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I went to re-read but it went slower than I expected. Could be because in the middle of it I went to read other game and read almost half of it. Now I am already falling asleep

So far I went through D1 only but I see nothing wrong with either yogsloth or Hijack and nothing suggests they are mafia.

My opinion about CSPVG worsened a lot through the read. He is his usual lurky self but there are some posts I don't like and will find it tomorrow because I am airhead. There is also this one, where he tried to derail adalia's wagon.
Also, I, for one, did not suspect CSPVG is PR at all, so, if I am scum and he indeed is PR, thanks for ponting me the right way.

I also am still not fan of Krypsyn. This time I am adding seemingly stupid reason. He is too nice to me. He is nice to me only when he is mafia. :-)

trent got few +town points through the read as well, but not much (I don't even remember why already). I still don't feel it about him. (then I read his last post (1000) and died of dysentry).
Mrkgnao got few for whatever reason as well.

There is one more thing that slips my mind right now.
Stay tuned for new episode.
Coming up: Someone and someone else.(Darko perhaps)
I'm going to bed now since it's 3:30AM here, but here is a quick list of my views for everyone here.

Vitek - leaning scum. Nothing new since last time I shared my views. No one seems to pay too much attention to them, but I'll stick to my vote until a more interesting option emerges.

Trentonlf - leaning scum. Play-style seems way too similar to G23. I don't really like the vanilla claim and I'm not 100% sold on his night episode. Scummy vibes.


Darko - mostly town. This is the guy I'm most inclined to count as town. The way he interacts with others and works his way around and tries to fish for information seems really genuine. Let's hope this doesn't change at a later stage.

Mrkgnao - leaning town. Nothing much to say, his play seems pretty pro-town to me. His scum-hunting seems pretty legit. I'm not sold on the double team with CSPVG. Yet.


Robbeasy - neutral to town. The only uneasyness I have with him right now is the "Do you see why..." comment to adalia. I'm not really sold on the bussing, but I acknowledge it and keep an open mind.

Yogsloth - neutral to town. I had him leaning town before, but lately he has slipped a bit. Nothing too much other than his decreased efficiency on D2 (which seems to go around lol).

HijacK - neutral to town. I had him leaning town, but I can't say I like his latest gamble with CSPVG's wellbeing regardless of the result.


CSPVG - neutral. I'm at a dilemma with him. I want to go both ways equally hard so I'm stuck at the dead center. I'm very curious on what he will flip when the moment comes.


Krypsyn - neutral to scum. No idea whatsoever. I have known him only as a moderator, so I can't even try to meta read him, but I don't appreaciate him non taking part for so long, considering he is one of the more experienced players and should be a good asset if he's on our side.

Sage - neutral, very very very slightly to scum. The reason she is slightly scummy in my eyes is pretty flimsy and I don't pay too much attention on it, but it is still there.

She isn't too active this game, but when she posts she makes points that seems pretty pro-town. My problem is that some (not most, some) of these points aren't that new or the tone for them was already set by someone else, so she seems to be piggy-backing in order to appear more town. Of, course this can just be coincidence and it's quite possible that she actually shares opinions with others, but still.

In addition (and this is both the more concerning and, at the same time, more far-fetched reason) she seems way more confident and sure-footed when she doesn't post IRL stuff that's irrelevant to the game. Last game she appeared way more timid and indecisive. The scum actually managed to get her pretty confused for a good while until she went all-in and ultimately made the right decision. Where does this confidence come from? Could it be that she has more information to work with and most of the townies are battling between themselves, making it easy to look from above and pull the occasional string? No idea. As I said - flimsy as f*ck.

That's pretty much it so far. Logging out for a while.
HijacK: Just ask yourself one simple question: Since when do scans look like attacks that haven't broken the heavy armor of the ship? I know Telika likes to troll and all, but I don't this is the case.
When they are LIDAR. In this case, trentonlf could possibly get a PM that he was targeted by weak weaponry (aka scanning lasers). I looked over the OP and my PM, and I don't see mention of what sort of weapons we are using, so lasers are certainly possible (this is a setting with spaceships, after all, and they generally have the pew pews).

I was more interested in how you totally refused to acknowledge any other possibility. Not once, but twice.
HijacK: Just ask yourself one simple question: Since when do scans look like attacks that haven't broken the heavy armor of the ship? I know Telika likes to troll and all, but I don't this is the case.
Krypsyn: When they are LIDAR. In this case, trentonlf could possibly get a PM that he was targeted by weak weaponry (aka scanning lasers). I looked over the OP and my PM, and I don't see mention of what sort of weapons we are using, so lasers are certainly possible (this is a setting with spaceships, after all, and they generally have the pew pews).

I was more interested in how you totally refused to acknowledge any other possibility. Not once, but twice.
Wow! You're right! I didn't think of it!

trentonlf's summary reads: "I would also mention that during the night phase I was fired upon but it did not cause me any harm as whoever did it used light weaponry that could not pierce my light armor.".

What it actually says, I bet, is "whoever did it used illumination weaponry that could not pierce my non-heavy armor".

