compromises. If everyone is playing their own game, the only thing we'll succeed in is to get picked one by one until there are none.
I was just joking with flub avatar and I really hope it is no in no way related to this game anymore. That would be clearly against rules.
Robbeasy: AAaargh!

The mafia are laughing their socks off people - we are fractured and nowhere near getting a consensus on who to lynch next.

Mafia love this sort of thing - anyone coming up with any sort of theory at this point can be picked apart and confusion reigns - this is where the first night kill of Flubbucket comes good. Because he left little to go on he was an ideal target.

Now we have to pull together and make some decisions. My vote is on CSPVG and will not move. Me and him (and mrkgnao) have been at loggerheads all day. When you have two factions going at it like that its a good idea to sort it out early. As I have already said, and as a confirmation that I'm not trying anything on, I'm happy to get lynched myself, as I think the information revealed, and the way day 2 has panned out means I'm confident the remaining town players will be able to sort the scum form the town.

We need to do something and soon, or we are drifting towards a no-lynch on day 2, which is a disaster...
trentonlf: What is your opinion on Krypsyn and his odd behavior?
I understand your suspicion of CSPVG and mrkgnao. I also don't believe their theory, but I find Krypsyn's behavior odd too and would like your opinion.

I lay out my impression of him and he makes a princess joke.
Darko calls him a liar, and Krypsyn makes a joke.
His, what I believe to be, false accusations against Darko.

I believe his erratic behavior can't be his normal play.

I will agree to come to a consensus for a lynch as we can not have a no lynch, the scum only benefit from that. But, I would like others thoughts on Krypsyn before I consider changing my vote.
Krypsyns behaviour doesn't actually strike me as that odd to be honest - and some of his earlier posts were well thought out and had some good points in. At this point I wouldn't be willing to shift my vote, but as deadline gets closer I would do anything other than no-lynch, of course. I still think CSPVG is an excellent candidate for lynch!

@mrkgnao - so basically you are hanging your whole theory on me 'bussing' adalia on the one phrase 'Can you see why I'm doing this?'

no matter its first day and illogical to buss someone who had no other pressure on them.

no matter that I'm bussing the strongest role Mafia is likely to get.

no matter that I didn't waver all day.

no matter that I explained the phrase - I was trying to provoke further response from Adalia. Let me be clear - I knew my PM had me piloting a spaceship called 'Robbeasy'. Vitek said 'I am spaceship', which matched my PM, but adalia immediately came out with 'I am Train'. This rang alarm bells because it looked to me like adalia might have had a different sort of PM. The 'Can you see why I'm doing this' was a further prod at him - i was after a response confirming or expressing further puzzlement at Viteks 'I am spaceship'.

But meh - I've explained it enough, you either believe it or not.
mrkgnao: In post #151 you write: "but I do have someone I'm fairly certain they're town"
I asked you about it back then and you wouldn't answer. Care to answer now (even if you no longer hold that opinion)?
That was flub, I mentioned him in a later reads post.

In post #193 you write: "from my own past games I did tend to be somewhat more aggressive as town"
How would you rate your game so far, aggressiveness-wise?
Mild-mannered, with the exception of a reply to Krypsyn. Which is kind of how my previous game went, until I started fighting with flub. None of them compares to my first game though (town cop), where I was doing a bit of RP and ended up being more aggressive than I liked.

If you're feeling adventurous: (town cop) (mafia commuter) (town cop+2-shot vigilante)
There is also the Assassin in the Palace game, but it's more of an anomaly.

In post #272 you write: "If Vitek and Krypsyn are in cahoots (scum) as you say, we're doomed"
Do you still think we're doomed if that is the case?
Yes. Veteran players are a bunch of weirdos. They're like Mick Jagger, they've tried everything by now.

In post #824 you write: "But if I had to name my suspects now, they would be Dedo and Sage"
Throughout most of day #2 (before and after this post) you focus has been on Vitek (because of the adalia interaction and the lynch all lurkers approach, I believe), yet when you come to post this (your non-gradient list), you do not name him as suspect. How come?
It was a weak case based solely on something adalia did. It was marginally enough to convince me and I didn't expect anyone else to share my suspicions on something my suspect didn't do. Then he butted heads with Dedo, which was so townish of him. But then he wrote his "meh, whatever, let's lynch the lurker" post and got back on my radar, big time, putting Dedo on the backburner. Then Krypsyn came and threw Sage out the window.

In post #1168 you write: "I'm trying a more JMichian approach to the game"
Since all I ever did with JMich in the games I played with him was kill him bright and early, what is a "JMichian approach"?
Disclaimer: This is how I perceive JMich, it's not necessarily how JMich is.
Questioning others and giving facts, trying to see if anyone breaks. And I'm glad I did, because I believe it helped in establishing adalia's eagerness to backtrack.
Flub, you glorious SOB.
Flub 672. This is against the rules, right?
Robbeasy: Krypsyns behaviour doesn't actually strike me as that odd to be honest - and some of his earlier posts were well thought out and had some good points in. At this point I wouldn't be willing to shift my vote, but as deadline gets closer I would do anything other than no-lynch, of course. I still think CSPVG is an excellent candidate for lynch!
I agree with you that his readings were well thought-out and very characteristic of him. However, shifting his vote back and forth between Darko and Vitek is not something I associate with him (but I played only one game with him). It's more something I would expect from you. I was thinking that this was some kind of trap he was trying, like when he voted CSPVG on day #1 without mentioning any reason (#238 + #298). I had previously disrupted his "trap" by asking about it (#274 + #278). I don't know whether I'm doing it again, but since it's been already three days since it began, I allow myself to mention it.

Robbeasy: @mrkgnao - so basically you are hanging your whole theory on me 'bussing' adalia on the one phrase 'Can you see why I'm doing this?'
Yes. I freely admit that the cases against all three of my suspected scum are not particulry strong (which is why all three are "tend to scum", not "strong scum"). But if I look around I don't see anyone making a significantly stronger case, which is why our combined scum list has eleven names on it. I certainly think that your case against CSPVG is weaker (Vitek's case is somewhat more substantial).

This dependence on one sentence or even one word has been my method all along. It worked twice (popperik and trenton+budejovice) and failed once (HijacK+JMich). Time shall tell whether I'm 3-for-1 or 2-for-2.

BTW, I'm not the only one using this method. I remember a game ages ago (perhaps Vitek could dig it up) where someone has made a "case" against another based on an "I'm train" joke.

Robbeasy: no matter its first day and illogical to buss someone who had no other pressure on them.
I already mentioned that I now think that your first vote was a distancing attempt gone wrong. When you placed your second vote, adaliabooks was anything but with "no other pressure on them".

Robbeasy: no matter that I'm bussing the strongest role Mafia is likely to get.
I already mentioned that I subscribe to Vitek's analysis that, based on Telika's previous game, it's likely that the scum did not know adalia's role during day #1.

Robbeasy: no matter that I didn't waver all day.
Except that you did. You removed your first vote on him.

Robbeasy: no matter that I explained the phrase - I was trying to provoke further response from Adalia. Let me be clear - I knew my PM had me piloting a spaceship called 'Robbeasy'. Vitek said 'I am spaceship', which matched my PM, but adalia immediately came out with 'I am Train'. This rang alarm bells because it looked to me like adalia might have had a different sort of PM. The 'Can you see why I'm doing this' was a further prod at him - i was after a response confirming or expressing further puzzlement at Viteks 'I am spaceship'.
I didn't really expect you to say "Wow! mrkgnao is right! I am scum!". I don't seem to remember anyone in any game that was unable to explain his behaviour, yet some were scum (and some were town).

Robbeasy: But meh - I've explained it enough, you either believe it or not.
I'm like a nail. The more you hammer on me, the more embedded I become, for better or worse.
I do hope you're scum. I hate to have wasted all this electronic ink on a townie.

Red herring of the day: Flubbucket has a new avatar with #672 on it.
Wouldn't it be nice if he had one with the number of a future post then we'll see who lands on it.
yogsloth: Flub 672. This is against the rules, right?
I think this is fun. Like an electronic Ouija board. I hope he continues. I miss Flub's humour.
mrkgnao: I now tend to believe that Robbeasy's first vote (the "train" one) may not have been a bussing attempt but rather an attempt to distance himself from adalia, an attempt that may have gone wrong when adalia misunderstood or panicked. After adalia became entangled and suspected by many, Robbeasy's second vote was the real bussing. It's still based primarily on the "Can you see why I'm doing this?" comment.
You know, yog's accusations are too based on a bussing theory. Which makes me wonder, how come both of you use the same basis for your supposed suspects. Seems to me like you're trying the waters and see what sticks.
Can we have a vote count please and a time frame.

I'm pretty sure we have plenty of time to discuss our options instead of rushing to lynch someone, not sure why Robb is pushing so hard. It makes it seem as if he wants a lynch NOW. But. I do agree that a no lynch is not an option for us to consider.