You're a genius. I wish you spent a bit more time here.
Telika, you're a genius too.
mrkgnao: You're a genius. I wish you spent a bit more time here.
Currently I am reading through Day 2 posts. I took a break at post 700 earlier today (when I asked HijacK about his posts). The break took a little longer than anticipated, and I came back a bit ago and am up to post 800 currently. I have enough to write up a reads post right this very second, but I am now making my through the posts I have barely read (the ones from over the weekend). There are a lot of posts left that might change my mind about a few people.

I'll either have a post with all my reads later tonight or tomorrow. Sorry to make everyone wait even longer, but I don't want to do this by halves if I can help it.
HijacK: Just ask yourself one simple question: Since when do scans look like attacks that haven't broken the heavy armor of the ship? I know Telika likes to troll and all, but I don't this is the case.
Krypsyn: When they are LIDAR. In this case, trentonlf could possibly get a PM that he was targeted by weak weaponry (aka scanning lasers). I looked over the OP and my PM, and I don't see mention of what sort of weapons we are using, so lasers are certainly possible (this is a setting with spaceships, after all, and they generally have the pew pews).

I was more interested in how you totally refused to acknowledge any other possibility. Not once, but twice.
I had no idea such thing even exists. And it does actually explain the correlation between the attack and armor.
Vitek: Also, I, for one, did not suspect CSPVG is PR at all, so, if I am scum and he indeed is PR, thanks for ponting me the right way.
You just had to ruin the party, didn't you?
HijacK: I had no idea such thing even exists. And it does actually explain the correlation between the attack and armor.
I don't like this response. Don't worry, it isn't about you, it is about me. Gonna be blunt, you are possibly the player that is giving me the hardest time to make a read on (CSPVG is a close second, Sage103082 third). Your response is entirely too dang reasonable, and I am not sure how to take it.
Wow, you guys kept busy. Why?
Too late for all this, tomorrow.
I tell you one thing, with the spotlight now on CSPVG as possibly/probably having a "power role", it makes life very difficult for the Town Doctor. I am not he, but I'm sure he exists. (or she :) )

What do you do in this situation? mrk says CSPVG's death warrant is signed for nightkill. I don't think so, because if you are the doctor, you can protect him, right? There is almost certainly no more unblockable mafia in the game, so the doctor is a very powerful town role.

Except that now that this information has been forced into the open, scum will be expecting the doctor to protect CSPVG, so will go doctor-hunting elsewhere during the nightkill. CSPVG will certainly survive the night because of this, right? I mean, scum won't ever target CSPVG now, because they know the doctor will be in play here, so hmmm, I guess he'll keep on surviving.

So what do you do if you're the doctor? Use your protection night after night on CSPVG, who will miraculously survive every night, no doubt due exclusively to your efforts? Or use your power elsewhere and roll the dice? Perhaps having this damned if you do, damned if you don't situation forced upon you, while we all discuss it, you'll slip up while trying to decide and accidentally reveal yourself.

Town, aren't you so glad this conundrum was forced upon us?
HijacK: I had no idea such thing even exists. And it does actually explain the correlation between the attack and armor.
Krypsyn: I don't like this response. Don't worry, it isn't about you, it is about me. Gonna be blunt, you are possibly the player that is giving me the hardest time to make a read on (CSPVG is a close second, Sage103082 third). Your response is entirely too dang reasonable, and I am not sure how to take it.
That's because it is a genuine thought. I had no idea such thing literally existed, and in Physics classes we never really went deep into lasers, not even during the Optics chapter.
yogsloth: Town, aren't you so glad this conundrum was forced upon us?

yogsloth: I tell you one thing, with the spotlight now on CSPVG as possibly/probably having a "power role", it makes life very difficult for the Town Doctor. I am not he, but I'm sure he exists. (or she :) )

What do you do in this situation? mrk says CSPVG's death warrant is signed for nightkill. I don't think so, because if you are the doctor, you can protect him, right? There is almost certainly no more unblockable mafia in the game, so the doctor is a very powerful town role.

Except that now that this information has been forced into the open, scum will be expecting the doctor to protect CSPVG, so will go doctor-hunting elsewhere during the nightkill. CSPVG will certainly survive the night because of this, right? I mean, scum won't ever target CSPVG now, because they know the doctor will be in play here, so hmmm, I guess he'll keep on surviving.

So what do you do if you're the doctor? Use your protection night after night on CSPVG, who will miraculously survive every night, no doubt due exclusively to your efforts? Or use your power elsewhere and roll the dice? Perhaps having this damned if you do, damned if you don't situation forced upon you, while we all discuss it, you'll slip up while trying to decide and accidentally reveal yourself.

Town, aren't you so glad this conundrum was forced upon us?
Nobody made anyone take any action outside of me wanting to hear CSPVG's role claim. Why do you suddenly go Doctor hunting with this statement? It literally stands here as a bait to the actual Doctor. You basically try to inflict confusion in him and hope it will be obvious through his posts. Conundrum is what you are doing to the Doctor, assuming he even exists now that we see trent's flavor PM in another light.
HijacK: That's because it is a genuine thought. I had no idea such thing literally existed, and in Physics classes we never really went deep into lasers, not even during the Optics chapter.
Yeah, that was my impression. You didn't get defensive or try to attack my reasoning or anything else. You just admitted I might have a point. It is a valid response, it just leaves me back at square one, where you are concerned.

Also, sorry if that link above takes anybody by surprise, it is just the first meme that popped into my head when I read yogsloth's post. Beer may or may not be (it definitely is) involved.